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Forums » Businesses » The Witch's Hat

Name:The Witch's Hat
Location: The Wilds; the glowing glades
Type:Various magical implements and support class tools sales, healing ailments using magic, liquor sales
Hours:All hours, unless otherwise posted on her door
Employees: Adelaide, the proprietress and local witchy/mage, assistant position open

A path of glowing feline paw prints lead to a quaint little hut in the enchanted glowing glades. The hut appears to be of a standard make for its sort, though it seems to be adorned with what looks like a typical witch's hat. It stands under a fair amount of large mushrooms, seemingly nestled comfortably beneath the canopy of myconids. Within, is a cozy scene, shelves stocked with bottles of colored liquids and various dried herbs and ingredients. Many tools of her trade also seem to adorn the shelves and tables, while something is always brewing in the cauldron in the middle.


Moderators: Rigby Tar AJ_89