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Forums » Alerts » ALERT: Seller 'Light'

TL;DR I am just including the link first, but I do please ask you read the rest of this rather long and ranty post as well.

So, I am still very upset, and I'm trying to calmly type this and work on making it make sense, which means having to focus more on my grammar. i do apologize in advance though if anything is confusing. i can only imagine that'd be used against me too....

Basically, the imgur album that is linked provides a lot of what you need to know. And is also my proof.

And, yes, I am aware that the links were removed from the specific server that someone posted them for me on my behalf. It also included a separate imgur link to my conversation with Zim. I will provide proof if asked.

Basically, my proof with that folder is, I did talk to them. I tried to go to staff, it didn't help. It wasn't the first time either that I had went to them with a problem and was basically treated like I was trying to incite drama. I just wanted help for being wronged. Did not think that was a bad thing.

Also, any harassment that comes from this will be properly documented and reported. I get that Furc has a long history of not doing anything, however, that won't stop me from trying. I will also report it to Kim here at RPR if need be.

I kindly ask anyone not directly involved to make up your mind yourself, and now allow one person to sway your decision that I'm a bad person to do a transaction with. I didn't scam. I've made plenty of purchases of both digo's, and alt's, and paid in full. I may have done payment plans, but, I have always paid in full with no real issues. And not just small "5 dolla here" or "10 dolla" there alts. I mean alts that cost triple digits.

That certainly does not mean that I couldn't scam someone. Nobody is exempt from being a possible scammer. Nobody. so I am not excluding myself. however, to anyone that may twist that around, that doesn't mean I am secretly admitting to being one. i just know how the world is and know anyone can be capable of anything and if people don't get that....well, that's on you.

I'm know this is ranty. I'm basically just providing my proof. I know how this works.

Screenshots or it didn't happen.

I did offer to send my proof to Zim via pastebin, because I hadn't gotten the screenshots gathered yet. However, the aggression that I got from Light made me QUICKLY leave that server so as I didn't have to get anymore messages from them. And yes, I feel light got very pushy and somewhat aggressive in DEMANDING for the stuff I paid for back. Anyway, I know how anyone can actually say I provided "logs" and not screenies so therefor there is a chance of me altering the logs, as it's my proof/logs vs someone elses who can ALSO alter there's.

These only edits done to these screenshots are as follows:
- the left side bar where it shows the servers i am a part of and the other people i have had business with or still have business with or contact with.
-any desktop inclusions that do not pertain to discord itself.

The focus should be on the convo.

I was being informed of the "scam alert" made by me, and light did not tell the entire story in truth. they put words in my mouth and made things up. we're all guilty of it, i'm probably doing it unintentionally in this post.

But yeah. I never "asked for more".

So, that rambling aside (I'm so sorry..sitll upset).

Yes. I did offer to buy Mallard, Parotu, Quacken and Ostrich from them. Now that that cat's out of the bag.
I paid $20 for them. That screenshot is included in the imgur link.

Basically, I don't want to go into more of a ramble about what happened. More or less, light claimed not to have Mallard. It was "already sold" even though it was still listed as their main. yes, I ADMIT it could be a glitch. I admitted that to both light AND zim. But that does not mean it IS a glitch. And going 100% that it is, because furc is known to have glitches on their website is bogus and wrong.

And yes, I did test my theory out with someone. The theory where if you sent someone an ini over changing the email, and they that it might glitch the system. and yes, i admit, that, for all i know it still is a probability but not DEFINITE. it didn't work. it still told the person on the test alt that they could not change the email because it was listed as a main with the previous owner more or less.

I'm going to stop ranting and just post the imgur link. I want my side to be out there. I was wronged.

Sadly, because of how Light acted, if I do end up being wrong and it can glitch the system, I will not be apologizing to anyone. Because i even said that it could still be a possibility, but i wanted the "word out" more or less that this happened anyway. The fact that the "glitch" possibility was used as a viable "honest mistake" disgusts me.

I did send an email to Cironir. Whether or not I get a response back, well, that's whatever. From what I understand, this user has had problems in the past with DEP. I personally feel that if this person had absolutely nothing to hide, they should have encouraged me contacting the guardians. Period. If Light had issues with scammers in the past and was already in the Guardian's spotlight...then it should have been a good spotlight and Light should have had no reason to worry. The way they acted basically told me that they were being defensive because they were afraid because they knew they'd done wrong in the past, and I am only adding another tally mark.

For the record, I have done business with light in the past. I can't recall all which, but I think I may have bought some other alts from them in the past and maybe bought some digo's? And all those times were pleasant and with no issues, so it actually kind of pains me that this happened.

Just further proves my point that anyone is capable of anything.

Please do not come here and attack me. Defending Light because he is your "friend" won't help. that's basically just encouraging and enabling them to continue being like this. I'm not trying to attack them, I'm trying to get the truth out since a scam alert was made about me, and I don't really believe I am in the wrong.

Thank you.

To the staff..apologies this is so long, never ever had to do this before...HERE'S THE LINK FINALLY. JEEZ

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Nice. You knew you couldn't post on FAM, and you aren't willing to talk to me about it, so you went around to a different place thinking I wasn't here. Instead of talking to me like a mature adult (like both Zim and I have requested you to do), you decided to tell a one-sided tale on RPR. This entire mess could have been avoided if you were just willing to sit down and discuss this with me.

You also conveniently left out your ENTIRE MESSAGE HISTORY with Zim, which shows an entirely different story and different side of you--including you wanting to go to Cironir 'because you didn't believe me', and you telling Zim you considered the digo 'free' and not actual payment like it was, and Zim's explanation as to why I don't like dealing with the Guardians. You basically took the substitute and then ran without acknowledging you were paid back and are now crying about never getting paid back. You are wrong.

She asked you multiple times to talk to me. And those messages also contain personal attacks on me, where you spat lies like I 'have a history of being banned by DEP before' and a slog of other things. Like how I logged out immediately after doing the trade and because of that, you labeled me sketchy. My laptop shuts down after 2 minutes of inactivity to conserve battery power. This is because I often go 2-4 hours without an outlet for my laptop during classes. When your laptop shuts down, so does Discord.

So, since you somehow forgot to explain what really happen, let me clarify it:

1) They did move to purchase these four alts from me. I have a really busy schedule lately, especially with university, final exams coming up, three group projects this week, and a ton of other things, so it took me about a day after payment to get them the alts, which I apologized for--I had a big biology presentation that night. When I finally got around to changing the email to theirs, I noticed that Mallard wasn't on my list, and I used the character look-up option to check the description, which wasn't mine. So something happen on Furcadia's end that had it stated in the list, as 'Hello Mallard', so I forgot I'd given it away already. I have never seen this happen before.

I offered them a LIFE QUACKEN as COMPENSATION for the mess up (which I had earlier asked if they wanted to buy, was shown interest, but told 'not right now', because of money). In reality, the 3 alts remaining were still totalling $15. Life quackens are worth $10. That's still $5 ($25 total for 3+the quacken) over the agreed price of $20. They expressed wanting the quacken lifer a few moments before this incident, so I figured it'd be a good peace offering instead due to the incident. When asked if we were okay, they said 'no we are not but I will take the lifer anyway', blocked me, and proceeded to then get OTHER people to post for them AFTER being banned from FAM for personal attacks (which they also failed to include!) when I posted an alert about it. I trusted them to be reasonable about accepting it and the alt, but I was also more than happy to just refund them the $5 instead if they would give the Quacken back. Both options they refused to accept. I did not give them the quacken as a gift. This was suppose to make up for the incident. If they wanted the $5 refunded, then that's fine to me, as well. Instead, they basically went 'nope the quacken is mine now though and we're not even still' which translates to 'I took the substitute but I don't think it financially makes up for what happen'. Please verify.

2) I did apologize about it, but afterwards they went through some extensive steps to 'prove me wrong' and insisted I still had the alt. I assured them multiple times I didn't, because I checked thoroughly. I don't know how the whole main character thing happened but it did. The alt definitely isn't mine anymore.

3) All of this is a miscommunication gone out of control, and I stayed up trying to help resolve it. Instead of talking to me like a mature adult, you continously played yourself to be the victim to both Zim AND myself. You were asked more than enough times to talk to me about the events so we could settle this like mature adults--but you didn't want to do that. Instead, you wanted to play victim. I will admit that asking for them all back was a bit much because I was grumpy and just gotten woken up when my girlfriend was reaching out to me about this, but I was willing to pay them back if they had decided to do that. Mallard obviously isn't theirs or mine, though.

4) The only 'history' I have with DEP is getting Guardians involved with scammers or rule-breakers. The Guardians exasperate me, after they basically didn't do much about the proven thief/impersonator that went around trying to pretend to be me. I'm just tired of dealing with them as a whole right now.

5) All of this could have been avoided if you would have just said outright to me that you were refunded for the mistake. That's it. That's literally all I want and you can't even do that. Or, rather, you won't even do that. If you go to the Guardians about Mallard, fine. Cironir will tell you it isn't possible, but it IS because it happened. But you can't sit there and say I'm not trying to work with you when I stayed up two hours after being woke up attempting to get this resolved with you. That's what I passed along to your two, three, four..? messengers. If you never got that message, then that's all you have to do to get this resolved--is message me for a whole 5 or 10 minutes to figure this out. That's it.

Again, Chocobo has left out an entirely different story, which involves their dealing with another moderator, where she was repeatedly asked to talk to me (and refusing) and accusing the entire thing of being sketchy. When I get permission from Zim to post those publicly, I will, but until then I'll be passing them along to one of the moderators of this forum.

I was more than willing to discuss something with this user and even thought I was doing them something nice by giving them the lifer they wanted. Instead, they said I forced them to take it, and that we still weren't even. To me that sounds a lot like saying I'm not trying to refund or help remedy this situation, but I assure you I was (and still am) willing to do everything in my power to fix the mistake.
Also: G4twPXY.png

Click here for full res. The digo wasn't free. It was suppose to be payment back for the $5 you paid me for the alt Mallard. If you don't want it, then please return it and I will refund you $5 instead. If you do want it, please amend somewhere that I have, indeed, paid you back and you received the refund.

I also want to put this out there, that the life quacken was on the alt Quacken itself. There was no cooldown or wait time, she has every power to gift or trade it back to me if she didn't want it.
Alright so I have a few issues with this entire thing.

1. For someone who's claiming to be upset about aggression from someone, your messages come off very aggressive. "I'm not giving you anything back I paid for them so. I paid for them, they're mine now." That's honestly not a very friendly, polite, or mature response to someone offering you a refund for an item you didn't receive.

2. You were offered both a refund AND compensation for the alt that you didn't receive, which would have settled this. I understand that Light was a little too quick on the jump to send you the quacken, but if you refuse to accept the digo as compensation (which it is; you're certainly even now, because the digo would have MORE than balanced it out) then you need to send back the digo. Go to the guardians if that's really what you want to do, but at this point you've refused compensation/a refund so that's kind of on you.

3. You don't get to keep things if you get a full refund. You could have easily said, "No thank you, I only want a refund for the single alt that I didn't receive," gotten your refund for that and merrily kept the others.

4. This would be a scam if you weren't offered a refund/compensation for the missing alt. If Light had always intended to not give it to you and keep your money. As it stands, all I can see is someone apologizing for being wrong (we're human, it happens) and trying to either make up for it or give you money back and you refusing that. It's on you at that point.

No one has to make you out to be anything- right now you're the one putting yourself in a bad light with those screenshots to be totally honest, and I can say that as someone who has had no interaction or real love for the mods over at FAM in the past (not to say I don't like them, but I have no desire to get to know them and don't always approve of their methods) so you can rest assured that I'm not Light's friend coming to their rescue. You asked people to form their own opinions of it, you gave us the means to do so, and I'm telling you from a very outside source that it still looks as though you're making a huge stink over a miscommunication and, yes, an honest mistake.
Before it's thrown in my face, about me editting my original post..because I know that'll happen and I'll just be accused of more things.

HERE IS MY ORIGINAL POST I MADE IN REPLY[/quote], I chose to come back an edit it with my own defense, as I am rightfully allowed to do.

You knew you couldn't post on FAM, and you aren't willing to talk to me about it, so you went around to a different place thinking I wasn't here.

Um, incorrect. You're assuming. I knew that Zim would have my links removed, and it's only fair that I get to have my side out there. I'm not telling one sided, if anything, you are and Zim are enabling it by only have your alert/side on Fam/faz discord without me being allowed to have my side.
You also conveniently left out your ENTIRE MESSAGE HISTORY with Zim, which shows an entirely different story and different side of you

Again, assuming. I thought this was against fam/faz's rules when making an alert about someone, or defending ones self? But, since I'm being
Still includes the blurb at the end where I "attacked" people. The reason I did not include that, was because - per permission to post in these forums - I was instructed not to. I was instructed to only include my interaction with you.
My laptop shuts down after 2 minutes of inactivity to conserve battery power. This is because I often go 2-4 hours without an outlet for my laptop during classes. When your laptop shuts down, so does Discord.

This isn't really relevant, am I supposed to know this?
I have a really busy schedule lately, especially with university,

This whole thing. All of this paragraph. This is a guilt tripping tactic and is irrelevant to what happened. Last I remember, a lot of people threw stuff such as this out there, whether true or not, to people as a justification/excuse if they were being called out or posted about with cases like this. Personally, I lost sleep too. I have to get up early for work. But, that doesn't matter to anyone else. And I never included it nor attempted to guilt anyone with it.
I offered them a LIFE QUACKEN as COMPENSATION for the mess up

Yes. It was offered. I never agree'd, you assumed. Showing interest is not agree'ing. You assumed. And, from the logs, you specifically state as an "apology". I never agree'd to it being a "refund", which you're running about saying. I never agree'd to did it of your own choosing. Also, if like quackens are worth $10, why were you trying to wiggle $5 out of me? Light offered to sell it to me for $15. So, there's that.
They expressed wanting the quacken lifer a few moments before this incident
For a few moments? Because it took me a few moments to respond, or? I was also preoccupied during our convo. I made one comment about it. I didn't "express wanting" it for a few moments....
they said 'no we are not but I will take the lifer anyway',

Huh...looking over my posted logs, I..I don't see where I said this anywhere? After you asked for it back, or, demanded..I said no? Because you GAVE it to me of your own will, I didn't ask for it, nor did I say I wanted it at that time. So, again, making things up that I never actually said.
blocked me, and proceeded to then get OTHER people to post for them AFTER being banned from FAM for personal attacks (which they also failed to include!)

Actually, I left before I was banned. And, honestly, reading over my posted screenshots, you THREATENED to ban me (power abuse) because I refused to do what you wanted and found what you were doing was, indeed, sketchy. I don't really believe that feeling I was wronged is a personal attack? I'm a bit confused...But yes, I did have someone post MY evidence of our convo and MY side, since nobody knew the ENTIRE STORY, only your side..and you were clearly making certain things up to make yourself look more the victim here, and me the bad guy.
but I was also more than happy to just refund them the $5 instead if they would give the Quacken back.

Again, per the posted screenshots of our convo, you flat out demanded that if the guardians are going to be involved, that I GIVE YOU the alts and quacken back. It was only after that that you said to give the quacken back and offer the refund. I declined. Because I paid in full for the alts. For all 4 of them. Light should have checked to see if he, indeed, did still have the alts before accepting money for them. I trusted them to have them all. Mistakes happen, yes, but, if you are going to sell something - you best be sure you actually have it to sell. Not doing so is false advertisement. I didn't give the quacken back for the exact reason that is stated in the posted logs. You gave it to me of your own will. I never said I actually wanted it. I showed interested, yes, but I never said actually wanting it at that time. I never agree'd to taking it, you just gave it to me as an APOLOGY...
I have never ONCE stated that it was a "gift"..I have stated it was as an APOLOGY for not having Mallard. You assuming it was a "refund", so therefor throwing it at me to apparently use against me later, is unfair to me, and your own fault.
Instead, they basically went 'nope the quacken is mine now though and we're not even still' which translates to 'I took the substitute but I don't think it financially makes up for what happen'. Please verify

Again, with the assumptions. That's not what that translates too? I mean, in a way, I can guess how - since you're making other things up - you'd think this. However, as per the posted logs, I never asked for anything else? I never ONCE "asked for more"...not once. And, I wasn't going to. The only thing I would have asked for, was Mallard. That's what I paid for. If you still had it (and part of me believes you do, but I can neither prove or disprove this, and I'm not 100% accusing nor banking on a furcadia glitch), I would have gladly given the digo back. Because I'm honestly not greedy like that. However, again, you offered the digo as an APOLOGY for not having Mallard, and you just GAVE it to me anyway without me agree'ing to wanting it.

Please stop making things up...
I did apologize about it, but afterwards they went through some extensive steps to 'prove me wrong' and insisted I still had the alt.

Uhm. I have a right to prove you wrong? And, as I had stated, it would not have been a bad thing to see if it was actually possible. That way, if it happens to ANYONE ELSE, either a seller or a buyer (and not just involving you)..then hey, we have more of a "hey yeah, so this can and does happen, and this is one reason that causes it", I was actually trying to help that ridiculous server and it's users by testing things out and maybe having the info out there for the future.
All of this is a miscommunication gone out of control, and I stayed up trying to help resolve it. Instead of talking to me like a mature adult, you continously played yourself to be the victim to both Zim AND myself.

I am a victim in this. Period. I am not playing anything. And, the reason that I have not chosen to continue to talk to Light as a "mature adult" (by the way, that's an attack on my maturity, which, last I recall, attacks were against fam/faz's rules - which only proves my little blurb in my communication with Zim, even more true), is because of how Light is acting. It caused me stress as well. And, I chose to exit the conversation and stop it because I felt harassed. I honestly felt Light was harassing me and demanding that I give the alts back that I legally now own and paid for, because I went to the guardians. And the quacken back that they GAVE to me as an APOLOGY. So, from what I see, I'm not the only one who is not being mature.

I was around on the fam/faz forums long enough to see other alerts and know how things like this went. If I stayed, I would have just continued to be attacked until I gave in. I did nothing wrong. So, I left.
The only 'history' I have with DEP is getting Guardians involved with scammers or rule-breakers.

This whole paragraph. Interestingly, I have been warned in the past, by many individuals whom know Light on some more personal level, not to do business with him/her. However, as I like to form my own opinions. I did not heed what they said. As I stated before, I had done business with them in the past. Both alt buying and digo buying, I believe (it's been a while). And, those interactions were always pleasant. So, I continued to do so. I was again warned AFTER this started to happen.
Again, if the spotlight that Light had with the Guardians was the best and most innocent one, then Light should have actually encouraged me to contact them. Honestly, I only went to them to ask them if what Light was said was possible. I was not doing it to accuse Light of anything. I just wanted to know if it WAS possible for a character to still be listed as someone's main, but not be in their character list.
I had absolutely no intention of including Lights name in my correspondence at all. However, given this incident and to protect myself, I did have to let Cironir know that I did, in fact, buy the alts and that the digo was given to me - in the event Light contacted him and claimed otherwise. I'm protecting myself.
All of this could have been avoided if you would have just said outright to me that you were refunded for the mistake.

All of this could have been avoided, if I would have listened to others and never done business with you. And I'm not going to admit to something that didn't actually happen. You clearly stated, as per the posted screenshots of our convo, that it was an APOLOGY for the mistake. You stated you were giving it to me as an APOLOGY. Not the same thing as a refund. You claimed that after.
But you can't sit there and say I'm not trying to work with you when I stayed up two hours after being woke up attempting to get this resolved with you.

Where have I once stated that you weren't trying to work with me? I actually said in my convo with Zim, that you did give me the quacken as an APOLOGY. I accept that's you trying to work with me. Anything after that? You weren't trying to work with me. You were trying to get your stuff back and give me my money back because I said I was going to the guardians. I mean, yeah, that's you trying to "work with me"..I didn't want to work with you. I'll admit that. Look at how you are coming at me.

Look at how I'm being attacked. Look at how Light, in our posted conversation/screenshots, demanded I give things back and assumed. Look how they were defended by that Discords staff. Why would I want to continue to work with someone like that...? I did nothing wrong...and you were even told that.
Again, Chocobo has left out an entirely different story, which involves their dealing with another moderator, where she was repeatedly asked to talk to me

Again, I was told not to include this per the staff of these forums. I didn't just "not include it" to be malicious, I was told not to. I wanted to include it initially. I was told not to. However, as I am now, again, being blamed, they are now included as well. I have nothing to hide on that matter.
The digo wasn't free. It was suppose to be payment back for the $5 you paid me for the alt Mallard.

Uhm. No, I'm pretty sure it was free. I didn't pay for it and you. You offered it and, even though I did show interest, I more or less declined and you gave it anyway, as an APOLOGY...not as a refund. You added that later after this whole thing started.
I also want to put this out there, that the life quacken was on the alt Quacken itself. There was no cooldown or wait time, she has every power to gift or trade it back to me if she didn't want it.

It was given to me as an APOLOGY. I could this, however, I'm not going to. I paid for 4 alts, was told one was not there only AFTER Light accepted my money/I sent payment (and a day later, might I add). I'm keeping it as an apology for not having the alt. I don't have Mallard. That's what I originally wanted.

As for Pockets response here.
For someone who's claiming to be upset about aggression from someone, your messages come off very aggressive. "I'm not giving you anything back I paid for them so. I paid for them, they're mine now." That's honestly not a very friendly, polite, or mature response to someone offering you a refund for an item you didn't receive.

If you had read the entirety of our posted logs, which I'm guessing you have. It was not offered as a refund initially. It was offered as an apology. Lest we completely ignore that Light got very demanding and aggressive with me at first about me shoveling things back at them because I was choosing to go to the guardians. I was rightfully asserting my rights to the ALTS I LEGALLY paid for, and the quacken that I never agree'd to take initially and was GIVEN TO ME without my agreeance as an APOLOGY..not as a refund.
I understand that Light was a little too quick on the jump to send you the quacken, but if you refuse to accept the digo as compensation

It was offered as an APOLOGY.
This is actually specifically stated by light, first and foremost, before any of this happened - if one reads the logs. This little fact seems to being clearly thrown out the window.....I wonder why...And I'll keep repeating it as many times as needed.


Since it's being missed. Let me help by posting that here. Right click > open in new tab to view bigger. I cannot control it resizing to these forums.
You don't get to keep things if you get a full refund. You could have easily said, "No thank you, I only want a refund for the single alt that I didn't receive," gotten your refund for that and merrily kept the others.

Again, it was offered as an apology. I was offered it to PURCHASE at first, I said NOT RIGHT NOW, which to me, translates as NO. It was GIVEN to me anyway. Light could have removed it. He didn't. So, I was a ACCEPTING IT as an apology. I am refusing to return is, as, they DEMANDED it back after WILLINGLY giving it to me "as an apology" after I said I was going to the guardians, not before.
This would be a scam if you weren't offered a refund/compensation

It was offered as an APOLOGY and just given to me ANYWAY, even after I did not accept it. It's not a scam.


Can you read? Zim even said AT FIRST, I was wronged. The situation only changed to be AGAINST me after I informed him it was one of his staff.

I find that really funny....

That's all I'm going to say about that.

I kindly ask, that if anyone else is going to come here and defend Light, either as their friend, or as a read EVERYTHING first. EVERYTHING, and look at all of the screenshots I took the time out to provide.

Stop accusing me of things in Light's defense and acting as if Light is not at any fault here.

Thank you.
Please be mindful of how you're all talking to each other. Instead of attacking someone, just state facts. Don't go calling names. I've already told Chocobo that we would help her reword it; I just haven't been home to do so. Which you knew we would do, Light. Madam talked to you about this already.

You're going to yell at her because she posted her side of the story, yet your own side of the story was blasted on FAM/FAZ discord and she's not allowed to tell her side there. So if you're going to attack her for posting her own side of the story, then you have no right to post your own without her being able to respond.

You're both allowed to be upset. You're both allowed to voice your own opinions. Do not attack each other over it.

Here's what I'm getting out of this. Chocobo bought 4 alts. But one alt wasn't delivered because of this that and other - you didn't have it. So you offered a digo to her as compensation and instead of waiting for a reply, you willfully gave her the digo. In the eyes of DEP, this is considered a gift. It may not seem that way to you, but this is how DEP will most likely review it.

I may not agree with how some things were worded to you, to Zim, or anyone else, Light. But the fact of the matter is that a deal was made, something fell through, she paid you, and was unhappy with the trade. You tried to compensate for it, which was very kind. It may have gone a little sour in the end, yes. I believe this whole thing was a mess of confusion and miscommunication that could have been avoided.

I do, however, encourage you to reach out to the bugges or guardians yourself, light, to get your account on CMS figured out. From my understanding, if an alt is listed as your main on the CMS site, then the email cannot be switched and the alt should still be in your possession. I'm aware that the site can glitch, however, but I've never had success in selling any alts to people when it was still connected as a main alt on my emails. I could be wrong. The guardians can tell you if that alt is still tied to your email or not. That could be a very simple solution to this all. I'd recommend checking your un-imported alts as well to see if it's listed there, because if it was never imported, it wont show up on your alt list when you go to log into Furcadia. I can help you with that if you would like.

Back to the digo bit... If you gifted the quacken, it's going to take 30 days (I think?) or more for it to be transferable anyhow, so you would have to wait anyways. But I also don't think it's right to ask for all of the alts back when she wanted them in the first place and you received the money for it. I get what you're saying about the value of the quacken. But you were willing to let the value go when you offered it as compensation, so I'm confused why everyone is getting so upset over $5. I'll give you $5 if you can just drop it, and everyone deletes their post.

None of this was a scam. - This thread is not on a scam list. It's on an ALERT list. Everyone has a right to voice a bad transaction with someone and everyone should have the right to defend themselves. And from what I'm hearing, FAM/FAZ only got your side of the story, Light. Not Chocobo's. So I don't blame her for wanting to outsource her post elsewhere to show her side of the story as well. And she didn't even put you on as a scammer.

For the record, I don't see any of this as scamming. I see it as a HUGE miscommunication, a lapse in judgement and a few unwise words gone wrong. If you guys want to continue talking about this, please talk to one another in PMs. I'll keep everyone's evidence up as of right now. So everyone has their side of the story to keep things fair.
Hi there. Based on what I've read, I gather this:

  • There is no transfer time on the Quacken, as it came on an alt that was transferred. This could be verified if Chocobo is willing to get a screenshot of the lifer on the alt.
  • Light offered the Quacken as an apology for not having the alt they were under the impression they still owned due to it showing up in their account.
  • Because Chocobo started to acclimate the situation by saying, "I don't think that's possible," instead of taking Light's word for it and accepting the digo, the situation escalated because there was no real resolution due to the fact Chocobo outright refused to consider the deal even.

Chocobo can be upset that she didn't get one of the alts out of the deal, but I would think that receiving a digo as compensation instead that's worth more than the value of the alt would result in this deal being EVEN. That is why this is still stagnant and neither party feels resolved.

Chocobo, Light has asked many times that you two work this out with them one-on-one, however you refuse to do that as well and instead talked to other staff. All this refusal to make things even and instead putting your emotions ahead due to the way FAM/FAZ has acted toward you is only making the situation linger longer than it ever needed. I would highly suggest taking some time to cool off and coming back to Light and figuring out a rational agreement.

That's all. Thanks for reading if you did.
I am not going to continue to talk to Light.

I'll openly admit, I'm not willing to give them another chance. That's my choice. I guess if you all see it's the wrong one, I'll gladly take the hit for being a scammer.

I went to other staff because I felt wronged. Nobody here, and I mean NOBODY here has definitive proof that what light claimed is actually, in fact, true.

Yes, it may be a glitch. I've admitted to that so many times now. However, there's no actual proof that's what it is. Someone saying "it is possible because it did happen" is not 100% proof. All I wanted, again, was for Cironir to say "Yes. That is possible.". Again, I was not even going to include Light's name. Just to ask if it was possible.

I went to staff, because it was a member of staff that I felt wronged me, and I felt Zim had the right to know.

My bad, I guess, for trusting anyone with any of this. For trusting the fact that I felt wronged and lied to, and that the situation YES felt a bit sketchy to me.

Again, even Zim said that I was wronged. Zim even admitted to it. It was ONLY AFTER I mentioned it was one of the staff, that this whole situation turned.

Light seemed fine with me saying that I did not think it was possible, and never said anything against me saying I wanted to test it out.

He only became UNFINE with it after A) I went to Zim. B ) I informed Zim I was going to go to the guardians.

If you compare the timestamps between both imgur folders and convo's, and even all of the timestamps between me and Light alone - that will further prove that. So. Nobody is taking all of this into account, yet, I know people are capable. Everyone is just coming at me.

Apparently, when I was being defended in the Fam/Faz discord, people were told to stop for "Ganging up on Light." But, honestly, I'm being ganged up on too. But I have only myself to defend myself with. I don't have a gang of bystanders to help. Just any staff willing to see the situation rightfully for what it is, and not try to have me make a decision I am not agreeing to make for something that didn't actually happen.

Again. Light offered the quacken first as something for me to buy. At $15, so $5 more than him saying here it's worth $10..and Boe saying it's worth $ whatever on that.

It was offered as an APOLOGY. Not as a GIFT, and not inititally as a Refund. The "Refund" came AFTER I went to Zim, and AFTER I said I was going to contact Cironir.
Please keep that in mind. Thanks.

Whether or not what Light said is possible/actually true about Mallard. They still willfully GAVE ME the Quacken. Which, I can confirm was sent along with the ALT Quacken when Light changed it to my email. I am not currently going to log in to these alts for proof. I don't trust anyone at current not to have left me offline whispers as an attack or someone not to try.

I will if I have to later on, however.

Does not disprove whether or not it is actually trans. I'm just agreeing with what light said about how it was on the alt Quacken, and the alt was sent to me with the digo on it.

Again, the digo was firstly offered as something for me to buy. I said "not right now" as in "No"..and then they offered it as an APOLOGY..I hadn't even said sure that I'll accept it for t hat. They WILLINGLY sent the alt to me KNOWING the digo was still on it. That was ON THEM...why do people, completely skipping out on that?

And, considering the circumstances, I'm risking getting in trouble by including this here, but, I feel it's imperative now.


Proof that I was told only to include my conversation with light.

I'm not going to play this game of hiding. If i get in trouble for including which mod of these forums told me that, then I'll take that hit too.

**EDIT** Going to include this here. Since everyone is so keen on calling ME out, why doesn't Light include all of the SCREENSHOTS (not pastebin logs) of our convo from their side. That way, people can compare them.
Last I recall, if someone is not willing to provide their own concrete evidence, they are the ones in the wrong.

Please, disprove anything I'm saying. Prove me wrong. Prove that I altered my screenshots to say anything other than what they do.

I clearly stated what I editted out.

My email - which is still there, mind you, just blocked out.
The sidebar where it shows what servers I am on, and what other people I have interactions with.
Anything that was not the Discord convo. My task bar, programs, etc. Just the discord conversation itself.

People are just coming at me. Not ONCE has anyone asked Light to prove anything otherwise. Other than their screenshots they included of my convo with Zim, which, again, I was told not to include. Only "the essentials", my convo with Light. And, as you can see, I had no issues with including it after, and I wasn't even asked to include that, I did that of my own choosing.

Where is any of Lights personal counter proof and evidence to back up anything they say? Other than "their word"...? I included the entire conversation LOL, people are just..ignoring it. It's sickening.

Please stop defending Light if you are not going to agree he needs to provide actual proof as well. I'm not "picking and choosing" which bits of our convo to include. It's all there. All of it.
Since you're upset at me for not telling you what you want to hear, Chocobo...

Let it be known that you never showed me the entire conversation between you and Zim. All you said was that Zim took Light's side and said that Light did no wrong. This is why I told you to just include the conversation with you and Light. Had I seen ALL of the logs? I would have told you to include them.

My bad for taking your word.

I said drop this and take it to PMs. If this continues, I'm going to delete your thread all together. I told you how to fix this. I gave you my advice that you asked for, and you turned and twisted my words. This is now just becoming an attack and I want this to stop.

This thread is locked for now. if anyone has anything to add, please contact jess or I directly and we will review and post it for you.

Moderators: Boe Maddi Madam Xela (played by Xelamor)