Welcome to the group!This is the place where we come together to make styles for the RPR, whether it's private styles, public styles, or custom individualized styles. The group is run by Sanne, who not only has many years of experience creating styles for the RPR (both official and for personal use), but is also a certified webdeveloper with a strong emphasis on design.
By creating this group I hope to provide a helping hand in changing the number of accessible styles on the RPR on top of creating an open and welcoming space for people to learn creating styles in general.
If you've felt that things such as mobile responsiveness are daunting, or perhaps even style creation in general is, then this is the group for you! -
Looking for testers!
Posted By Sanne on Dec 5th 2022
The first part of my style tutorial for newbies is up. I've been adding to it in a bit of a haze this last week and I'd super appreciate another pair of eyes on it to let me know if it's useful!
If you'd like to give it a run through, keep in mind it's not intended to be a detailed, step by step education on CSS specifically. It's supposed to be a simple template with basic explanations to help someone get a basic understanding of which elements are styled for basic effects. I highly encourage people to reference W3Schools on the side.
I welcome any constructive feedback! Once I know this part of the tutorial is solid, I'll expand on it with a mobile responsive guide based on this design.
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