Elysian models are standardly given a feline-like appearance by default, however customized models can look like just about any which way one might desire, their custom appearances often mimicking human-like or other furred species or draconic traits. These are rare to be released to the public and are more likely sold directly through Elysian Servitors or via the unowned pens in which the Tether is paid a fee to have them sold on the Servitor’s behalf.
Although all Elysian models start out with a sort of ‘basic’ purpose in mind, they are very much capable of learning and adapting to fit other roles. A Familiar is not locked into only devoting themselves to a magically inclined owner nor a Corporeate only to physical pursuits.
There are currently four basic Elysian Models:
Elysian Servitors are the most well-trained of all four models, and are the only models capable of using their hearts to cast magic by default. This magic is used exclusively in the repair and modification of other models should they become damaged or their owners desire extra enhancements and modifications. Elysian Servitors are both the eyes and ears of the Owl, keeping an eye on active Elysians as sales representatives and researchers. Servitors can be purchased at an exorbitant price, however they are worth it given they are well-trained in not only the repair of other Elysians(which the Owner can set their own price for) but often slavery, crafting, and entertainment skills. They also are the only beings (aside from the Owl) that retain the knowledge of how to knockout/ stop the hearts of Elysians on contact in cases of threats and rogue incidents.
Servitor Traits:
- Height ranges on average from 6-7 feet.
- Build is most commonly slender, with longer than average dextrous fingers to allow for details repairs.
- They are usually given between 3-4 hearts (Max of 5).
- They are usually give the highest quality vibrissae and sensory detection: between 4-5 average on a scale of 1-5.
- Their skeletal structure is on average 1-2 in durability on a scale of 1-3.
Beyond sales and the like, Servitors often will be assigned other unreleased Elysians who need further real-world applicable training, the Servitor being the babysitter to ensure said Elysian learns the 'right way', though this is done so infrequently.
OOCly: Servitors are only released one per clutch and should be played by someone willing to RP with other clutch mates at least for basic repairs and enhancements. Servitors still can be purchased, but are given the independence of an Owned slave until that time. Until then they are responsible for keeping up correspondence with the Owl (NPCed) and sending him what money they earn, attempting to make sales/ show off Elysian marketability, and even advertising their other marketable skills for extra sales. Servitors are meant to be the best of the best and if they are not while unowned, they could possibly risk being decommissioned. Therefore players of Servitors must know and play by the rules of wherever they are played until they are purchased. If they are purchased, I would appreciate being notified so a new Servitor slot can be opened. All responsibility to the Owl, however, is unnecessary if they are purchased.
Corporeates service owners by being both body-guards and arena combatants. They are larger and more densely built than other models due to their protective priority and generally are more capable than most of adapting to different situations without the need of a direct order. They have their own special set of enhancements that can be purchased such as extra modified wing-arms that allow them to quadruple wield weapons and sturdier tails that can be used in combat with extra reinforcements to prevent breakage. Due to their size, Corporeates can contain one extra heart above average and have a quadruply enforced skeleton.
Corporeate Traits:
- Height ranges on average from 6 ½ to 8 feet.
- Build is most commonly large and muscular.
- They are usually given between 3-4 hearts (Max of 6)
- They are usually give medium quality vibrissae and sensory detection: between 2-3 average on a scale of 1-5.
- Their skeletal structure is on average 2-3 in durability on a scale of 1-4.
Escorts are the companion models of the Elysian. Varying in body type but generally modeled to be easy on the eyes, Escorts are the pretty eye candy any potential owner dreams of. Also being the cheapest of the three models, they have the least enhanced features but likely have more knowledge in the ways of fashion, sexuality, servitude, entertainment, and worldliness. This is not to say that they are automatons, for they generally have a great deal of personality and an eagerness to serve even if they have not been formally trained. An escort lacking in formal training is meant to be customized in their Owner’s personal preferences, giving an illusion of breaking for those who enjoy a challenge.
Escort Traits:
- Height ranges on average from 5½-6 ½ feet.
- Build is most average, intended to be highly appealing.
- They are usually given between 1-2 hearts (Max of 5)
- They are usually give low quality vibrissae and sensory detection: between 1-2 average on a scale of 1-5.
- Their skeletal structure is on average 1-2 in durability on a scale of 1-3.
Just as their model title implies, Familiars are built for the more express purpose of being useful to magically-inclined beings. Generally they are the smallest of the models, often reaching no more than five feet in height as their express purpose is to be as efficient as possible with their aetheric energy. They come standard with three hearts in order to be of greatest use to their owners, and often know at least two or three types of crafting, one of which will be magical in nature. They also are enhanced with knowledge skills in subjects such as herbalism, alchemy, magical histories or a variety of things that can be of use to their owners.
Familiar Traits:
- Height ranges on average from 4½ -5 ½feet.
- Build is mostly sturdy but diminuitive.
- They are usually given between 2-3 hearts. (Max of 4)
- They are usually give medium quality vibrissae and sensory detection: between 2-3 average on a scale of 1-5.
- Their skeletal structure is on average 1-2 in durability on a scale of 1-3.
Custom models are just that: customized. Unlike their counterparts, their size, physique, and species appearance is unlimited. They could look elven, human, draconic, canine, or anything in between and still possess all the capabilities of their model counterparts. Similarly the amount of hearts, skeletal strength, and vibrissae sensitivity is more specifically molded. While some custom models may be released to the public for testing buyer preferences when it comes to appearance, they can also be ordered directly from a Servitor in order to get exactly what a potential owner desires. Custom models may also be placed under the charge of Servitors for real-world training.
Sold by Servitors, these enhancements can be purchased for any standard or unenhanced model.
Unlocking Magical Potential
Extra Heart (maximum of 5 total)
Reinforced Skeleton (1 layer)
Higher Quality Vibrissae (1 level up)
Fluids Flavor Modification
Appearance Modification
Sexual Organ/Integumentary Modifications
Extra set of arms
Arm-wing Enhancement (Corporeates only)
Wing Removal/Addition
Minor Repairs
Skeletal/mesh/nerve Repairs
Brain Repairs
Limb replacement
Aether-treated oil (Blood) per half gallon
Aether-treated clay (Muscle) per pound
Food Supplement Mixture - per bucket, lasts one week with standard use.
Customized Elysian (NPCed) (takes 1 month to create IC)
Customized Elysian Servitor (NPCed) (takes 3 months to create IC)
20 platinum
50 platinum
50 platinum
25 platinum
3 gold
2 platinum
2 platinum
3 platinum
4 platinum
1 platinum
1-3 gold
4-5 gold
1-2 platinum
2 platinum
1 silver
2 silver
3 gold
50 platinum
100 platinum