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Kitty retreated backwards as the metal bird charged him. Seeing an opportunity, he collects water in his mouth and sprays a solid stream into the metal bird's chest. The bird recoils only slightly, but Kitty circles around, growling low in his throat. The Skarmory shakes its metal head in frustration, releasing a screech, clawing at the earth with its talons.

Skarmory: 9/10 HP.

rolled 1d20 and got 10
Kitty Attempts to Dodge

rolled 1d20 and got 15
Kitty's Attack (+2 if successful)

rolled 1d10 and got 2
Kitty's Damage

The small bird landed and closed his eyes, briefly. Shuttering and drawing the energy into a faint glow around his body, Zephyr began concentrating...but in the end he gave a puff of breath and lost the gathered power.

The Huntail took this opportunity to snap forward, lunging its large teeth straight toward the bird. Zephyr only had a brief moment in which he could escape the dreadful attack..

Meanwhile, the Skarmory sliced at the air with its metallic wings, glancing about to locate Kitty, it's prey. A little sore from the earlier hit, the metal bird crosses its wings and stomps slowly towards the Vaporeon.

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 18. After the modifier of -3, got 15
Huntail's Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 10
Huntail's Damage

rolled 1d10 and got a natural 10. After the modifier of -5, got 5
Huntail's Defense

rolled 1d20 and got 3
Skarmory Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 4
Skarmory Damage

rolled 1d10 and got 10
Skarmory Defense

Kitty slowly backs up, but also melts into the ground. As the Skarmory walked over where he was, he materialized and kicked up a flurry of sand straight into the metal bird's eyes. The metallic screech of anger was followed with many unsuccessful attacks of blind fury by the Skarmory, but Kitty kept just out of reach.

Skarmory has -5 to attack, 9/10 HP.

rolled 1d20 and got 18
Kitty Attempts to Dodge

rolled 1d20 and got 17
Kitty's Attack (+2 if successful)

The small bird gathered his energy around him, but charging his power left him wide open to being attacked by the Huntail. The Huntail scooped up Zephyr and shook him wildly about, before the small bird rolled onto the ground. Zephyr slowly pushed himself up with his wings and his small chest was breathing heavily.

After its assault, the Huntail went to finish off the small bird, but Zephyr managed to lift himself into the air at the last moment. The Huntail slid along the ground, completely exposed. The Skarmory lifted its wings away from its metal beak, but Kitty was already gone.

Zephyr: 1/10 HP

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3. After the modifier of -5, got -2
Skarmory's Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 3
Skarmory's Damage

rolled 1d10 and got 6
Skarmory's Defense

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 7. After the modifier of -3, got 4
Huntail's Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 8
Huntail's Damage

rolled 1d10 and got a natural 1. After the modifier of -5, got -4
Huntail's Defense

Kitty piles into the Huntail after escaping the Skarmory, but only managed to shove the other water Pokemon lightly. Shaking his head, Kitty returned to his feet and backed up to hold his ground.

rolled 1d20 and got 7
Kitty Attempts to Dodge

rolled 1d20 and got 1
Kitty's Attack +2 if Dodged

rolled 1d10 and got 2
Kitty's Damage

The Skarmory interrupted the smaller bird's charge with a large, metal wing. The metal bird then sliced through the air towards the smaller bird, but Zephyr spiraled upwards, away from the wings. But was the Huntail that slithered upright and its jaws sought Zephyr from below.

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3. After the modifier of -5, got -2
Skarmory Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 4
Skarmory Damage

rolled 1d10 and got 5
Skarmory Defense

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 17. After the modifier of -3, got 14
Huntail Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 2
Huntail Damage

rolled 1d10 and got a natural 4. After the modifier of -5, got -1
Huntail Defense

Kitty chomps down upon the Huntail as it lunges, redirecting its attack to better defend itself. The two water-types bite at each other in a ball along the ground. Kitty eventually was rolled off, a small bite in the Huntail's tail visible.

Huntail: 7/10 HP

rolled 1d20 and got 5
Kitty's Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 1
Kitty's Damage

rolled 1d10 and got 7
Kitty's Defense

The small bird rotated away, but its small peck was ineffective. The metal bird lowers its head and charges Zephyr, still very furious. Kitty manages to slap his tail into passing bird, but he didn't stop the charge. Instead, he managed to launch himself, rolling into the Huntail from the side.

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 16. After the modifier of -5, got 11
Skarmory Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 9
Skarmory Damage

rolled 1d10 and got 6
Skarmory Defense

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11. After the modifier of -3, got 8
Huntail Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 5
Huntail Damage

rolled 1d10 and got a natural 10. After the modifier of -5, got 5
Huntail Defense

So risky!

rolled 1d20 and got 14
Kitty's Tail Whip, +2 if successful

rolled 1d20 and got 9
Kitty's Dodge

The small bird swooped under, then upward, crashing into the Huntail's chin. The fish recoiled, hurt, and then lunged for the bird yet again! The Skarmory turned about and charged towards Kitty with its sharp talons. The Skarmory flies by in a wild swing, while the Huntail snaps at the air beneath Zephyr, whom beat his small wings in a second wind.

Kitty melts into the ground and reforms as the Skarmory passes him. He jumps upon the Huntail and they wrestle onto the ground. A cloud of dust forms around the two, but settles, leaving the Huntail on the ground. The young trainer grips his hat between his hands, "Oh man...well, it's all up to you." He slapped his partner on the back and recalled his Huntail.

Huntail: 0/10 HP, -3 to Attack, -5 to Defense
Skarmory: -4 to Defense, -5 to Attack

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 5. After the modifier of -5, got 0
Skarmory Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 10
Skarmory Damage

rolled 1d10 and got a natural 7. After the modifier of -4, got 3
Skarmory Defense

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 5. After the modifier of -3, got 2
Huntail Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 5
Huntail Damage

rolled 1d10 and got a natural 10. After the modifier of -5, got 5
Huntail Defense

rolled 1d20 and got 9
Kitty Attempts to Dodge

rolled 1d10 and got 9
Kitty's Attack (+2 if successful)

rolled 1d10 and got 8
Kitty's Damage

Lagi appeared within the red light and looked about, hands guarding his head. Looking up at the large, metal bird, Lagi jumped back a bit. But as Titania spoke, the Charmander swallowed and nodded. He would fight this fight.

Chris pulled her fist inward, "One down, one to go!" Kitty blew a bubble, but then squared himself against the metal bird. The metal bird drew its wings back and sent metal feathers towards the two Pokemon.

rolled 1d20 and got 3
Misses on 20

rolled 1d4 and got a natural 2. After the modifier of +11, got 13

Kitty hunkers down to withstand the stinging, metal shards. Once the Skarmory was finished, he gathered the water within his mouth and sent large, watery rings towards the bird. The large metal bird reeled back from the attack, then fell backward. Its metal talons stood upward and the trainer blinked, then threw his hat down, "What in the world..."

Chris gathered up her Vaporeon and spun about, "Yes, we won again!" The two trainers muttered to themselves, as Lagi released a puff of fire, pulling out a metal feather from his side.

Kitty: 30/42 HP
Lagi: 9/22 HP, has increased to level 14!

Lagi gains 2 HP
Lagi gains 1 Attack
Lagi gains 1 Defense
Lagi gains 1 Sp. Attack
Lagi gains 0 Sp. Defense
Lagi gains 1 Speed

rolled 1d6 and got 1
Disadvantage (Higher Sp. Def)

rolled 1d6 and got a natural 4. After the modifier of +2, got 6
Advantage (Higher Sp. Attack)

rolled 1d8 and got a natural 7. After the modifier of +15, got 22
Water Pulse

rolled 1d20 and got 3
Confused on 4-

((For Blast))

The local professor, Professor Snake, had contacted Blast's parents and convinced them that Blast was ready to start his Pokemon adventure. He just happened to have a few extra Pokemon laying around and since Flossy Town's trainers start at a younger age, his parents agreed.

They sent him off to the Professor's grandiose house, where a butler greeted him and showed him inside. There were giant test tubes in the main laboratory and Professor Snake was talking to a younger lady, when Blast entered. Professor Snake turned his attention to the lad, "Ah, my boy! Welcome to my humble lab. I hear you're getting your Pokemon today. How exciting."

Professor Snake was a middle aged man, tall and lean. He wore a coffee stained lab coat, black slacks, and polished grey shoes. His hair was swept off to the side of his face and he had a scar down the same side.
((For Nicole))

With the recent operations being sent across the sea, more and more operators were needed. Having stayed low in Flossy Town for some time, Nicole was finally contacted by the Snake. He called her to his office, which also acted as his laboratory.

The man's butler ushered her in when she stopped by. Professor Snake was studying his logs, flipping the pages over. Looking up, he motioned for Nicole to approach with a beckoning hand, "Glad you found the place." His house was the largest in town, so it wasn't very difficult to do so.

The Professor closed his books and leaned on the table, "There's been an incident. Some of our experimentations have escaped the facility. They're premature and the boss doesn't want anyone to find out about them just yet. So how would you like to go on a Pokemon journey?" The Snake smiles, but then a youngster walks into his lab. He hands Nicole a Pokedex with the coordinates of suspected areas and then welcomes the youngster (Blast).
Professor Snake dealt with the newcomer and eventually they left to blissfully be unaware of this situation. Professor Snake waved to the young lad, but became colder once the lab door shut, "There's this substance that has granted us an opportunity to create very powerful Pokemon."

Glancing towards Nicole, "For simplicity's sake, we'll call it Shadow Stone. It creates an amplified source of power within a Pokemon, changing its typing completely." Walking towards one of the empty test tubes, Snake stares at it, then turns to look over his shoulder, "Its as if we've discovered the blueprints of a super weapon."

He reaches up and pulls his glasses down onto his nose, adjusting them, "Military powers, foreign governments, and even police forces would bleed yen for these Pokemon. But we can't become rich if we can't prove that these Pokemon can be controlled. And we can't learn how to control them, if they're not here." Nodding to himself, "So we need some innocent trainers to go out and find out where it is and drop it off at our research center at Mt. Blackcloud."

Turning to look at the test tube again, "If you find any other traces of Shadow Stone, alert our clean-up crews so we can secure it." The Pokedex showed the last spot where the specimen was sighted, with a small report of some Rocket Grunts securing it. But a trainer had come along and set it free. Whalerdrake was the last location known.
Chris was sitting on a bench, as she didn't have a lot of money to spend on items, outside the Pokemart. Pushing off of it, she gave a thumbs up, "Oh yeah, we're ready." Chris motioned for Kitty to follow her. While walking out of the town, there were several people cheerfully having conversations, sweeping the street, and watching children play baseball with real bats and uniforms.

To the West, the road narrowed as the sides were occupied by picnic areas. Park Way, where neatly trimmed trees and bushes were along the sides as natural decorations. Bicyclists were bustling about, waving and laughing between each other. Feeders were out to attract wild Pokemon, but currently there weren't any.

Chris eyed the treeline, "Hmm, if we cut through there, I think we can get there quick." Or become completely lost. Chris smiled at Titania, "Let's go! I hope you brought some camping equipment." Chris tightens the strap of her tattered backpack and waits for a group of cyclists to pass, before stepping off of the paved road and into the woods.

rolled 4d6 and got 8

Professor Snake returned to his desk, checking his reports again, "As far as I know, they haven't left the area. They're trapped over there unless they find that stone, so you may do with them as you please, should you encounter them." Brushing his hand in the air and dismissing Nicole, Snake returned to his studies.

A message pings on Nicole's Pokedex of a vessel being sent from Whalerdrake to pick her up. It would take an hour or two, so she could spend that time as she pleased. Two other trainers had left to the west of the town, towards Park Lane. They were clearly not locals, as Nicole would know them by sight, and one of them had a particularly colored Sylveon.

Whalerdrake was a poor place, so their shop was poorly stocked. But Flossy Town had items in abundance in its stores. There's always the option of spending some time training her Pokemon.
(3/8 Hour)

Titania managed to follow the Spritzee Pokemon, but she it only moved to a different tree further in the woods. There weren't any other Pokemon nearby and the Spritzee groomed its pink wings, not minding that fact at all.

Spending time searching the vicinity also brought nothing. There wasn't even a feeder near this tree.

rolled 2d6 and got 7

The beats in Rose's headphones blared out, "Don't believe me just watch, come on!" That was until she hit the only rock that hadn't been swept away by the hourly sweepers of Flossy Town. The mailman, who had been walking by, rushed over from the other side of the street, "My goodness! Are you okay?" He bent his knee to the ground, pulling out a first aid box from his satchel.

He shifted his head to get a better look at Rose's forehead, "You hit that pole rather hard! Do you have any balance problems? Dizziness?"
