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This has been unfortunate.

Posted by TDC May 14th 2015, 1:08pm
With what has been happening recently, as I'm sure some of you may have already heard, we've been having our dream and our names dragged through mud. We honestly didn't expect stuff like this to happen but now I am addressing it.

I am not attacking. I will try to be as civil as I can. This goes to everyone. If I offend you, then I'm sorry.

I know this subject is a touchy one and I'm sure people are tired of the drama behind it. We've been trying to be "nice". But with recent events, there is no "nice" right now. Lets move onto the subject.

It all started because of sensitivity. When descriptions weren't read (not everyone reads descriptions, mind you) and supposedly a wrong word/term was used when they were greeted within a friend's dream. Hinden and I recently came back to Furc after about 6 years of being away. We honestly did not know of this whole thing with the genders. We also didn't realize how sensitive people have gotten on this game til recently, too. The terminology for genders is a bit much (as in... there is a lot of terms that some go by) and not everyone is going to know them. It also doesn't give the right to start lecturing others if they haven't listed themselves or their characters "correctly", according to those terms. With those recent events, we had a few people 'attack' Utadis patrons and us as well. Saying to change their characters listed gender to the "correct" gender. Like CISgender. When they were told no and to stop, things started to get bad. Suddenly, we became trans-phobic? That we hated on Transgender people... We never said this. We were trying to stop the drama and the whole thing was turned around to go against us. We actually don't mind what you call yourself. What we do care about is our patrons and keeping Utadi drama-free. So going about lecturing, going after people, calling people this or that, making dramatized issues, trying to force people to change their characters, forcing friends to pick sides... That's where we draw the line. That is when we become 'not so nice'.

We are not the horrible people that we've been made out to be. I really hope that when they tell their made up story, those they tell will get both sides instead before they make their own decision. What ever they decide is fine with us, as we don't go against anyone's choices and we don't degrade them for their decisions. We're all human here, not everyone's choices will be liked by each and every person in the world. Which is fine. No, really, it's ok. Just remember that fighting about it goes no where.

* I would be happy to share paraphrased logs if need be to relevant parties. Paraphrased because sharing direct logs is against Furcadia TOS and is a punishable offense. *

Community Feedback

  1. TDC

    June 28th 2015


    Post via Forums:

    "Yikes... People are awfully rude about this gender stuff going around. I don't talk to anyone that plays into that stuff mostly because they're all so sensitive and I come off very rude on accident, but all the time. So I don't associate myself with people who have all these different genders. It's bothered me to the extent that people take it so far and are coming up with so many things! Such as... "kittykin," I do not understand this... You're a human. But I respect all people who identify as opposite genders than they were born with or as people who are asexual and stuff like that- that I've already known for years.

    Not too terribly interested in getting fussed at because I don't care to understand all these different new terms ): ..and the people who DO identify as them.. that's great! But they get awful mean and snap when someone misgenders them without knowing what the hell is going on!"
  2. TDC

    May 14th 2015


    Post via Forums:

    "Thank you for addressing this publicly. Hearing the other side of the story is very beneficial and I really appreciate that you sharing your story. Being a dream owner is never easy and misunderstandings only make being in charge that much more difficult. This is especially helpful when trying to defend friends that have been negatively affected by this event, even though they were not directly involved.

    As a friend of a small number of transgender individuals, I can tell you that cisgendered is sometimes used as a negative connotation against those that identify as the gender they were physically born with. Those that identify as transgender are welcome to their personal opinion, but like religious and political topics, one's personal opinion should never be forced onto someone else.

    Again, thank you for sharing your side of the story and I hope everything irons out into a situation that's far more positive for everyone involved (and dragged into it) in the end. Having high school level drama invade the OOC of our text-based roleplay *GAME* is certainly turning out to be far too frequent as of late, and highly annoying. Learn to accept each other despite your differences and everyone will find that their time here will be a little happier, a little easier, and a lot more fun."

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