Species are split into four categories; metaphysical, pseudo-spirit, spirit, and construct.
Metaphysical races are the most common sort; they usually have shorter lifespans; they are unable to change their form; they can die of old age; and their bodies don't fade when they die.
Pseudo-spirits can or can't change their form, depending on the species, and can die of old age, but their bodies do fade shortly after death, leaving nothing behind.
Spirits are virtually immortal (save for injury, illness, or losing the will to live), can change their form, their bodies fade upon death, and are usually made of something other than flesh and bone (e.g.; ink, water, clay). They also are unable to control Arts outside of their own designated element.
Machines and golems, for example, are constructs, as they were built rather than born; constructed species are usually looked down upon as lesser than the other three.
Physiology: Humanoids that are deeply in touch with the ground and things that live rooted in it. They possessed beast-like ears upon their head in two pairs, as well as tails to match. They are capable of having a "feral" form, usually quadrupedal in nature.
Type: Spirit
Sexes: Gonochoric; male and female with intersexism possible
Reproduction: Viviparous
Diet: Omnivorous. Varied as to whatever they can acquire in the wild.
Element: Earth
Physiology: Beings made of ectoplasm, often taking wispy dark forms or forging "illusions" of the previously deceased. Typically an antisocial species. Natural enemies of mimics.
Type: Spirit
Sexes: None
Reproduction: Asexual
Diet: Built by The Conclusion to only consume inanimate or dead matter
Element: Dark -
Physiology: Horrid creatures that aren't necessarily all aggressive. In fact, most simply want to put on a good show with inducing fear. They tend to be varied in their physiques, but usually lack eyes and get around with other senses.
Type: Pseudo-spirit
Sexes: None
Reproduction: Asexual
Diet: Fear
Element: Dark
Physiology: An extremely varied species of beings more close to sea monsters than the traditional mermaids of legend. Usually bipedal or relying on a tail, they live largely underwater within the Sea's Domain. However, freshwater specimens are not unusual and are capable of breeding with saltwater-based members of their species.
Type: Metaphysical
Sexes: Gonochoric; male and female, but all are sequential hermaphrodites and thus capable of changing sex throughout their lives
Reproduction: Ovoviviparous or oviparous, depending on the physiology
Diet: Depends on their physiology
Element: Water
Physiology: Short and squat, a sun gnome's rotund form typically only stands at four feet tall in the human Imperial system. Their black doe-like eyes charm many, though they have been historically oppressed by some settlements in the past. Nowadays, they are respected as a people in most areas, albeit some people still might view them as weaklings, due to their fragile health and short lifespans.
Type: Metaphysical
Sexes: Unknown
Reproduction: Unknown
Diet: Herbivorous
Element: Light -
Physiology: Being constructed, machines take on various shapes and sizes. Though, being mechanical constructs only means they can be produced by other species. As such, more often than not, they end up being enslaved. Many machines that do escape have made other machines within the confines of their kingdom, where they might know peace.
Type: Construct
Sexes: None
Reproduction: Asexual
Diet: None
Element: Varies
Physiology: Children of the outer dreams, made of stardust and commanding astronomical magicks. Extremely varied in appearance as they are in their goals, they tend not to have any leaders of their kind. It is argued by many whether they are considered 'constructs' or not, given they are formed as opposed to born.
Typical: Metaphysical?
Sexes: None
Reproduction: Asexual
Diet: None
Element: Dark
Physiology: Mimics can take on a wide array of forms from living things, including humans, as long as they have ingested a piece of their body. Albeit, their true forms are almost dragon-like in nature, owing to their past history with the Ancient who created airships. Typically a highly aggressive species. Natural light-aspected enemies of ghosts.
Type: ????
Sexes: Three; male, female, and hermaphrodites
Reproduction: Ovoviviparous
Diet: Carnivorous and doomed by The Gestalt to eat only that which yet lives at the time of consumption
Element: Light