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Forums » Selling Alts » Alts For Sale, Some Ported

The following alts are for sale and are ported. PayPal preferred, but will trade for lifers. Naked alts are $5 each, or all 4 for $15.

Ignite-$50 OBO
Retribute-$50 OBO
Asphyxiated-$40 OBO

Naked alts:


You can DM me here or whisper me on Furcadia as Cartier.
This forum is for character designs or alts with shown ports. You might have better luck in the subforum for selling alts. :)
Good catch Mina. :P

Moved to the correct forum!
Is this post still active, or should I delete? Thank you@

Moderators: Boe Maddi Madam Xela (played by Xelamor)