What's a quest?
What's a quest in Cindergrove? Simply put, it's a gig job that the locals can offer in exchange for coin, items, or other rewards. Not all quests are created equal, and not all quests are accessible by every character (you may be under or over qualified! See the Level Up thread for more on quest tiers.) Completing quests also gives your character XP that can be put towards leveling them up. Depending on how challenging the quest was, the awarded XP may be lower or higher. Completing quests also counts towards your monthly activity check minimums of 5 posts per month or more.
Starting a Quest
In order to start a quest, sign up in this thread with your character and what quest they would like to take. If the minimum amount of characters are signed up, the quest triggers and a new IC thread can be set up. Every quest has different goals, rewards, time frames, and prerequisites, so please understand those before signing up.
Also: Note that while we are not using a rigid dice + numbers rule system for this forum, quests can be dangerous. If your character is not prepared, if your party has not planned, and if the quest is risky enough, the moderator running the quest can and will inflict consequences up to and including serious injury and death. This isn't done to be mean; this is a narrative game with rewards and consequences--excellent RP has both! There will be revivification services offered now and again, so a killed character is not gone for good... but note that every time your character dies, it is harder for their soul to find their way back.
Current Quests
Any Tier
Name: Snicker Snacks
Average Party Level: Any
Minimum # Number of Players Required to Start: 1
Quest Description: See a Kenku named Rat Scratch in the merchant stalls for trade. He is looking for anything shiny, and may be willing to make unconventional trades for things that do not appear to have much regular value.
Question Completion: When a trade is complete. (This quest ends with the next merchant turn-over.)
Quest Reward: None but what you can haggle.
Tier 0
These quests are great for complete newbies, those averse to risk, and those who need to learn some skills before they can begin to call themselves adventurers. These quests are the kind that would be suitable for NPC's; they're usually domestic or community-building. Characters in Tier 0 or Tier 1 can claim these quests.
Name: Workers for the land
Average Party Level: 0-1
Minimum # of Players Required to Start: 1 (More than one character can sign up to take this quest.)
Quest Description: The tavern owner Azerius is looking for hard workers who are willing to stay for a season to clear the fields and set the foundations of at least one farm house. He will pay anyone who brings back willing and able workers: 1sp for each unskilled labourer to a maximum of 9, and 1gp for a mason or stone-worker, in addition to a 25sp pouch to cover travel time and amenities.
Question Completion: Once a total of 10 workers and a mason are found and returned to Cindergrove, after which this quest will be replaced by another.
Quest Reward: 25sp pouch, + 1sp per unskilled worker or 1gp per skilled worker. Additional quests may unlock depending on who is convinced to return.
Tier 1
Good quests for characters level 1-4 mean unveiling mysteries and helping a town stay safe and well. Not all of these quests require a dagger or a fireball, but usually they're a little too challenging for your average NPC to handle--they need a hero! Characters in Tier 0 can only join these quests if the majority of participants are in Tier 1. Same goes for characters in Tier 2.
Name: R.O.U.S (Locked to Rivka & Morkhan)
Average Party Level: 0-2
Minimum # of Players Required to Start: 2
Quest Description: Azerius is having trouble with rats in his cellar. He's desperate for help figuring out where they keep coming from.
Question Completion: Slay all the rats and stop up whatever entrance they are using to enter the cellar.
Quest Reward: 10gp to be split among the party. An addition 5cp per rat head returned.
Name: Merchant Accompaniment
Average Party Level: 1-4
Minimum # of Players Required to Start: 4
Quest Description: Thradall, a merchant visiting Cindergrove, is looking to hire help to protect his wagon from goblin raiders on a visit into the Haunted Hills. The journey will take several days and Thradall expects at least some trouble.
Question Completion: When the wagon returns from the Haunted Hills back to Cindergrove, goods hopefully intact.
Quest Reward: 20gp to be split among the party. Thradall is willing to haggle for additional funds if there is much trouble on the road.
Name: Lion Riot
Average Party Level: 1-3
Minimum # of Players Required to Start: 2-4
Quest Description: Anskuld's lions managed to escape during a commotion in the night. They wish to see them brought back alive and in good condition if possible.
Question Completion: Find and subdue two lions and return them to the camp.
Quest Reward: 50gp to split among the party. In addition, the merchant is willing to part with one animal per party member worth 50gp or less.
What's a quest in Cindergrove? Simply put, it's a gig job that the locals can offer in exchange for coin, items, or other rewards. Not all quests are created equal, and not all quests are accessible by every character (you may be under or over qualified! See the Level Up thread for more on quest tiers.) Completing quests also gives your character XP that can be put towards leveling them up. Depending on how challenging the quest was, the awarded XP may be lower or higher. Completing quests also counts towards your monthly activity check minimums of 5 posts per month or more.
Starting a Quest
In order to start a quest, sign up in this thread with your character and what quest they would like to take. If the minimum amount of characters are signed up, the quest triggers and a new IC thread can be set up. Every quest has different goals, rewards, time frames, and prerequisites, so please understand those before signing up.
Also: Note that while we are not using a rigid dice + numbers rule system for this forum, quests can be dangerous. If your character is not prepared, if your party has not planned, and if the quest is risky enough, the moderator running the quest can and will inflict consequences up to and including serious injury and death. This isn't done to be mean; this is a narrative game with rewards and consequences--excellent RP has both! There will be revivification services offered now and again, so a killed character is not gone for good... but note that every time your character dies, it is harder for their soul to find their way back.
Current Quests
Any Tier
Name: Snicker Snacks
Average Party Level: Any
Minimum # Number of Players Required to Start: 1
Quest Description: See a Kenku named Rat Scratch in the merchant stalls for trade. He is looking for anything shiny, and may be willing to make unconventional trades for things that do not appear to have much regular value.
Question Completion: When a trade is complete. (This quest ends with the next merchant turn-over.)
Quest Reward: None but what you can haggle.
Tier 0
These quests are great for complete newbies, those averse to risk, and those who need to learn some skills before they can begin to call themselves adventurers. These quests are the kind that would be suitable for NPC's; they're usually domestic or community-building. Characters in Tier 0 or Tier 1 can claim these quests.
Name: Workers for the land
Average Party Level: 0-1
Minimum # of Players Required to Start: 1 (More than one character can sign up to take this quest.)
Quest Description: The tavern owner Azerius is looking for hard workers who are willing to stay for a season to clear the fields and set the foundations of at least one farm house. He will pay anyone who brings back willing and able workers: 1sp for each unskilled labourer to a maximum of 9, and 1gp for a mason or stone-worker, in addition to a 25sp pouch to cover travel time and amenities.
Question Completion: Once a total of 10 workers and a mason are found and returned to Cindergrove, after which this quest will be replaced by another.
Quest Reward: 25sp pouch, + 1sp per unskilled worker or 1gp per skilled worker. Additional quests may unlock depending on who is convinced to return.
Tier 1
Good quests for characters level 1-4 mean unveiling mysteries and helping a town stay safe and well. Not all of these quests require a dagger or a fireball, but usually they're a little too challenging for your average NPC to handle--they need a hero! Characters in Tier 0 can only join these quests if the majority of participants are in Tier 1. Same goes for characters in Tier 2.
Name: R.O.U.S (Locked to Rivka & Morkhan)
Average Party Level: 0-2
Minimum # of Players Required to Start: 2
Quest Description: Azerius is having trouble with rats in his cellar. He's desperate for help figuring out where they keep coming from.
Question Completion: Slay all the rats and stop up whatever entrance they are using to enter the cellar.
Quest Reward: 10gp to be split among the party. An addition 5cp per rat head returned.
Name: Merchant Accompaniment
Average Party Level: 1-4
Minimum # of Players Required to Start: 4
Quest Description: Thradall, a merchant visiting Cindergrove, is looking to hire help to protect his wagon from goblin raiders on a visit into the Haunted Hills. The journey will take several days and Thradall expects at least some trouble.
Question Completion: When the wagon returns from the Haunted Hills back to Cindergrove, goods hopefully intact.
Quest Reward: 20gp to be split among the party. Thradall is willing to haggle for additional funds if there is much trouble on the road.
Name: Lion Riot
Average Party Level: 1-3
Minimum # of Players Required to Start: 2-4
Quest Description: Anskuld's lions managed to escape during a commotion in the night. They wish to see them brought back alive and in good condition if possible.
Question Completion: Find and subdue two lions and return them to the camp.
Quest Reward: 50gp to split among the party. In addition, the merchant is willing to part with one animal per party member worth 50gp or less.
Rivka would be up for some rat slaying in the R.O.U.S quest! Assuming anyone might be willing to team up with a goblin. 
Plus, rats for dinner!!! mmmmm

Plus, rats for dinner!!! mmmmm
This sounds like a great quest to start off Arlsmith! Nobody will go to him for healing if nobody has heard of him at all! Plus, money is money
We should all gather up in the tavern to try and get geared up. I'm going to be retrieving Silver's cart from the road with my new donkey. Hopefully she'll have stolen swords and goods we can use for starting equipment! If not, we'll have a cart to pile loot into. See you all when we meet up
Sounds good! I've set up a thread for Morkhan and Rivka.
Cat, if you'd like to set up a thread to play out getting the cart back with others or hunting down those bandits, let me know if you need NPC interference for a member-run quest. In case anyone is curious, you can have more than one quest thread going at a time so long as everyone gets a chance to join in on something when they're active on the board. If a quest thread goes unanswered by the end of the month and it's not timed out (like a merchant-themed quest) then we'll open it back up again for others to take over.
Cat, if you'd like to set up a thread to play out getting the cart back with others or hunting down those bandits, let me know if you need NPC interference for a member-run quest. In case anyone is curious, you can have more than one quest thread going at a time so long as everyone gets a chance to join in on something when they're active on the board. If a quest thread goes unanswered by the end of the month and it's not timed out (like a merchant-themed quest) then we'll open it back up again for others to take over.