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Forums » General Adventure » A Wild Ranger Appears! Pineroot Woods

Observing the sights this ranger looked to his scarlet red jacket as white button up shirt with pride. Should someone be in need he was there, any person or pokemon could depend on him with their life.

A low rumbling sound came from his shoulder, "Hungry?" He chuckled an a small black ball of fur uncurled to reveal a Zorua. "Roger that." The small fox pokemon had a red vest on his body that would protect him from harm while identifying him as the partner pokemon of a ranger, his name according the the white thread on his vest was Hades.

This ranger's jacket identified him as Ash, however his given name was Phoenix. Prior to his training and now service with the rangers he was once a medical technician in his home town, Nurse Joy allowed him to help out in the center and go treat injured pokemon who were unable to be brought to the center as well as people sometimes. His occupation among the rangers was medic, however given their assignments he was unlikely to need that knowledge. Some berries from his backpack fed the famished pokemon.

"Want to wander into town?" Suddenly the Zorua who was faking being so hungry he was tired leapt to his feet. "Oh boy do I! I'll race you!" Sure enough he ran out of the forest and to town as Ranger Ash pursued him. "Use caution, you will get injured." With that his journey had begun in earnest.

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