1) A field to put the Artist's name! And a field to put their URL!
This will give artists proper credit, and will make it easy for others to find them. I love character art and I'm always looking for new artists to commission!
An example of a site that already does this is Art Fight
Form on image upload: (Although this is a mandatory field on Art Fight it need not be on RPR)

Linked name near image:

2) Make image info (Title, Description (artist??)) visible from mobile view.
This will give artists proper credit, and will make it easy for others to find them. I love character art and I'm always looking for new artists to commission!
An example of a site that already does this is Art Fight
Form on image upload: (Although this is a mandatory field on Art Fight it need not be on RPR)

Linked name near image:

2) Make image info (Title, Description (artist??)) visible from mobile view.
This would be great! I try to include names of artists in the description, but a dedicated slot would encourage others to do it more (and maybe to be a little more honest in how they source images?), and it'd be wonderful to be able to include a link to the artist's profile, page, blog, gallery, commissions post... Whichever would suit.
I would 100% use this....I like to add url tags for artists already and would love to see it done more. (Especially if it came with larger size files we could upload to gallery....

I would also use this! I usually add a widget for Artist Credits, and it gets a bit messy when trying to describe which artist drew what picture... Especially since I've BBCoded my own gallery. This would be incredible to use (and encourage me to use the Gallery Widget more!)