Ciel Phantomhive
Yana Toboso (I applied it with AI)
Alois Trancy
Yana Toboso
Jooters Blaccat
Mehana Anielski
Ashely Elric
Name: Ciel Phantomhive
Age: 12 Years Old ⟫ DOB = 12/14/75
Species: Technohuman ⟫ Hearing Enhancement
Gender: Male ⟫ He/Him
Job(s): Queen's Guarddog
Title(s): Earl of Phantomhive, Owner of Funtom Toys
Main Home: Lincolnshire, Spacegas Wealds
Townhouse(s): London, Xemore City and Oxford, Xemore City
Ciel is a young, twelve-year-old boy with short, dark teal hair, fair skin, wearing an eye-patch on one eye and most of the time seen in an extravagant outfit. He often carries a cane with him, and is always seen wearing his rings on his hand. He wears Mores Technology for hearing enhancement.
Name: Alois Trancy
Age: 13 Years Old ⟫ DOB = 11/5/74
Species: Technohuman ⟫ Sight Enhancement
Gender: Male ⟫ He/Him
Job(s): Queen's Spider
Title(s): Earl of Trancy
Main Home: Buckinghamshire, Xemore City
Townhouse(s): London, Xemore City
Alois Trancy, Earl of Trancy, is a boy with blonde hair, blue eyes and a passion for driving people crazy. He is often seen wearing purple and green outfits, usually paired with shorts, but occasionally wears pants. He wears Mores Technology for sight enhancement, because his vision is blurry without it.
Name: Jooters Blaccat
Age: 5 Years Old ⟫ DOB = 1/10 (October 1st)
Species: DNA Edited ⟫ Housecat Humanoid
Gender: Male ⟫ He/Him
Job(s): Professional Hug Giver
Joot is a young 5 year old boy with a love of sweets, hugs, fantasy stories, and adventure. He loves to do mischief, but usually ends up apologizing with teary eyes at the end.
Coming from a family who performed DNA editing on themselves, he has the appearance and instincts of a housecat, yet with the upright stance, intelligence, and size of a human. He is most commonly seen in his very comfy green hoodie.
Name: Mehana Anielski
Age: 21 Years Old ⟫ DOB = 7/9
Species: Human
Gender: Male ⟫ He/They
Job(s): Engineer
Title(s): Space Angel
Main Home: London, Xemore City
Townhouse(s): Oxford, Xemore City and Yorkshire, Spacegas Weald
Mehana Anielski prides himself with his work, and even wears it. He has created his own technology in-which he calls "Artificial Angel Wings", he is working hard to get it available to others, and has only a few sets of them created so far. He is sweet and kind, and helps whenever he can. Though that saying, he can be pretty dumb and sometimes naive.
Name: Ashely Elric
Age: 23 ⟫ DOB = 12/3/66 (MM/DD/YY)
Species: Technohuman/DNA Edited Human ⟫ Limb Enhancement, Vision Enhancement, Strength enhancement. Snow Leopard DNA Insert, Mind Enhancment
Gender: DemiGirl ⟫ She/They
Job(s): Rising Star of the Engineering Industry
Title(s): Unknown as of now
Main Home: Unknown, Xemore City
Townhouse(s): Unknown