Hey guys! 
I'm looking for some help to bring out more Epic Styles on the RPR. I suffer from terrible decision paralysis and I'm never quite sure what people want, so this is my attempt to have people curate resources and ideas and vote on what they want to see the most, but make it all public!
(As you may or may not know, I've contributed a handful of official RPR Styles as well, including this year for Epic Week, but I want to clarify this thread is NOT for official styles, only user-made Epic ones!)
Submitting your ideas
It can be really hard to find good images to use, and I only want to create styles with images that have a proper license available to avoid copyright issues. So if you want to submit your ideas to me, make sure that the proper licenses apply. Some sites that you can source from freely are:
If you find an image you would like to see used to make an Epic style with, DM me the link to the stock image.
If you have any particular ideas of how you would like the style look like beyond the base image, you are free to do so!
Voting on concepts/ideas
I created a Trello board with a list of concept/ideas cards. If you create an account and login to Trello, then visit my board, you can open up the card with the idea you like and click the vote button.
Please note: just because a concept is on the board, doesn't mean I guarantee it will be made! Sometimes I just don't vibe with an idea after all and I opt not to make something with it. However, your votes will help me make better decisions on where my focus should go next.

I'm looking for some help to bring out more Epic Styles on the RPR. I suffer from terrible decision paralysis and I'm never quite sure what people want, so this is my attempt to have people curate resources and ideas and vote on what they want to see the most, but make it all public!
(As you may or may not know, I've contributed a handful of official RPR Styles as well, including this year for Epic Week, but I want to clarify this thread is NOT for official styles, only user-made Epic ones!)
Submitting your ideas
It can be really hard to find good images to use, and I only want to create styles with images that have a proper license available to avoid copyright issues. So if you want to submit your ideas to me, make sure that the proper licenses apply. Some sites that you can source from freely are:
If you find an image you would like to see used to make an Epic style with, DM me the link to the stock image.

Voting on concepts/ideas
I created a Trello board with a list of concept/ideas cards. If you create an account and login to Trello, then visit my board, you can open up the card with the idea you like and click the vote button.
Please note: just because a concept is on the board, doesn't mean I guarantee it will be made! Sometimes I just don't vibe with an idea after all and I opt not to make something with it. However, your votes will help me make better decisions on where my focus should go next.
aaaaaaaaaa my leafy style suggestion is happening!!!
btw y'all sanne can literally make an entire style in like. a single sitting. Now is the time to ride this high to great character styles! She's incredible!
btw y'all sanne can literally make an entire style in like. a single sitting. Now is the time to ride this high to great character styles! She's incredible!
Honestly, I can't think of anything...
Maybe a library themed one, or a cozy tea shop?
Also, if I wanted to offer up my own art for use, what resolution should it be in?
Maybe a library themed one, or a cozy tea shop?
Also, if I wanted to offer up my own art for use, what resolution should it be in?
Aardbei wrote:
Honestly, I can't think of anything...
Maybe a library themed one, or a cozy tea shop?
Also, if I wanted to offer up my own art for use, what resolution should it be in?
Maybe a library themed one, or a cozy tea shop?
Also, if I wanted to offer up my own art for use, what resolution should it be in?
Since I made the library style that was released at the end of Epic Week, I won't be designing another one quite yet. A cozy tea shop is definitely up my alley though! I'll be adding that to the inspo list.

If you want me to turn artwork into a style, it would need to be at least 1920x1080 pixels, so a full screen resolution. I can't promise that every suggested art piece will become a style, but I can try!

I was peeping current inspo, and of the cozy living ones, that hazy/cool tone modern one has vibes I really, really love.
Auberon wrote:
I was peeping current inspo, and of the cozy living ones, that hazy/cool tone modern one has vibes I really, really love.
The one with the kitchen island visible?

It looks more like a penthouse or restaurant to me I think? I love the colors and atmosphere and it's a bit different from most "cozy" themes I've seen.
Moderators: Sanne