I'm interested in Paypal, digos (mostly portspaces!) or other designs/art/alts. As for anyone who might offer designs/art, etc, I'm more interested in human characters at the moment.
I can be contacted on Omnic, Tarquinne or Seiveril or through Discord as Rook#0729
The Alts
Mayrin, Ported x1 5$
Istoph, Ported x1 5$
Itri, ported x1 with a few pieces of art 15-20$
Endewyn, Ported x1. 5$
Sveri, ported x3, multiple art. 50$
Ravanie, ported x6, multiple art. 60$
Lelianna, ported x1 with art 15$
I can be contacted on Omnic, Tarquinne or Seiveril or through Discord as Rook#0729
The Alts
Mayrin, Ported x1 5$
Istoph, Ported x1 5$
Itri, ported x1 with a few pieces of art 15-20$
Endewyn, Ported x1. 5$
Sveri, ported x3, multiple art. 50$
Ravanie, ported x6, multiple art. 60$
Lelianna, ported x1 with art 15$