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Forums » Suggestions » Pinning specific pm posts or pm notes

So, one thing I've noticed, especially in my longer rps, is that I am constantly forgetting things. What was that npcs name again? What do you mean I had the magical macguffin all along? Wait, I feel like we missed an important plot point our characters previously discussed...

The longer an rp goes on, the harder it becomes to go back and reread to try and find those little details too. It can get frustrating to my stupid brain. So I thought it might be helpful if it were possible to perhaps pin certain pm posts so that they can be referenced quickly and easily, perhaps from a drop down menu of some kind near the top or off to the side?

Or a way for both writers to make little notes for each other that could be referenced later. "Carol's brother's name is Marko." "Big battle with Tiger Clan after the Christmas party." "Helga suspects the prince but has no proof yet." That sort of thing. Just little notes that would be much easier to search through than pages upon pages of rp responses.

Dunno if this is something feasible, something that's been considered or been suggested before but it's been on my mind for a while and figured I probably wasn't the only one.
A workaround for notes is to keep that information in a private group for you and the other players.

You could also expand all posts and ctrl-f to search a keyword.
I had thought about creating another pm for those kinds of notes, but I like to keep ooc and ic threads separate. That would mean creating three threads for every rp I have going. Not sure how my partners would feel about that but even keeping them organized into folders, it still seems like a lot.

And yes, searching keywords would cut down on search time, but when I have rps that have anywhere from 10 to 20 pages of responses, that would still take up a chunk of (less) time.

Depending on whether something like this gets implemented in 2.0 or not, I may yet see if my longer term partners would be willing to start the third note taking thread.
I really would love this. I personally keep notes either in a ever note document or in a discord server, since I talk OOC to some of my partners on discord so we create a channel like 'notes/info for such an such rp' where we drop important information.

But it would be so much easier if we could pin posts directly and what not since there tends to still be stuff that I forget to make note of.