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Forums » Businesses » Wide Toad Tavern


Name: Wide Toad Tavern
Location: Gryphon's Grin, Thornmouth
Type: Tavern
Hours: all day, all night

It is likely the first places someone will be introduced to upon arriving in the city. It is located in the slums on the western side. The Wide Toad is the life and soul of Thornmouth's community, especially serving guards and the locals from the Gryphon's Grin. Many are fond of its homely food and good alcohol. The place is often filled with background chatter and on colder evenings the fireplace can be heard crackling in the corner. It's friendly and welcoming, though its patrons may sometimes be less welcoming to magic folk. There's seating on the second floor overlooking the tavern and a doorway leads into a hall of rentable rooms.

Moderators: Rigby Tar AJ_89