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Forums » Suggestions » Automated end-rp option

This is a very.. odd suggestion. With people being fearful of confrontation or not knowing how to end RPs.. perhaps there can be a button that can be pressed that sends a very kind automated message to their partners from RPR with a tactfully written message for them?

It might solve some issues of people’s frustrations with blocking and ghosting.

Perhaps even with a dropdown box menu for a reason such as:
  • Not feeling it character/writing style
  • Story contains material im not comfortable with
  • I am too busy to roleplay right now and need to take a break
  • Post length has made it difficult for me to reply/ lack motivation and material
  • Roleplay has degraded from original aim
  • I have too many roleplays going on and need to lighten my load

Obviously these are just examples. I wouldn’t want to go too crazy with it…
Perhaps there could also be some automated messages for “putting RPss on pause” or a “holiday” notice you can quickly select and sent as well.

Just some ideas.

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I feel like sample letters are something we can better provide in news posts/help articles rather than adding a button for this.

Notices for "I'm on holiday" or whatever can go into the new profile posts section; it's being added almost exclusively in response to that need.