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  • Rules of the Group

    Any form of harassment against a fellow player is wrong. Please leave the drama for the Roleplay.

    We refuse to have any sexual activity on the Forums. If you wish to go in that direction, please do it in Private Message. Things such as a kiss or hug or any signs of romance that isn't outright sexual is okay.

    We accept a casual, mild swear, but not full on F-bombs or anything of the sort. We wish to keep this PG-13.

    Please refrain from describing what happens to your enemy upon slaying them, please. We don't exactly want someone holding a human heart in their hands or something like that.

    Please post in the correct Forums. If you're from Wylore, you can't make a thread in the Erianta forum. But you can post on a thread in that domain as a visitor to that Nation or just simply there out of cold-blooded war. The reason behind this is to somewhat keep track of who is from where and who is not easily. Please understand.

    Killing off an important character is prohibited unless you have the creator's permission. There is not a way to raise someone back to life, remember that.

    And also this stuff:
  • Donate

    Please contribute to our group treasury!

    Give items from your inventoryPurchase items

  • Group Announcements

    No announcements to display.

  • Featured Members