I have seen people being confused over, when they want to create character but they couldn't find it, or even when they find it in dashboard(which is understandable for newcomer), it's tedious process which takes time.
My proposition would be widget/button like chat with us on main page.
My proposition would be widget/button like chat with us on main page.
Some reconsideration of where that button is placed and how we draw new player attention to it is certainly warranted!
To build on how you said, it is quite tedious. Perhaps if there was a way to pause the creation and come back to it at another time that could help? Or maybe keeping it as private so no one can see the character until you’re ready to release it?
Crystaldragon126 wrote:
To build on how you said, it is quite tedious. Perhaps if there was a way to pause the creation and come back to it at another time that could help? Or maybe keeping it as private so no one can see the character until you’re ready to release it?
Unpublished characters that are WIPs is definitely something I want to do, in addition to reworking the character and group creation wizards.
That would be great to see in the rebuild!
One of the things I noticed more recently since I was editing a character of mine named Firenweorc, what that on the basic information it was hard to see what I was writing. Like for example, with the age he’s technically over 10,000 years old but he’s biologically still about 400. I couldn’t see all of it so it was hard to catch mistakes until after I was done and went back to it later on