Posted by FacetheGrey October 24th 2017, 5:36pm
I haven't been able to contribute thanks to both medical and emotional issues, but leaving Phoenix in charge and you guys doing what you do has pushed through anyway. I could spend all day talking about how great you guys are but I hope you know what I think already
. I ask that you keep everything up for a short time longer and I'll be back to contribute, I'm working already on my character to add, she's up as a work in progress and her name is Sayomi, check it out if you want.
Once again, thank you so much.
~ Grey

I haven't been able to contribute thanks to both medical and emotional issues, but leaving Phoenix in charge and you guys doing what you do has pushed through anyway. I could spend all day talking about how great you guys are but I hope you know what I think already

Once again, thank you so much.

~ Grey
Community Feedback
- Aww thank you Grey We miss you and know that we are always here for you
Take as much time as needed, Grey! I think I speak for the others when I say that we really don't mind and we're grateful for you making this group
Sayomi seems to be coming along lovely by the way~!
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WubbleFishOctober 26th 2017