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Tyhe BBcode failed all of you.

Can I kaugh for an Embed fail?

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It didn't fail for me?
@Five, your character is up there now. :)

Now I shall disappear into nowhere again because that's what I doooooooooo-
Wait, don't leave, I need to ask!

Have You ever met a spider queen? and would they be your rival?
Nah, I've never met a Spider Queen, "the queen's spider" stands for Alois's title, given to him by Her Majesty. It's from an Anime/Manga/Broadway series. :)

(Knowing the actual Alois, as in not me but the character, he would probably consider her his rival, yes-)
He HAS however, met a spider demon. This piece of SHIT /hj
Thanks for filling in for me yesterday Alois
(I can confirm that Claude is a piece of shit)

I'm working on forums atm
Don't post in them yet
So I got some forums set up
I'm going to make a post in them sometime this weekend or next week

Please don't post anything right yet until I've done my stuff, thanks <3
Name: Ashely Elric
Age: 23 ⟫ DOB = 12/3/66 (MM/DD/YY)
Species: Technohuman/DNA Editted Human ⟫ Limb Enhancement, Vision Enhancement, Strength enhancement. Snow Leopard DNA Insert, Mind Enhancment
Gender: DemiGirl ⟫ She/They

Job(s): Rising Star of the Engineering Industry
Title(s): Unknown as of Now

Main Home: Xemore City
Townhouse(s): and

(idk what to do for the houses)

(tada, pretty lady!! This was the one I like the most but my vision has extra robo tails (Nine from Prime I'm taking a leaf form your book) and an extra set of arms, on her back, for improved effiency)

This is the link to the Art Station Page, the artist is also in there
Finally got it out, I decided to go with a River Thames Frost Fair setting. I know that they eventually stopped Frost Fairs in the early 1800s, but there is an episode of Black Butler that stars a Frost Fair, despite it being set in 1888, that I absolutely love.

Thank you (Mind/Focus enhancement is a thing if that's close enough)
Ciel wrote:
Finally got it out, I decided to go with a River Thames Frost Fair setting. I know that they eventually stopped Frost Fairs in the early 1800s, but there is an episode of Black Butler that stars a Frost Fair, despite it being set in 1888, that I absolutely love.

Thank you (Mind/Focus enhancement is a thing if that's close enough)

(ok, i'm in the process of finding the picture and who to credit)
Very pretty! Do you mind scaling/cropping the image to 960 x 1568 to fit the other images, please?
Idk how to do that, sorry.
Do you have Paint/MS Paint? Just take the image and use the crop/resize tool :)
I guess I can do it for you, but it'll take a bit.
I'm on a chromebook, I don't think I haveanything.
There's a website called that i use a lot for stuff like resizing images
Jooters wrote:
There's a website called that i use a lot for stuff like resizing images

OH, it's an Ai thing as well? (possiiltiessss)
Yeah. that didn't work. Is 960 by 1568 possible? it keeps changing it to 960 by 1348
SoulHeart57 wrote:
Yeah. that didn't work. Is 960 by 1568 possible? it keeps changing it to 960 by 1348

I think you have to turn off the option of it automatically making the image an even dimension.

It's fine if you can't get it to work though, me or Alois will get a hold of it soon and try and scale/crop it down ourselves. :)
I'll reply soon, sorry for the wait! <_< <_<

Moderators: Ciel (played anonymously) the-queen's-spider (played anonymously)