Merchants of the Week: May 1st to 7th
Welcome to the Cindergrove caravansary, a place where merchants often stop to feed and water their animals, take inventory of their goods, and prepare for tough journeys ahead. You can often find various kinds and qualities of wares here. This large barn has the feel of a farmer's market full of curious and oddities, and is perfect for adventurers looking to buy or sell amongst traders from far and wide.
Merchant: Thradal Orehammer
(This is a male duergar wearing heavy robes; he can barely be seen but for the slits in his wooden mask and the heavily calloused dark hands that emerge from his layers of rough clothes.)
Wares: Mechanical Contraptions (Relatively poor quality)
Merchant: So-Kehur Anskuld
(This appears to be an elf with dark skin, but a freckling of black scales mark his cheeks and ears, and you could swear you see nubs of horns poking from beyond his nearly matte black hair.)
Wares: Animals (Mounts and Pets) (Good quality)
Merchant: Maveith Kolae-Gileana
(This monstrously large goliath woman is dressed in full plate armour. She wears an intricately carved tusk like that from an elephant over her shoulder and across the opposite hip. She has an easy smile and laugh, but looks a little menacing even so.)
Wares: Religious Idols and Blessings (Excellent quality)
Merchant: Rat Scratch
Wares: Knicknacks (Medium Quality)
Welcome to the Cindergrove caravansary, a place where merchants often stop to feed and water their animals, take inventory of their goods, and prepare for tough journeys ahead. You can often find various kinds and qualities of wares here. This large barn has the feel of a farmer's market full of curious and oddities, and is perfect for adventurers looking to buy or sell amongst traders from far and wide.
Merchant: Thradal Orehammer
(This is a male duergar wearing heavy robes; he can barely be seen but for the slits in his wooden mask and the heavily calloused dark hands that emerge from his layers of rough clothes.)
Wares: Mechanical Contraptions (Relatively poor quality)
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Merchant: So-Kehur Anskuld
(This appears to be an elf with dark skin, but a freckling of black scales mark his cheeks and ears, and you could swear you see nubs of horns poking from beyond his nearly matte black hair.)
Wares: Animals (Mounts and Pets) (Good quality)
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Merchant: Maveith Kolae-Gileana
(This monstrously large goliath woman is dressed in full plate armour. She wears an intricately carved tusk like that from an elephant over her shoulder and across the opposite hip. She has an easy smile and laugh, but looks a little menacing even so.)
Wares: Religious Idols and Blessings (Excellent quality)
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Merchant: Rat Scratch
Wares: Knicknacks (Medium Quality)
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Merchant Information
Purchase Form
Note that items that are listed as having 0 cannot be purchased, as they are sold out. If there is only 1 left of an item, it is first come, first served. Since I have to update the image with each purchase, the wares may not be 100% up-to-date, but I'll do my best.
Selling Form
Remember that merchants will not buy items that they wouldn't normally sell. You may only sell to merchants who carry the same kind of gear you wish to sell.
- New merchants show up once per week (about 4 sets per month)
- The available information about the merchants grows as players find out more about them, but their lists are available when they set up shop.
- Please fill out the form below and adjust your character sheet accordingly; I'll update the merchant info based on what was bought or sold.
- Gear that is sold makes 1/2 the cost back that it can be purchased for to the appropriate merchant. One-of-a-kind items that your character had before arriving are generally for haggle but will sell for roughly the half the price of their equivalent in the D&D 5e Players Handbook.
- Merchants will only buy wares that they would normally carry. For example, an animal merchant will not buy axes or magic scrolls.
- Items can be traded instead of using GP, but you will need to do some RP with the merchant (and this counts towards your month's activity, but ping me and we can set up an IC thread; please don't post in character in this thread.)
- How merchants are accessed may change as the game evolves, please have patience if a mod needs to be contacted for NPC RP.
Purchase Form
Note that items that are listed as having 0 cannot be purchased, as they are sold out. If there is only 1 left of an item, it is first come, first served. Since I have to update the image with each purchase, the wares may not be 100% up-to-date, but I'll do my best.
- Item Bought: (Name the item as it appears in the wares image)
- Merchant Purchased From: (Name the Wares, like "Animals (Pets and Mounts)" or the merchants name, if you know it.)
- Money spent, or item traded: (Note the amount your character paid and subtract it from their inventory. Note: 1gp = 10sp = 100cp.)
Selling Form
Remember that merchants will not buy items that they wouldn't normally sell. You may only sell to merchants who carry the same kind of gear you wish to sell.
- Item to be Sold: (Name of the item as it appears in your inventory--this must be an item earned through the game, or haggled for ICly before sale is official.)
- Merchant Sold To: (Name the Wares, and/or the merchant name if you know it.)
- (Unique Items Only) Wanted Price: (How much do you expect to get for the sale of this item? If the item is magical, most merchants who accept those wares will use roughly (very roughly) half the going rate of the Sane Magic Prices Guide.)
Item Bought: Mule
Merchant Purchased From: So-Kehur Anskuld
Money spent, or item traded: 8 gp
Merchant Purchased From: So-Kehur Anskuld
Money spent, or item traded: 8 gp
Item Bought: 1 block incense
Merchant Purchased From: Maveith (religious items)
Money spent, or item traded: 1sp: Paid 1gp, received 9sp in return.
Merchant Purchased From: Maveith (religious items)
Money spent, or item traded: 1sp: Paid 1gp, received 9sp in return.