Continuity Guidelines and Rule
Continuity rules are always something that allows roleplay and dreamgoers to have a smooth and wonderful time. However, while some may not agree with such things, they're here for a reason. Read them, because you won't get a third chance after your second one.
1. Character applications are required to roleplay in the continuity. This keeps characters from becoming too overpowered, and allows us to keep the insanity to a minimum. Please fill out all of the sections fully and in detail. While you do not need a website, please at least post an adequate description of History and Descriptions. If you need help with the History part, you are more than welcome to send Roawan a whisper. Character applications with parts missing or empty will be denied until the application is filled out in full. You are allowed to post your RPR sheets, though it can not be just a link and they must be detailed. Note that Character applications must be posted here. This is the only time you are required to post on the actual site forum.
2. God-moding is an absolute no-no, this means that your character is invincible, or insanely overpowered. Auto-hitting, auto-blocking, and controlling one's characters without their permission is included in this.
3. No Ageplay or Rape is allowed in the dream. This keeps players from growing too uncomfortable. While I do not mind if you have mature roleplay, please make sure it is NOT in public, and you have no way of being walked in on. This not only keeps embarrassment from occuring, it keeps others from viewing something they may not want to. You will be banned without a punitive warning if I receive a report that players have involved themselves in Age-Play and Rape. *However, this does not include history of the character. If it is a part of the character's history, it is fine. It just can not occur in dream, or be a part of current/future plots for your character.
4. Paragraph to Semi-Paragraph roleplay is required in public areas of the dreams, including shops, guilds, streets, bars, temples, etc. If you are in private, you are more than welcome to post in whatever length you please. You must be literate and moderately knowledgeable in English and Grammar to participate in roleplay. No one-liners are permitted, unless one has to leave quickly.
5. No out of character conversation is allowed anywhere in the dream unless in private, in shouts, or in the OOC room. This keeps clutter from occuring on the screen, and allows people to view posts without having to scroll through thousands of [] posts. However, if you have to announce you are leaving quickly because of an issue, that will not be included. Please use brackets if this occurs.
6. Please be knowledgeable in Medieval customs and ettiquette. In-Character actions will lead to in-character consequences so choose your actions wisely. If you attack the king, be expected to be a wanted individual. If you rob a store, be expected to be a wanted individual. Use common sense, it keeps you and everyone else happy.
7. If you have a problem with another member, or someone is harassing you or trolling the dream, report the issue immediately to the Rah or a qualified staff member. Do not attempt to handle the situation yourself. This keeps drama to a minimum.
*Rules are subject to change! Please pay attention to updates!* -
Group Announcements
A Hopeful Clearing Up
Posted By Guilder on Oct 2nd 2012
I've had a few people from other Medieval dreams show up and try to say that I'm trying to be competitive with them. They accuse me of trying to muscle in on territory I didn't even know existed, and frankly it's rather upsetting.
I am here for roleplay. I am here to enjoy myself, and I certainly...Dream Open and Ready for Business!
Posted By Guilder on Sep 24th 2012
Cragsfall is open and ready for business! -
No recent activity to show.
Group Announcements
A Hopeful Clearing Up
Posted By Guilder on Oct 2nd 2012
I've had a few people from other Medieval dreams show up and try to say that I'm trying to be competitive with them. They accuse me of trying to muscle in on territory I didn't even know existed, and frankly it's rather upsetting.
I am here for roleplay. I am here to enjoy myself, and I certainly...Dream Open and Ready for Business!
Posted By Guilder on Sep 24th 2012
Cragsfall is open and ready for business! -
No recent activity to show.