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Forums » General Chat » Interest check: can I code your designs for you?

Hi guys!

I find myself kind of hurting for time to do a lot of creative stuff. Mostly the designing and whatnot, putting the Photoshop files together for styles and so forth.

The actual coding of the styles is something that doesn't take that long for me these days. I write code and program daily for my job, which does include CSS quite a lot, so the part of translating a visual design into CSS isn't that challenging for me anymore.

My question is, is there any interest for folks to have their custom designs translated into a finished desktop and mobile responsive style? I won't be charging for this, and I'm willing to stream the process (unlisted YT stream or something) if anyone's interested in following along. :)

My only requirements are that you have the fonts picked out and the design is mostly finished in some way or another. If there are any images in the design, please provide them separately (or send me the file with layers).

Moderators: Sanne