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Kitty chomps down upon the Huntail as it lunges, redirecting its attack to better defend itself. The two water-types bite at each other in a ball along the ground. Kitty eventually was rolled off, a small bite in the Huntail's tail visible.

Huntail: 7/10 HP

rolled 1d20 and got 5
Kitty's Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 1
Kitty's Damage

rolled 1d10 and got 7
Kitty's Defense

Tailow would manage to avoid the slicing wings of the Skarmory much to Titania's relief. She would then praise the Tailow before commanding it again. "Nice dodge Tailow, now try to use peck on Huntail while it's distracted with Kitty!"

((Another miss.....oh and I rolled the wrong damage anyway. Anyway sorry for the posts getting short, but it's getting pretty repetitive with my constant failure to hit.))

rolled 1d10 and got 6
Zephyr Defense

rolled 1d20 and got 1
Zephyr attack

rolled 1d20 and got 16
Zephyr Damage

The small bird rotated away, but its small peck was ineffective. The metal bird lowers its head and charges Zephyr, still very furious. Kitty manages to slap his tail into passing bird, but he didn't stop the charge. Instead, he managed to launch himself, rolling into the Huntail from the side.

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 16. After the modifier of -5, got 11
Skarmory Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 9
Skarmory Damage

rolled 1d10 and got 6
Skarmory Defense

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11. After the modifier of -3, got 8
Huntail Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 5
Huntail Damage

rolled 1d10 and got a natural 10. After the modifier of -5, got 5
Huntail Defense

So risky!

rolled 1d20 and got 14
Kitty's Tail Whip, +2 if successful

rolled 1d20 and got 9
Kitty's Dodge

(Zephyr lives and of course I get a nat 10 on damage when I miss my attack again! Augh!)

rolled 1d20 and got 18
Zephyr Dodge

rolled 1d20 and got 7
Zephyr attack

rolled 1d10 and got 10
Zephyr Damage

Zephyr would manage to avoid the skarmory's fearsome charge by diving under it and then would make a charge himself at the enemy huntail. Titania meanwhile was lightly biting her bottom lip in worry as she watched the battle going on. She wondered just how much more of this could her tiny swallow pokemon could take. Oberon however would cry out some encouragement to the tailow as he watched the fight,
The small bird swooped under, then upward, crashing into the Huntail's chin. The fish recoiled, hurt, and then lunged for the bird yet again! The Skarmory turned about and charged towards Kitty with its sharp talons. The Skarmory flies by in a wild swing, while the Huntail snaps at the air beneath Zephyr, whom beat his small wings in a second wind.

Kitty melts into the ground and reforms as the Skarmory passes him. He jumps upon the Huntail and they wrestle onto the ground. A cloud of dust forms around the two, but settles, leaving the Huntail on the ground. The young trainer grips his hat between his hands, "Oh man...well, it's all up to you." He slapped his partner on the back and recalled his Huntail.

Huntail: 0/10 HP, -3 to Attack, -5 to Defense
Skarmory: -4 to Defense, -5 to Attack

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 5. After the modifier of -5, got 0
Skarmory Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 10
Skarmory Damage

rolled 1d10 and got a natural 7. After the modifier of -4, got 3
Skarmory Defense

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 5. After the modifier of -3, got 2
Huntail Attack

rolled 1d10 and got 5
Huntail Damage

rolled 1d10 and got a natural 10. After the modifier of -5, got 5
Huntail Defense

rolled 1d20 and got 9
Kitty Attempts to Dodge

rolled 1d10 and got 9
Kitty's Attack (+2 if successful)

rolled 1d10 and got 8
Kitty's Damage

Titania would watch as the long stalemate that was this battle would finally break After Zephyr managed to score a powerful hit on the enemy Huntail, fainting it. The Tailow would also seem pleased with himself as he let out several loud chirps of victorying while circling above.

"Good job Zephyr, you did such an amazing job, I am so proud of you." She would congratulate the tiny sparrow pokemon and then pull out his pokeball. "You deserve a good rest, so Zephyr return!"

Once Taillow was safely back in his ball, she would return it to her ball and then pull out Lagi's pokeball. "Come on out Lagi." Then the pokeball would open up to reveal her Charmander. "Ok Lagi, I really need you to help me by battling this Skarmory along with Chris's Vapoeron. Can you do that for me please?" She would ask the lizard pokemon as she didn't like simply ordering her pokemon without taking their feelings into account.
Lagi appeared within the red light and looked about, hands guarding his head. Looking up at the large, metal bird, Lagi jumped back a bit. But as Titania spoke, the Charmander swallowed and nodded. He would fight this fight.

Chris pulled her fist inward, "One down, one to go!" Kitty blew a bubble, but then squared himself against the metal bird. The metal bird drew its wings back and sent metal feathers towards the two Pokemon.

rolled 1d20 and got 3
Misses on 20

rolled 1d4 and got a natural 2. After the modifier of +11, got 13

Kitty hunkers down to withstand the stinging, metal shards. Once the Skarmory was finished, he gathered the water within his mouth and sent large, watery rings towards the bird. The large metal bird reeled back from the attack, then fell backward. Its metal talons stood upward and the trainer blinked, then threw his hat down, "What in the world..."

Chris gathered up her Vaporeon and spun about, "Yes, we won again!" The two trainers muttered to themselves, as Lagi released a puff of fire, pulling out a metal feather from his side.

Kitty: 30/42 HP
Lagi: 9/22 HP, has increased to level 14!

Lagi gains 2 HP
Lagi gains 1 Attack
Lagi gains 1 Defense
Lagi gains 1 Sp. Attack
Lagi gains 0 Sp. Defense
Lagi gains 1 Speed

rolled 1d6 and got 1
Disadvantage (Higher Sp. Def)

rolled 1d6 and got a natural 4. After the modifier of +2, got 6
Advantage (Higher Sp. Attack)

rolled 1d8 and got a natural 7. After the modifier of +15, got 22
Water Pulse

rolled 1d20 and got 3
Confused on 4-

Titania would see that Lagi was a bit scared of the Skarmory and would offer some encouragement. "It's ok Lagi, you have a type advantage against it and I believe in you!"

Charmander would then take a metallic feather to his side which made Titania cringe. However before she could order a counterattack, Chris's Kitty would land a powerful water pulse that would finish off the Armor Bird pokemon. "Great job Chris and Kitty!" She would congratulate the pair and then would turn her attention back to Lagi. "I'm sorry you got hurt, but thank you for being willing to fight. Now let me put you back in your pokeball so you can get healed up."

With that she would recall Lagi and then call out to Chris. "Can you settle with them? Both Lagi and Zephyr took some significant damage and I want to go tend to them."
Lagi regained his spirits, turning to breath hot fire...but was outdrawn by Kitty's attack. Instead, a small puff of breath escaped Lagi's mouth and he ran to hug Titania's leg. It didn't seem he was hurt as much, as the feather sizzled and fell out.

Lagi nuzzled his nose into Titania's leg before returning to his ball. Chris stopped hugging her own Pokemon and promptly returned him to the ground, offering a thumbs up, "Don't worry, I am on it." She is very good at handling social matters. Kitty walked into the Pokecenter, after Titania, and Nurse Joy was behind the counter. After yawning a bit, she smiled wearily, "Hey you, how can I help?"
Titania would hug Lagi and briefly pet his head before returning him to his pokeball. Then after getting Chris's agreement about handling the trainers, she would head back inside the pokemon center with Oberon. Once inside, she would notice that nurse Joy was up and about. "Did you have a good rest? Chris and myself ended up helping a young boy who lost the money he needed to buy food for his mom in a pokemon battle. Chris went out to win it back and did, however the two trainers she battled ended up following her back. So we ended up having a team battle with them outside the pokemon center and just won again. Sorry for not waking you, but I just wanted to get them out of here before they potentially trashed the center."

After she finished explaining what happen, she would hold out Zephyr's and Lagi's pokeballs before asking. "Mind healing them for me? They were hurt during that team battle I mentioned."

Then while she waited to get her pokemon ball, she took out Rufflet's ball and looked at it. Now that the pokemon center was better off, she needed to meet up with Beritto so he could ferry her to those scientists Chris had told her about. "Don't worry little guy, I'll get you the help you need. I promise." She whispered softly.
Nurse Joy held up her hands slowly, "Woah, not all at once." Shaking her head, she took the trainer's pokemon balls and placed them in the machine, pressing buttons along the screen of her computer, "Something is always happening in this small town. It amazes me." After a few beeps, Nurse Joy set her hand upon her cheek, "I did have a wonderful sleep, thank you."

Returning the pokemon back to Titania, Nurse Joy yawns, "Here you are. Good as new. Come back anytime." Meanwhile, Chris returned inside and placed her Vaporeon onto the counter, wiping away a bit of sweat, "Okay! Everything is settled. And..." Chris pulls out tickets, "We have two free tickets to some sort of arena." Offering one to Titania, "But, maybe when we come back."
At Joy's comment about something always going on in the town, Titania would reply with."I'm used to having a pretty eventful life myself, first by working on a pokemon reserve and now by being a trainer. However at least you never have to be worried about being bored right Oberon?" At this, Obereon would seem to agree with his mistress by nodding his head and crying out his name.

Titania would then smile to hear that Nurse Joy had a good nap and would then take her for healing her pokemon before taking them back. Just then Chris came back in revealing that everything was settled and that they had won some free tickets to some kind of arena. "That sounds great, but it will have to wait until after we talk to those people you spoke of. I really want ro find out what is wrong with Rufflet so I can help it after all. If you like, once we are out of town, I can show you him, but we would have to recall Oberon and Kitty since Nurse joy said it could be contagious."

Oberon didn't look too thrilled at this since he much preferred being at Titania's side rather then in his pokeball.
Chris gave a nod, then smiled nervously, "Oh, that's fine. I don't want to risk Kitty's health." She gave a few more convincing nods and then collected her Vaporeon in her arms, holding him from underneath, "Didn't he say something about the shoreline? Shouldn't be too far away." Releasing her squirming Kitty to the floor, she rolls the sleeves of her hoody up, "I'm ready. Let's go!"

Once outside, Chris put her hood up as the evening fog rolled in. The gossipers that enjoyed sitting outside the shop watched the duo leave, their suspicious stares trailing the two. The shore consisted of tied-down fishing boats, a fresh layer of litter, and the large steamer settled along the dock. Chris points to it, "That must be it." Sure enough, Beritto could be seen checking over the boat and walking around it. Once he finally noticed the two, as they approached the dock, he waved and hollered out, "Oh there you are! Welcome aboard!"

Along the ship's side, it read S.S. Souffle.
((Would like to point out that she did mentioning recalling Kitty and Oberon so they wouldn't be exposed. She doesn't know that Kitty doesn't have a pokeball after all.))

Titania would nod at Chris's refusal and say. "I understand and that's why he's the only pokemon I haven't let out of his pokeball yet. I don't want Oberon to catch it either after all, though sometime I'll have to recall him so that Rufflet can get some exercise. I'll wait until I'm alone though.

She would then agree with the older trainer about Beritto mentioning the shoreline and then follow her out the door. Once outside, she would simply ignore the gossiper's stares and instead would accept the offered "ribbon" from Obereon, much to the eeveelution's delight.

Not too long after, the group would see Beritto and his ship, the S.S. Souffle.
At this Titania would call out with. "Good to see you Berrito! We finished our errand so we are ready to set sail." With that she would head aboard and patiently wait for the ferrymaster to finish checking out the boat.
((Chris is aware, she dodged with an appropriate answer.))

Chris gave a single nod, grabbing the railing of the ship and staring out at the water rolling in, "That's fine. I think I'll try to find some Pokemon on the island while you visit the scientists. That stuff isn't very interesting to me." Technology is confusing.

Berrito came around the corner with his loud voice, "That's good to hear! Then let's set sail!" He tugged on the boat's horn cord and blasted the air with two beats of a fog horn. The ship's engine whirred to life and soon the boat was on its way.

The water was calm for the most part, but it was choppy further away from shore. Big waves rolled against the ship, but Berrito was confident to pull up a chair and a fishing pole, untangling it. Chris and Kitty watched the water, braced against the railing. The wind started to pick up, so Chris secured her hoody's hood.

A few extra fishing poles were lined up in the cabinet that Berrito left somewhat open. The metal clanged together, as the cabinet opened and closed with the wind.
Chris ran around the tug boat with Kitty and spent some time basking in the sun with her other water Pokemon. Her magikarp flopped wildly nearby, excited to roll about, but a few times, Chris had to stop her from flopping overboard.

Chris spends her training hour on the boat, with the three Pokemon watching her wild explanation of strange exercises. Each of her Pokemon gain 7+5 experience due to her novice commands. She also has her Pokemon perform a few feats of agility and applies her Agility Training.

The boat slowly pulled into the pristine docks of Flossy Town. Chris recalled her other two Pokemon and jumped off of the boat (fairly literally) and landed in the sand below. Beritto had to lay the boarding plank down and waddle over its creaking wood, "Aye lassies! Welcome to Flossy Town!" The town was the cleanest town that either trainer had ever seen, but to some, it was already home.