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Forums » Suggestions » Place looks a little naked

We only have three locations and the region doesn't even have a name...I'd like to ask if members can create locations and RP threads. I'll offer to co mod too if you need it...
While I'm not Miss, I would like to mention that the Nirvana reserve was my idea so I think she would consider any location ideas you have. Also I don't think it is likely that Miss would need another mod. It's only you and me here after all.
My players can create any idea that they wish! It was just my past players left the creating to me. We have created areas on a need basis, since the characters currently in the story haven't left the first town. As for the region not having a name, no one has purchased a map or has even questioned what the continent is called. So I haven't decided!

But as the characters travel, new places will be added, I promise. If you have a place within your backstory, or any NPCs in your backstory that you would like to add, you are free to do so.
Okey! If I come up with something I'll let you know!
Thank you so much! And if you wish to leave a little intro to your character in the Meet the Cast section, others may have a better understanding of your character. And you can start your character's adventure anywhere you wish. I am also able to create a set up post in your desired location, if you require assistance in joining the adventure.
I posted! Will do an intro eventually.

I have a suggestion about the levels. I was on a pokemon RP once that gave out a certain amount of level ups after a thread was completed, and you could distribute them among your pokemon. If your writing was good, length grammar realism etc, you got more level ups than if it wasn't. We could do that and do something with the dice too maybe?
I could do that. My current system is exp awarded for Pokemon defeated, either in the wild or under a Trainer. Exp is also awarded for major events and minor events: discovering new places, winning badges. winning contests, losing fights, making friends, etc, etc. I currently offer sizable experience bonuses that encourage roleplaying and general adventure, but these are flat bonuses. Pokemon of higher level will have to obtain more experience to level up, which is normal for Pokemon.

There's also the idea of training your Pokemon once a day, this takes an hour to perform. Pokemon trained in this fashion gain half of their level in exp (rounded down), plus the Trainer's Command skill bonus. They may train as many Pokemon as they can, equal to their Command skill bonus, for experience. And this training can activate other class abilities, like the Ace Trainer's Stat Training.

Trainers also acquire experience and gain either skill bonuses or unique abilities of their class, or gain a new class entirely (without the skill bonuses). They have milestones, which are instantly worth enough experience to gain one of the prior bonuses.

These are my ideas on the matter! I believe parcels of experience may be quicker than having a thread end, but as Pokemon level up, the experience track may be a slower path, but it is an active path. However, for Trainers, the experience track is quite sufficient.
Either way, make it public! So we can see it :)
A public experience track, at least, for Pokemon, would take the mystery out of when Pokemon evolve! But if you would rather have the knowledge instead of the mystery, I suppose I could.
I would rather have it remain a mystery except for keystone moments like when a pokemon would evolve or could learn a new move. Also think when I can join up with you guys in the Whaledrake Cavern when I am finished with my little arc?
I would like to know when evolution can happen.
Evolution would have a very clear identifier, when it happens. Evolution of Pokemon is currently set to automatic, so when they reach the appropriate level, they will start to evolve. But the evolution is always cancel-able by the Trainer's actions should they wish to intervene.

I will have a notification of when a Pokemon levels up in the next post after they acquire enough experience.

And absolutely, I will create a post to further that scene very shortly!