When you first join the game, I'll add some starting gear to your character to help ease them into the setting. Please add these to their character sheets!
Lilote! Please add the following to your character sheet:
XP: 0
Level: 0
Inventory: A set of fine clothes, a purse containing 5gp
You should make updates at the end of quests, when you visit the merchants, and during monthly activity rewards. You may also buy, sell, or trade the items you brought with you into the game (or those added here) with other players.
XP: 0
Level: 0
Inventory: A set of fine clothes, a purse containing 5gp
You should make updates at the end of quests, when you visit the merchants, and during monthly activity rewards. You may also buy, sell, or trade the items you brought with you into the game (or those added here) with other players.

Thank you! I'll keep track in a journal in my profile.
Rivka! Here's some starting info for your character while she plays here. (I've roughly pulled from a dnd background for this because it was too fun to pass up.)
XP: 0
Level: 1
Additional Funds: 0gp
Additional Equipment: herbalism kit (and knowhow to use it--however Rivka will need to spend time foraging for the correct mushrooms and moss to make tinctures); a symbol of a flail with 3 spiked balls; 1 small moonstone worth ~50gp (found in her nest after waking from a particularly troubling dream); a chip of silvered glass that acts as a mirror; 3 tallow candles, half burned.
XP: 0
Level: 1
Additional Funds: 0gp
Additional Equipment: herbalism kit (and knowhow to use it--however Rivka will need to spend time foraging for the correct mushrooms and moss to make tinctures); a symbol of a flail with 3 spiked balls; 1 small moonstone worth ~50gp (found in her nest after waking from a particularly troubling dream); a chip of silvered glass that acts as a mirror; 3 tallow candles, half burned.
Leonardo! You've got a pretty well-rounded inventory already, so here's the basics for adding him to the game. Please add these to his sheet while playing here.
XP: 0
Level: 1
Funds (Assuming these are what's in his leather pouch): ~50cp and 10sp
Items: Tinker's Tools and the knowhow to use them; a chain shirt of gleaming (it never gets dirty)
XP: 0
Level: 1
Funds (Assuming these are what's in his leather pouch): ~50cp and 10sp
Items: Tinker's Tools and the knowhow to use them; a chain shirt of gleaming (it never gets dirty)
Silvermaw, welcome! The cart is okay... but in the last day your mule was spooked by something in the woods and bolted, leaving you to enter the region of Cindergrove with whatever you can carry on your back. You'll need to find something to pull your cart in, about a day's walk away.
XP: 0
Level: 1
Funds: 15gp in a pouch
Equipment: A dice set or card set (your choice), a set of dark common clothes including a hood (this is in addition to what you already have listed in the app!)
XP: 0
Level: 1
Funds: 15gp in a pouch
Equipment: A dice set or card set (your choice), a set of dark common clothes including a hood (this is in addition to what you already have listed in the app!)
Morkhan, welcome! Your character sounds like they've been through quite some adventures already. The night before he passes through Cindergrove, he has a strange dream. Darkness incarnate settles around him--a familiar sensation, being who he is. He hears a single, deep craw from somewhere in front of him, and as he moves towards it, a blackened nest. In it, a single untouched egg is precariously balanced on still smoking twigs and blackened down. What could it mean? When he wakes the next morning, something feels a little different. It's a little bit harder to summon earth-shaking magic or deliver blows that could kill in one hit... is it a sign of displeasure, or is it a challenge?
XP: 0
Level: 1
Funds: 15gp
Equipment: An herbalism kit and knowhow to use it; 5 candlesticks--in addition to your existing equipment
XP: 0
Level: 1
Funds: 15gp
Equipment: An herbalism kit and knowhow to use it; 5 candlesticks--in addition to your existing equipment