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  • We are an all ages RP, keep things at or around PG 13.

    Typical RP rules apply. No god moding. No mary sues.

    No bashing Legend of Spyro. I completely understand the nostalgia factor, classic Insomniac Spyro was my childhood. But Legend of Spyro gave the fandom some awesome material. The perfect Spyro game in my opinion would have the gameplay of the classics and the story of the Legends, which is why I combined the two lores. If, by some chance, you were introduced to Spyro via the Legends, the reverse also applies. I'm just asking you to keep an open mind. You're allowed to have your favorites and you're allowed to have your nostalgia, just be nice about it.

    We do not have Skylanders lore, but I can accept Skylanders OCs as long as you accept that this isn't Skylands and they would've had to travel. This world is called Nagarr, after the Burmese word for dragon(thanks JayBird!). Nagarr and Skylands are across the ocean from each other, roughly the distance between America and Europe. Whether they sailed, flew, or used a magic portal is up to you, but make sure you provide a legit reason for them to be so far from home.

    Each magically inclined character can only have a single element. No purple dragons (dragons that can have more than one element and are super powerful, born only once every 1000 years). The exception is characters of races who don't have built in magic, and have to use weapons. You can have a fire gun and an ice sword if you want for example, just don't go overboard and have something like a super assault rifle that can use every single element.

    Not every character can have magic. Magic weapons would be super expensive, so keep that in mind if you have a non magic creature. If they're a poor farmer or something, chances are they'll have common, everyday weapons made of wood, stone, bone, or metal.

    You may have as many characters as you can handle. To add more after joining, simply join again with the new character. All characters must fit the fantasy setting, no aliens or robots. It's best if you use characters tailored to the Spyro franchise: dragons, fairies, other mythical creatures, and animals.

    If you are ever unsure about whether or not a character/concept/etc will be allowed, ask Dragoncat. And remember: never meddle in the affairs of dragons, you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!