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Forums » Developer's Archive » INTERVIEW: Adrian 'Flash'

A cold wind blew through the open doorway. In stepped Latesha Flynn, bundled up in a mahogany coat and a matching beanie. She quickly flung the snow from her brown boots as she closed the door behind her, and secured the door's three latches.

The cabin, almost isolated from society, was the perfect place for a security nut like Latesha to conduct an interview. A large main room, with the standard wooden walls, some armchairs near the stuffy fireplace...this was cozy as she would allow it. There were no surveillance cameras or bugs that she planted in here, nor fellow security personnel stationed in the immediate vicinity; the downside was that only her quick thinking, and perhaps that knife in her boot, could prevent unruly interviewees from attacking her.

Latesha hung her mahogany coat over one of the empty armchairs near the bright fireplace. A blue turtleneck and grey ski pants remained on her; she would have to do recon down the mountain once this interview was over.

"Well, then," Latesha began, sitting down at her armchair, facing the interviewee. "Thank you for coming here this afternoon. I hope you haven't had too hard of a time with the weather up here; more snow than usual."

Instead of a pen or paper like normal interviewers would have, Latesha took out her small touchscreen tablet device from her coat pocket. After tapping the screen several times, the resulting glow lighting her brown-skinned face up, she looked towards the interviewee once more. "Alright, I'm all set for notes. First of all, how did you find out about the Franchise?"
Adrian tried to get as early as he could. The only thing that was partially changed in his outfit was his cloak which was zipped up, hiding his body and neck. For the mage, the choice for a place to be interviewed wasn't really unusual- it even revived some memories of adventures he had in other worlds
As the ravenhead made himself comfortable in the chair he replied, crossing his legs
- Well... How did I found out 'bout it? As I, uhm, came to the nearby city I had to stay somewhere so I wouldn't have any problems. I didn't have much money with me so checking in the hostel was the best idea.And then,- Adrian shrugged his shoulders,-... found your ad at the reception desk's billboard. I just didn't know that I'll have to move, like, more than ten kilometers outside the city.

The Mage wasn't worrying except for one thing. He felt that he had to hide the fact that he is not from this world. Just for his butt's safety
"Well, if you're talking about the interview site, we are extremely concerned for your security, as well as our own," Latesha clarified. "This is the most secluded spot nearby for miles, and I apologize for having to drag you out here in the afternoon. Should you happen to get the job, however, you'll find that you can travel as much or as little as you like."

Tap tap tapping on her tablet, Latesha continued, "Tell me some more about yourself. Where'd you come from before getting here?"
Adrian smirked, thinking about his possibilities to earn something before or maybe while doing the main job. It was the best place for him to stay while talking about himself- nobody, especially your enemies, don't know where you are.
The ravenhead replied, listening to the rhythmic tapping of his interviewer:
- I come from a small village. Can't remember the name though,- he lied,- And I've started to travel a lot since being fifteen. Tried to be a freelancer, a courier and also a bartender while being on my way to travel across the world~

Adri also lied about his job. It was made intentionally so his family relatives and himself wouldn't get into trouble. Being a an "illegal" merchant that sells things from other worlds is quite hard these days
"Interesting!" Latesha stopped tapping. "A Freelancer, huh?" The mere mention of the word lit her eyes up. "Well, uh, what exactly did or do you freelance? Are we talking writing news articles, know, paid work, what did you do exactly?"
- I've tried photography once, yet the payment wasn't enough for me to feed me and my sis. As for freelancing- aside being a courier where I had to deliver something more interesting than food or papers I've also tried to be in an archaeologist group, helping with digging and such. Was a great time working with them!- Adrian smirked and smiled.- Also tried to help people outta' trouble. I still remember that story with avalanche~...
"Ah, that's interesting stuff," Latesha remarked, tapping her device some more. "Before we get any further with that, let me ask you: if I were to call any of your previous employers, what would they say about you? What do they remember you as?" She had his reference list somewhere, or did he forget to make one? After her question, she pressed a few icons on her tablet to begin looking for the job application she had on file for Adrian.
The mage bit his lower lip before replying. He was lucky to fill some forms before, thanks to the fact that he could write in English or else his writing would be considered more like hieroglyphic:
- That depends on people I've worked for but most of them said that I'm a pretty good guy...also got some guys saying that I'm a hell o' a brat. It' always like that, wherever you work some groups will consider you a bad guy
"Well, that's to be expected," Latesha commented. "Just be aware that we run reference checks like any other normal company would do. I'll take your word for it right now, though."

Latesha drew several lines through her notes on the tablet, crossing out words and drawing jagged-pixel arrows to other references on her virtual paper. "Okay, Adrian. You're a freelancer. We have freelancers. This is going to be interesting; we've got all sorts of freelancers on call that have all sorts of skills. What other skills do you possess that you haven't described to me or put on your job application?" Her facial expression remained cool, though way less frigid than the outside weather; she nodded a few times, betraying her interest in what the out-of-towner would say.

Moderators: OKAY Employees (played by mk_97) Richard Ruiz (played by mk_97)