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    1. We abide by Furcadia's Dream standards for T+ Dreams. Players must be 13 or older, and characters may be any age, and as such, players are expected to not role play adult content. (Sexual RP, extreme violence, etc.) [This is subject to change if we move to FurN]
    2. Attempting to circumvent a ban will result in a report to Furcadia mods and RPR mods if applicable.
    3. No OOC hate speech or bigotry.
    4. IC slurs, if used, must be made up and not be based on slurs from real life.
    5. OOC chatter is allowed anywhere so long as it does not disrupt active RP.
    6. Any sort of IC actions that effect Dream continuity in a major way will be considered void unless approved by Momovix and Boe.
    7. IC characters must fit the overall theme of an African Savannah, and while any alt is welcome to come hang out, in order to RP your character must fall in line with the continuity. If it's not typical African wildlife, please provide a reasonable explanation for why they're there.
    8. This Dream is intended for feral characters who can talk and have human-esque intelligence.
    9. Idling is acceptable so long as it is not impeding any walkways.
    10. We welcome beginners to RP and understand English isn't everyone's native language. Please be respectful to those trying their best.
    11. Do not be a creep. No one owes you a response, explanation, nor RP in general. No means no. Consent can be revoked at any time and for any reason.
    12. No God-moding unless previously agreed upon.
    13. To utilize dice rolls, say "roll 1d20" in the Furcadia client.