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(What is with the x/8 hour thing or is that a surprise?")

Titania would follow the Spritzee, but would ultimately be disappointed as she wouldn't encounter any other pokemon. So deciding to temporarily give up on this little side venture, she would turn to Oberon and say. "Let's head back Oberon, it doesn't look like we are going to find anything right now."

With that, she would turn around and retrace her steps, intending to find her way to the laboratory. She desperately hoped that they would have an answer for what was wrong with her Rufflet and thus could tell her how to properly help him.

(Sorry for not doing any dice rolls, am on a different computer so I don't have access to the core rule book. Also would it be a survival roll I would have needed to make? Still trying to get a hang to what to roll when.)

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(I see, thank you.)

Titania would be pleased to see that she had made to back to the road without incident. Now all she had to do was follow it to see if she could make her way to the lab Chris has mentioned. Then maybe afterwards, she could truly focus her efforts to trying to catch a fifth pokemon for her team. Hopefully one of a type that she didn't have. The young trainer would also hope that she would meet up with Chris at the lab and that other teen's pokemon was now getting the treatment it needed.

(Do you think Chris can rejoin Titania soon? Just curious.)
Titania would continue walking along the road with Oberon for a while longer before one of the passing cyclists ended up stopping on the side for a break. After tending to himself, he would look over at her before challenging her to a pokemon battle.

This wasn't something that Titania was happy about as she would have prefered to have had Rufflet looked at before engaging in another trainer battle. However due to trainer regulations, she couldn't refuse a friendly challenge even if it did come at a bad time.

"Very well, go Obereon." Not surprisingly, the teen would choose her trusty Sylveon to start out who would be only too happy to oblige. As such, he would move in front of her and crouch in a fighting stance, ready to take on whoever his opponent turned out to be.
Titania would watch as the athlete sent out a Simisage to fight Oberon who would proceed to attack with Fury Swipes. The Thorn Monkey's attack would contact with the eeveelution and do some damage to Oberon, but he was still very much in the fight and ready to strike back.

"Obereon use Disarming Voice on Simisage!" The sylveon would comply and shoot a sphere of pink heart shaped energy at the green monkey which would do a fair bit of damage.

(Oberon 65/75 hit points. Also was I supposed to use the set damage? If so ignore the roll and the damage would be 11+13 for 24 instead. Also Oberon is going to be a pain to fight as he has TWO perfect accuracy moves.)

rolled 1d8 and got a natural 1. After the modifier of +19, got 20
Dazzling gleam.

Titania was pleased to see that Disarming voice was effective against the Simisage. However then it was the Thorn Monkey's turn to attack and it chose to use leech seed which was a nasty attack. Now as long as Oberon was out, his health would be steadily sapped away making it important to finish this battle quickly.

"Oberon use swift!" Hopefully if they kept raining down hits with perfect accuracy attacks, they could quickly finish off the Simisage, though if things got bad, she could switch to Lagi or Zephyr. Both of them would have an advantage against this opponent.

rolled 2d6 and got a natural 6. After the modifier of +24, got 30
Swift Damage

Titania would watch with sadness as Oberon whined slightly as the tiny pink flowers leached away at his vitality. Yet the Sylveon was still more then willing to keep fighting on his Mistress's behalf.

That being said, Titania knew that as willing as Oberon was, those awful little flowers would bring him down if the battle was allowed to continue for too much longer. They had to keep attacking the Simisage as hard as they could before that could happen.

"Obereon use Disarming Voice again!" At that, the Sylveon moves his feelers in front of him before pulling them back as the fairy type move shot forward.

(Oberon HP: 57/75

I accidently added Oberon's special attack wrong the last time I used this move, so this is the correct modifier this time. Also a bit confused on how Fury Swipes works, so I only took the 8 off for leech seed.)

rolled 1d8 and got a natural 1. After the modifier of +22, got 23
Disarming Voice

Between the vine whip and the constant draining by the leech seeds, Titania could tell that Oberon was getting pretty worn out. If the eeveelution's next attack didn't manage to knock out the Simisage, then she would have to recall him in favor of Lagi. She would prefer not to do that since as an evolved pokemon, the thorn monkey was more powerful than Lagi so she would be very dependent on his type advantage.

"Oberon hit him again with Swift!" She ordered the Sylveon and compiled by throwing several star shaped projectiles at Thorny which struck in right in the chest. Titania could now only hope that the attack would be enough to finish off the Simisage.

(Oberon 31/75)

rolled 2d6 and got a natural 7. After the modifier of +24, got 31
Swift Damage

(Ok let me know if I am doing this right and if I didn't, what I need to do to fix it. I'm trying to have Titania use her turn to switch out Oberon and then use her pokemon's turn to actually attack.)

Titania could clearly tell that Oberon was on his very last legs, but also saw that the Simisage was also in pretty bad shape as well. However due to the leech seed on Oberon, she didn't think that the Sylveon could finish off the thorn monkey before he would be knocked out next turn. So it was time for a change in strategy.

As such, before her beloved partner could act, she pulled out his pokeball and said. "Oberon, great job! Now return!" Recalling him would end the leech seed effect and make it easier to take him to a pokemon center after this. For now however, she needed to send out a different pokemon. "Lagi, I know you can finish this!" With that she threw the Charmander's pokeball to bring the Lizard pokemon into the battle.

Once Lagi was on the battlefield, she would call out. "Lagi use Ember on Simisage!"

(Oberon HP: 13/75)

rolled 1d20 and got 15
Ember Accuracy

rolled 1d8 and got a natural 3. After the modifier of +18, got 21
Ember Damage

Titania would be delighted to see Lagi finish off the weakened Simisage and thus end the battle. "Great job Lagi." She praised the Charmander before turning her attention back to the biker and saying. "Thank you for the battle and your Simisage fought very well." Afterwards, she graciously accepted the yen for winning.

As he biked back, Titania looked back at Lagi and asked. "Would you like to stay out and walk with me, or would you prefer to go back to your pokeball?" The teen trainer rather like having a pokemon companion walking alongside her and after that battle, it would be best for Oberon to rest in his ball. Besides it was important to spend time with her other pokemon as well.

Only a few minutes after this, Chris would show up much to Titania's pleasure. "Hey, glad you could make it back and no worries. That girl clearly needed help. Shall we continue onward now? Though I do hope this lab has a pokemon recovery machine as Oberon took quite a beating in a pokemon battle only a little bit again. Leech seed can really take a lot out of a pokemon you know."

(Gave it all to Lagi and added the money.)
Lagi puffed a small flame ball and rubbed his head against Titania's leg. It seemed he wouldn't mind walking for a bit. Shifting his attention to Chris and then Kitty, Lagi watched them curiously.

Chris slowed to a stop, waving a bit at the Charmander, "Oh, hmm." She had crouched to be more on par with the shorter Pokemon, and stood up. Glancing to the woods, "We can avoid the bridge by taking the woods, may take us a little bit longer to reach the lab that way. Or we can head back to town and then start off into the woods?" Shrugging some, she gave a small smile, "I bet it does."
Titania smiled at Lagi and gently stroked his head. It always made her happy when her pokemon showed signs of affection towards her. Shortly after this Chris appeared and seemed a little concerned for her charmander. As such she asked if she wanted to skip the bridge and travel through the woods even if it would take a bit longer. She also mentioned heading back towards town before heading through the woods.

"Hmm, let's head back, that way I can have Oberon tended to because we have no idea what we might encounter in the forest anyway. Best to be in perfect condition in case we encounter any aggressive wild pokemon."

Chris gave a nod, "Great, we can head on back then." She whistled and Kitty turned about. The two led the way to the town, where Nurse Joy was more than happy to heal Titania's Pokemon. The towns people were all gathered around the baseball field, watching a game.

Chris waited outside the Pokecenter and was ready to go when Titania was finished. Swooping her hand into a thumbs up, "Alright! All ready to go. Hopefully we'll find some sweet water Pokemon." Though that was highly unlikely, given that they were travelling through the woods.
(Do I wait to be introduced?)
Titania soon made it back to the pokemon center with Chris and upon arriving, handed over Oberon's pokeball to nurse joy. Upon being given the Sylveon's ball back, she happily let him out of his ball again. The moment Oberon was out again, he promptly greeted his beloved mistress by having one of his feeler's around her wrist affectionately.

Walking back out of the center with both Oberon and Lagi in tow, she saw Chris make a thumbs up and stating that they were ready to go. The blue haired trainer also mentioned her desire to find some sweet water pokemon. At this Titania chuckled before saying. "I think that would be rather unlikely unless we spotted at a river or lake in the middle of the forest. Though I could really use a water pokemon...actually I could use just about anything at this point as I only have three types of pokemon right now. I suppose I did have a chance at those bug types earlier, but I would rather save my balls for something else. Bug moves are resisted by a lot of types after all."

Afterwards, the two trainers and their pokemon started to head back towards the woods. Hopefully this time Titania would make her way safely to the lab.
Chris lifted her eyebrows, "Are they? I really don't follow all those trends, so I guess I never stopped to think about it."Chris just really liked water Pokemon and whether or not they won battles was not at the top of her list. But she walked into the woods with Kitty close behind.

Chris pushed through the woods at a comfortable pace. She made excellent time, taking in the sights of the trees and the clusters of Pokemon nests that were in trees or bushes. The sun was going down and just before nightfall, the trainers and their Pokemon encountered...

rolled 4d6 and got 11

rolled 1d100 and got 32

rolled 1d100 and got 36

rolled 1d100 and got 19

rolled 1d100 and got 34

A Pokemon that appeared to be wearing a white outfit, with pink and black markings and a grey bug, with a white and black collar. The dress wearing Pokemon was tidying the other, pulling on the collar and moving a small hand the three white antennas of the bug, smoothing them back.

rolled 1d10 and got 4

rolled 1d10 and got 6

"I want to have a pokemon team with a variety of types so they can hopefully cover each other's weaknesses and better help me in a wide range of situations. You never know what sort of trouble you might run into during one's travel's after all. However if having a lot of water type pokemon makes you happy then go for it." Titania explained before also encouraging Chris to do whatever makes her happy.

As they traveled through the forest, Titania would be pleased to see that so far they had done so without incident. The sun was going down though so they would probably have to stop to make camp soon. Then just as it started to get dark, they ended coming across two pokemon. One clearly bug type and the other that seemed to be wearing a white outfit with pink and black markings.

As she had earlier mention, she had no interest in a bug type, but what was that other pokemon? She pulled out her pokedex and tried to see if she remembered seeing or hearing about this particular pokemon before.

(You managed to completely stump me on the first pokemon. The only dress wearing pokemon are the Jynx, Gardevoir and Gothitelle lines and none of those fit that description. The closest is Gothitelle, but that's a black dress with white markings. The bug is clearly Scatterbug though.

Also could you add the rank rolls chart to the useful charts thread? I had a bit of trouble finding it on the pdf file.

Edit: OMG that was a HORRIBLE roll. Now I won't get to figure out that pokemon that stumped the crap out of me. X.X)

rolled 4d6 and got 9
Adept Pokemon Education

The Pokedex pinged up with a picture of Gothita, but connecting the picture with the Pokemon...there were little differences. The specks of pink, upon closer inspection, were berry pieces. Probably from its last meal. The two Pokemon glanced to the two trainers and their Pokemon, stopping and readying themselves.

Chris looked over Titania's shoulder, "Wow, your Pokedex is so nice. Where'd you get it?" She scooted back and fumbled about, pressing a few buttons. Holding her own Pokedex upward, she scanned the two Pokemon. It took a bit and it came up with, "Pokemon Unknown. Pokemon Unknown."
(What threw me off is that Gothita's dress is really black, not white. It's much easier to tell that once it evolves though.)

Titania was glad that the pokedex was able to tell her what pokemon it was, though it looked a little different from the picture provided by the pokedex. On closer inspection, she could see that the specks of pink were actually berry pieces. This was a psychic type pokemon, but really a psychic type wasn't that great for her. Psychic moves were only really good against fighting and poison types. The fighting type she already have more then covered with her current pokemon, now while she didn't have anything for poison...well a ground type would be much better for that. Besides the ground type was the only type that was really good against the electric type.

It was at that moment that she was drawn from her thoughts by Chris's question about her pokedex. "Oh my grandfather got it for me when I registered as a trainer. He said I deserved it for putting my dream of being a pokemon trainer on hold for three years for the sake of the Nirvana Reserve. Thanks to it and Oberon here, I can carry a piece of my home with me wherever I go."
Chris laughed, "Woah, really? Because my grandfather gave me mine. Or...uncle? Teacher?" She shrugs, "He was this really old man who lived on a wharf..." Then she turned and spied the two Pokemon who were looking at them, and pointed with both her hands, "We'll just be leaving now.."

She whistled to Kitty and skirted away from the two Pokemon in a slow, steady manner. Eventually, she motioned for Titania to follow with a beckoning motion. If Titania followed, Chris would let out an held breath, "Whoo. Anyway, he lived on a wharf and fished everyday. He let me stay in his spare cot, as long as I caught him dinner."

Chris smiled softly, "It was a different time, when I didn't know any better. I use to really like Magikarp, but I still do. I just don't eat them anymore."