Now while Oberon was still glaring at the men, clearing wanting to fight, the presence of the Skarmory made her decide against allowing him to do so. She would look at her loyal companion and wordlessly shake her head. This would make the Sylveon look disappointed, but he would sit down obediently all the same.
Titania would then turn her thoughts to her other three pokemon. Now while Lagi would have an advantage against the armor bird pokemon, he would also be at a disadvantage against the Huntail. He was also her only pokemon that could do much of anything againist the steel type as well. Best to keep him in reserve until the Huntail was gone. That left Zephyr and...Rufflet. The latter of which was so dangerous that she was very reluctant to use him in a trainer battle. In fact she would seriously consider forfeiting before resorting to using him. So that left her with just one option.
"Zephyr I'm counting on you!" With that the Tailow was sent out. She would then crouch down on one knee and would address the tiny swallow. "Please I need you to help me help a little kid take care of his mom. Please fight this battle."
She would then step closer to Chris and whisper. "Can you focus on that Skarmory? The only pokemon I have that can fight it is weak against that Huntail."
Titania would then step away and wait to see which team would start first.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 16. After the modifier of +4, got 20
Titania Command
rolled 1d100 and got 17
Will my trainer go first.
The other two trainers shouted at their Pokemon, "Get 'em Skarmory! Beat up those cheaters, Huntail!" The Skarmory readied its charge at the smaller bird, but Kitty squirted a small trickle of water into its eyes and it missed terribly.
rolled 1d20 and got 3
Skarmory's Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 5
Skarmory's Damage
rolled 1d10 and got 7
Skarmory's Defense
rolled 1d100 and got 44
Who goes first?
rolled 1d20 and got 18
Huntail's Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 7
Huntail's Damage
rolled 1d10 and got 9
Huntail's Defense
Kitty: 7/10 HP
Huntail: -3 to Attack
rolled 1d20 and got 13
Kitty's Sand Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 5
Kitty's Defense
Once the battle began, the Skarmory would head right for Zephyr, but a squirt of water in it's eyes from Kitty to cause it to completely miss. Meanwhile the Huntail would move in to bite the Vaporeon but would be driven off by the eeveelution's sand attack.
"It's your turn now Zephyr, use quick attack against Huntail." She would order and the Tiny Swallow pokemon would obey and fly straight towards the huntail.
rolled 1d20 and got 10
Tailow Accuracy
rolled 1d10 and got 2
Tailow Damage
Reforming, Kitty approaches the curled Huntail and twists in a circle, smacking the Pokemon's face with his tail. The Huntail recoils, losing its focus.
Kitty: 7/10 HP
Huntail: -3 to Attack, -5 to Defense.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 16. After the modifier of -3, got 13
Huntail's Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 8
Huntail's Damage
rolled 1d10 and got 10
Huntail's Defense
rolled 1d20 and got 9
Skarmory Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 6
Skarmory Damage
rolled 1d10 and got 7
Skarmory Defense
rolled 1d20 and got 12
Kitty Attempts to Dodge
rolled 1d20 and got 16
+2 to Attack if Dodge is successful
Once the issue of the Huntail's attack had been dealt with, she would be grateful for the fact that not only had Kitty not been harmed by the Skarmory, he even assisted her by breaking the Huntail's focus. Now she really had to take advantage of this chance and score a solid blow.
"Zephyr use tackle, hit it's head!"
rolled 1d10 and got 10
Zephyr Defense
rolled 1d20 and got 4
Zephyr Accuracy
rolled 1d10 and got 7
Zephyr Damage
Zephyr spiraled into the Huntail, but covered himself in his wings just in time to bounce back from the water type's snapping jaws. The small bird pushed off of the Huntail's snout and fluttered in the air, waiting to strike again.
The Skarmory pulled its metal wings back and pushed forth two wind blades towards the other two Pokemon, but both blades went wide.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 8. After the modifier of -3, got 5
Huntail's Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 3
Huntail's Damage
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 8. After the modifier of -5, got 3
Huntail's Defense
rolled 1d20 and got 4
Skarmory Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 5
Skarmory Damage
rolled 1d10 and got 3
Skarmory Defense
Huntail: 8/10 HP, -3 to Attack, -5 to Defense.
rolled 1d20 and got 14
Kitty's Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 5
Kitty's Damage
rolled 1d10 and got 2
Kitty's Defense
Zephyr, fly up and then attack him from above with Quick Attack!" Perhaps if they changed their angle of attack, they would have more success in taking down the deep sea pokemon.
rolled 1d20 and got 12
Zephyr Accuracy
rolled 1d10 and got 5
Zephyr Damage
Meanwhile, the Skarmory spread its wings out in anger, charging Kitty with its sharp beak. It pecked wildly, looking to inflict the most pain, disregarding everything else.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 9. After the modifier of -3, got 6
Huntail's Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 7
Huntail's Damage
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 10. After the modifier of -5, got 5
Huntail's Defense
rolled 1d20 and got 9
Skarmory Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 7
Skarmory Damage
rolled 1d10 and got 2
Skarmory Defense
Skarmory: 9/10 HP.
rolled 1d20 and got 10
Kitty Attempts to Dodge
rolled 1d20 and got 15
Kitty's Attack (+2 if successful)
rolled 1d10 and got 2
Kitty's Damage
"Zephyr land and then use Focus Energy." She would order the tailow who would respond by landing and then attempting to pump itself up. Landing a critical hit was often enough to turn the tide of battle and a properly executed Focus Energy would increase the odds of that happening. With a bit of luck, this would be enough to break the current stalemate in their favor.
(Edit: Dang it! Can I do anything right this fight? X.X This is getting ridiculous.)
rolled 1d20 and got 4
Focus Energy
The Huntail took this opportunity to snap forward, lunging its large teeth straight toward the bird. Zephyr only had a brief moment in which he could escape the dreadful attack..
Meanwhile, the Skarmory sliced at the air with its metallic wings, glancing about to locate Kitty, it's prey. A little sore from the earlier hit, the metal bird crosses its wings and stomps slowly towards the Vaporeon.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 18. After the modifier of -3, got 15
Huntail's Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 10
Huntail's Damage
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 10. After the modifier of -5, got 5
Huntail's Defense
rolled 1d20 and got 3
Skarmory Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 4
Skarmory Damage
rolled 1d10 and got 10
Skarmory Defense
Skarmory has -5 to attack, 9/10 HP.
rolled 1d20 and got 18
Kitty Attempts to Dodge
rolled 1d20 and got 17
Kitty's Attack (+2 if successful)
Meanwhile Titania would be trying to choose who to send out next if Zephyr fell. Not counting the likely too dangerous Ruffler, she had Oberon and Lagi to choose from. The problem was that both were weak against one of the opposing pokemon. However only one of them was actually strong against the other pokemon which was Lagi vs the Skarmory. So if Zephyr was knocked out, she would send out her charmander.
rolled 1d10 and got 2
Zephyr Defense
rolled 1d20 and got 16
Focus Energy
After its assault, the Huntail went to finish off the small bird, but Zephyr managed to lift himself into the air at the last moment. The Huntail slid along the ground, completely exposed. The Skarmory lifted its wings away from its metal beak, but Kitty was already gone.
Zephyr: 1/10 HP
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3. After the modifier of -5, got -2
Skarmory's Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 3
Skarmory's Damage
rolled 1d10 and got 6
Skarmory's Defense
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 7. After the modifier of -3, got 4
Huntail's Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 8
Huntail's Damage
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 1. After the modifier of -5, got -4
Huntail's Defense
rolled 1d20 and got 7
Kitty Attempts to Dodge
rolled 1d20 and got 1
Kitty's Attack +2 if Dodged
rolled 1d10 and got 2
Kitty's Damage
"Zephyr strike while it's wide open. Use quick attack!" She would command the little bird and would hope he could land just as solid a blow as the one he had just endured. With any luck that focus energy her tailow had managed to perform would come in handy here.
(Edit: I hate my life. X.X)
rolled 1d20 and got 5
Zephyr Accuracy
rolled 1d10 and got 7
Zephyr Damage
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3. After the modifier of -5, got -2
Skarmory Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 4
Skarmory Damage
rolled 1d10 and got 5
Skarmory Defense
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 17. After the modifier of -3, got 14
Huntail Attack
rolled 1d10 and got 2
Huntail Damage
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 4. After the modifier of -5, got -1
Huntail Defense