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Forums » The City of Thornmouth » Politics and Diplomacy

Thornmouth has a history steeped in diplomatic relations and acts as an intermediary between the nations of the east and west. It was founded on the idea of preventing war and has since become a symbol of inevitable change. A great deal of growth has occurred in the past two hundred years since the end of the Fae-Human war and politics both at home and abroad have become increasingly complicated. Thornmouth is still functionally a monarchy, but a bureaucratic one where the royal family has placed an increasing number of governmental duties upon a variety of institutions within the city. These include the trade guild, the city guard, the law council, and those granted the title of ambassador.

Diplomatic Relations

Thornmouth hosts a proud assembly of ambassadors as part of its court, individuals trained to handle navigating the social spheres on either side of the continent. They travel often in order to maintain good relations between nations as well as negotiating trade agreements and other matters of diplomacy. It is exceedingly rare that any member of the royal family leave the kingdom to involve themselves in such matters personally, except in the most celebratory or serious of occasions (although rumor has it King Galen is known to try, a man who feels cooped up in the castle).

A foreign ambassador will be welcomed at one of three embassies within the capital city: one for eastern and western nations respectively, and a significantly smaller third meant to handle those of other realms entirely.

In general visiting representatives are set up within their own residences for the duration of their visits. It is expected that many dignitaries may not see eye-to-eye - even those hailing from the same side of the continent - so all efforts are made to keep such individuals separate where possible.

The Otherworld Consulate

While Thornmouth makes itself host to many a far-flung traveler, it is another matter being recognized as an extraforeign diplomat or noble. Thornmouth does not have the means to establish strong connections with distant realms due to the logistical difficulties in regular travel and/or communication, plus the unfortunate reality of being easily hoodwinked in regards to the facts. There is a clear hesitance from the governing class to formally acknowledge other worlds. A noble from another world will find themselves even more removed from status than one from a distant land, word only good for the value they can place behind it and claims rarely taken seriously. An eager diplomat will find themselves directed towards the Otherworld Consulate, a fine name for a small office within the Trade and Immigration building.

There even the most royal of individuals will find difficulty to be recognized as such. There is typically little incentive for the kingdom to recognize alien sovereignty and greater risks in doing so, especially in regards to diplomacy. In order to establish any agreements there is a call for means of reliable transportation and communication both ways to facilitate initial negotiations. This is of course rare given the fickle nature of moon gates and the scarcity of magical transportation. When combined with there being minimal interest in establishing relations with such far distant entities, it makes for a situation where most attempts at diplomacy are disregarded. However, a trader may have better luck - depending on their means of travel and wares, they may be granted a limited trade license with hefty fees attached.

A dark and lonely little office most days, the Otherworld Consulate primarily deal with concerns of travelers trying to find their way home and arranging for trade licenses for merchants through the Merchant’s Guild. However, this office has also been tasked with overseeing the oceanic outpost acting as a ‘customs’ for the Kasurian gate. It an experiment in regulating travel and preventing smuggling, one of the major concerns with establishing any greater relations with extrannexian nations.

High Commissioner Caraway

The High Commissioner of the Otherworld Consulate is an old fae that came in with the Queen’s company upon her marriage to King Galen. Caraway had been old then and is equally old now, a few decades making little difference to a man of many hundreds. It would be quite hard to say just how many, for he was of a long-lived people; specifically a member of the seelie court, as out of element as his once-princess. A custodian to the old traditions of welcoming far flung travelers, he haunts his small corner of bureaucracy with a dusty patience.


Thornmouth is host to many factions, from peacekeeping formations to a wide variety of craft, entertainment, and educational guilds. A greater look into each can be found here:

Moderators: Rigby Tar AJ_89