Universal Power Chart
Why was this made?
Well, originally, we only had 8 players, one from each country and their powers weren't really very similar. Since this rp will be branching out, we want a fair way to gauge powers across the board that players will be able to see so our logic doesn't seem randomly pulled out of our collective asses. This chart will also serve to help players who have never used our point system before.
Are these the only powers players can choose from?
Not at all. We still encourage players who want to create new powers. As new powers are created and balanced, we will add them to this chart.
Will we be able to level during the role play?
Yes, but not often and not by a lot. The idea is many of these powers take years to train and the role play probably won't move years for a while.
Some of these powers seem stronger than other...
Because they are. As I've mentioned before, not every thing in Gaia is on equal footing. But that's part of the fun and the challenge!
Why do some countries have more powers?
Mainly cause we started with the basics, {control x element, create x element, powers important to the culture.} and did all the currently existing powers. Some countries either have more characters, or the characters have a larger variety of powers. It happens.
How to pick powers.
Some powers may appeal to the player more than others, but what's important to remember is that the character's powers would have developed over a lifetime based on their connection to the elements and their lifestyles. If the mods and I do not think a power is appropriate to a character's background, we will veto it.
And remember 15 points is the max starting, but players don't have to use all 15. ^^
How do I make a power?
Alright, so 10 points in a power means that power is as good as it is gonna get. 1 point means it's pretty weak/unskilled.
The more points the more skilled or stronger the power.
The easiest way to come up with a power is to think of it at 10 points and 1 point. Then figure out how best to upgrade it as you go.
Example: A ball of x might be 2 feet wide and can be thrown 5 feet at 1 pt, but 20 ft wide and can be thrown 50 ft at 10 pts. So each pt would give 2 ft in width and 5 ft of distance.
Each power is kinda subjective to what we believe is reasonable. Thus, we will look over each of them personally after they are submitted.
How many points does each person start with for the chart?
15 is the average for anyone from any country.
If a strong enough case is presented, we will allow more points. {The case should be presented BEFORE the character's chart is made.}
And no, you do not have to use all 15 points.
People with 25 points?
This rp is actually a prequel/remake of sorts. Each element has 1 person whose born with an exceptionally strong connection to it. These are the 25 point characters. Not all of them are going to be in the rp, but they do still exist in the Gaia canon. -
Aeran Powers
Description: Ability to fly without the use of wings, soar at the highest altitudes, allows quick diving. The Aeran must dress for the cold of higher altitudes and ascend and descend slowly to avoid decompression sickness, ‘the bends.’ The acceleration and deceleration does not affect most due to natural evolution and training.
Limits: Falls from the sky if made unconscious. If the Aeran loses control of their emotions, they lose control over some of the altitude and flight stability.
Scaling: 3,600 ft above sea level per point, 36,000 ft above sea level at max. 40 mph per point flight speed, 400 mph at max level. 35 mph diving speed per point, 350 mph at max level.
Wind Control
Description: The ability to control and manipulate wind. Can summon anything from a small breeze to a tornado-like current. Experience, physical training, and Aeran’s natural affinity for air allows them to breathe thin oxygen at higher altitudes. This ability also allows them to fly with bionic wings. Also floats in sleep if emotionally disturbed.
Limits: If there is no air, they have no way to use their power. They must be conscious and in emotional control to use their powers effectively. Misuse of this power could lead to their own death.
Scaling: Can go 1 oxygen-less minute without brain damage per point, 10 minutes at max level. Can create winds up to 30 mph per point for a max of 300 mph at max level. Requires level 3 wind manipulation to create tornadoes. Can move up to 5,760 square ft of air per point, 57,600 sq ft at max level {A football field stadium}.
-- We are using the Fujita scale for tornadoes.
Bionic Wing Scaling: 2,400 ft above sea level per point, 24,000 ft above sea level at max. 30 mph per point flight speed, 300 mph at max level. 25 mph diving speed per point, 250 mph at max level
Pressurizing & Depressurizing
Description: Allows an Aeran to pressurize the air around them, inside themselves, and in others. Could cause a brain to implode. Can become instinct to pressurize their own brain when changing altitudes quickly.
Limits: If done too quickly it can cause decompression sickness, the bends and/or result in death. Can only effect pressure in the area around them until higher levels.
Scaling: Can only effect pressure around them until 4 pts. At 4 pts they can control the pressure inside themselves. At 6 pts, they are able to control the pressure inside others. Range is only a small room sized area until 6 pts when it begins to increase 10 ft per point for a max of 50 ft.
Vacuum* A very rare power, must have permission from the GM and wind control lvl 10
Description: Can suck the oxygen out of an area by creating a vortex. Requires concentration and the vortex dissipates if the Aeran loses focus or passes out.
Limits: This means the oxygen for everyone in the vortex, including the Aeran creating it.
Scaling: Vortex eye is 5 ft in diameter per point, 50 ft at max. Can create and control 1 vortex per point. -
Terran Powers
Earth Control
Description: The ability to control and manipulate the various kinds of earth—sand, stone, dirt, silt, or precious gems. Can pull the earth from around them and form it into boulders, walls, or other similar constructs. The more pts, the more refined the construct. Can also levitate the earth.
Limits: Can only levitate the earth while focusing or conscious. Constructs made of sand or unbalanced earth fall apart when the Terran stops focusing.
Scaling: Every two pts gives a new type of earth to control. Terrans can control up to 5,515 cubic ft per point, a max 55,150 cubic at 10 pts. Can control 1 construct per 2 pts at once, max 5 constructs at 10 pts{combined size of constructs cannot exceed the maximum cubic feet of power level}. Constructs are crude until 5 pts, nice looking until 9 pts, and masterful at 10 pts.
Earth Creation
Description: The ability to create the various kinds of earth—sand, stone, dirt, silt, or precious gems—magically.
Limits: Has to wait in between creating the maximum amount of earth. Takes time to create the earth. Must have room to create the earth.
Scaling: Can create 5 cubic ft per point, 50 cubic ft at max pts. Takes 11 hours to rest at 1 pt, reduces by an hour per point, for 2-hour rest at 10 pts.
Description: Can send a tremor through the ground were the Terran chooses to start it, shaking the earth and creating earthquakes, tidal waves, landslides, and property damage.
Limits: The earthquake is indiscriminate and affects ally and foe alike. One started the earthquake can be stopped at higher pts, but the surrounding damage cannot. If concentration is lost the tremors dissipate. Does not affect flying people or objects.
Scaling: The radius increases by half a mile every 2 pts, starting with a quarter mile at 1 pt. At 5 pts and above the Terran gains the ability to instinctively balance through the tremors. Richter grade starts at grade 1 and goes up 1 grade every 2 pts, maxing at grade 6.
Richter Scale
Rock Armor
Description: The ability to create armor for themselves and others from the earth around them. Toughness of the armor is reliant on the materials used and strength of the Terran creating it. {Subject to GM discretion.}
Limits: If the Terran holding the armor becomes unconscious the armor falls apart.
Scaling: Can only create armor for themselves until 5 pts, at 6 pts can create armor for 1 other person, 8 pts can create armor for 2 other person, and 10 pts can create armor for 3 other people.
Rock Skin
Description: Can use their connection to earth to harden their skin like rock. Can harden their entire body or select part—arm, leg, torso, head—of it. When hardened, they become heavier, making it harder to move them. While this also adds protection against burning, their blood and organs are still susceptible to the heat. {Toughness and what breaks through is subject to GM discretion.}
Limits: At lower pts, the added weight slows and exhausts Terrans. If a weapon gets through the armor, the Terran retains the wound and bleeds like normal. If they lose consciousness their skin returns to normal.
Scaling: They can old individual parts for 10 minutes per level and the whole body for 5 minutes per level. At 8 pts the Terran becomes accustomed to the weight of their rock skin and is no longer slowed down or easily tired by it.
Seismic Sense
Description: Able to pick up vibrations through the earth and see a picture in their mind. At higher pts can sense the weakness and strengths of earthen structures and constructs. This ability can be used on the surface and to see underground. Allows them to see people, objects, caverns, and the layout of earthen structures.
Limits: Can only see what is directly touching the earth. The picture’s clarity is dependent on type of earth and level of skill the Terran sensing has. The sensing Terran must have their eyes closed, be focused, and spend a minute per mile to process what they’re seeing.
Scaling: Can sense half a mile per pt, 5 miles at max 10 pts. Until 4 pts the mental picture is ‘fuzzy’ with shadowed shapes. At 8 pts the mental image is more defined, shadowed silhouettes. At max 10 pts the mental image is like a defined sculpture.
Rock/Boulder Throw
Description: The ability to form boulders from the various kinds of earth around them and throw them.
Limits: Decides the number and size of the boulders. Must rest after using the max number, 10 hours at 1 pt, decreasing an hour per pt, 1 hour at 10 pts. Can change the direction of the boulder while in air.
Scaling: Can throw 2 boulders per pt, max of 20 boulders at 10 pts. Range of target can be 528 ft per point, 5,280 ft {a mile} at 10 pts. The boulders can be up to 8 cubic ft per point, a max of 80 cubic ft at 10 pts. Must keep focus to change the boulders direction.
Transmutearth* A very rare power, must have permission from the GM and Earth Creation Lvl 10
Description: An enhanced ability to magically transform one type of soil or stone into another. All available categories are listed: Gems, stones, soils, and earth. Examples of kinds - Clay, sand, silt, peat, chalk, loam, basalt, granite, limestone, quartzite, slate, marble, sandstone.
Limits: Cannot transmute to metals or ore, but natural rocks with metallic properties is acceptable. They require rest after they transmute the max amount. Transmuting takes time and they can only shift the new type of earth to the exact same amount as the old type of earth- No more, no less.
Scaling: They can transmute up to 2,760 cubic ft per point, a max of 27,600 cubic ft at 10 pts. Takes 11 hours to rest at 1 pt, reduces by an hour per point, for 2-hour rest at 10 pts. A Terran must be within 5 ft per 2 pts of part of the earth they wish to transmute, maxing with a range of 25 ft at 10 pts.
Tectonic Shifting* A very rare power, must have permission from the GM and earthquake lvl 10
Description: Can shift the tectonic plates, causing major earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, and volcanic eruptions.
Limits: Can only shift the plates near them. The devastation is indiscriminate and would hit anyone or anything. Most flyer may remain safe.
Scaling: Must rest 24 hours after they do it at 1 pt, at 6 pts must rest 12 hours. Requires 10 hours concentration at 1 pt with an hour decrease per pt, an hour concentration at 1 pt. -
Fulguran Powers
Electricity Manipulation & Creation
Description: The ability to control and manipulate electricity. Can control anywhere from a spark of electricity to a strong current. Years of practice and Fulguran genetics allow them to handle electricity running through their bodies. They can also create electricity or electrical pulses where there wasn’t one. They can and more frequently do control the electricity outside of their body instead of channeling it through.
Limits: If they try to channel more electricity than they can control, they can do serious damage to their bodies and potential burn themselves from the inside out. Emotional control and concentration is required to keep control. If they create the max amount of electricity, they must rest for a while afterwards. To create an electronic pulse, the target must be conductive.
Scaling: Can control up to .605 gigawatts per point, 6.05 gigawatts at 10 pts {About 5 lightning bolts}. Can create .3025 gigawatts of electricity per pt, and up to 3.025 gigawatts at 10 pts. Takes 11 hours to rest at 1 pt, reduces by an hour per point, for 2-hour rest at 10 pts.
Conducting Electric field
Description: Can create a small electric field across their skin that can be transferred into conductive materials that come into contact with the Fulguran or the electric field can enhance their muscles and reflexes.
Limits: Requires an outside source to create the electrical field. Their ability to feel pain is heightened at lowers levels. Must rest after using to its fullest.
Scaling: The electrical field can cover and enhance a limb {arm, torso, leg, or head} until 3 pts, 2 limbs until 5 pts, 3 limbs until 7 pts, 4 limbs until 9 pts, and the whole body at 10 pts. The wattage of electricity that can be transferred is .3025 per pt, up to 3.025 at 10 pts. Pain felt is doubled until 6 pts when the pain they feel becomes normal and at 10 pts is even number until they are no longer enhance. Enhancement can last 1 minute per pt, 10 minutes at 10 pts. Takes 10 hours to rest at 1 pt, reduces by an hour per point, for 1-hour rest at 10 pts.
Empathic Touch
Description: The use of the natural electric pulses in the human body to feel their emotions or instincts. The Fulguran can tell the range of what a person is feeling by touching them at lower levels and being within a range at higher levels.
Limits: Distance and barriers {such as furniture or fabrics} are factors that can hinder this ability. Especially if the barrier is nonconductive. Longer focus produces more accurate results and mixed emotions produce mixed signals. If the user tries to overreach, they can become disoriented and overloaded. Focusing for too long and they may become affected by who they’re feeling.
Scaling: Can only feel 1 person’s emotions at 1-4 pts, 2 people’s emotions at 5-8 pts, max of 3 people’s at 9-10 pts. Takes 2 minutes at 1-4 pts, 1 minute at 5-8 pts, and 30 seconds at 9-10 pts. Range is physical touch at 1-4 pts, 10ft at 5-8 pts, and 20 ft at 9-10 pts. The Fulguran must rest for an hour between each use at all pts.
Help or Harm Tingly Touch
Description: Can produce electricity from their hands that can either cause localized numbing with direct contact or overload someone’s nervous system and paralyze them. Could also be used to charge objects with electrical storage capacity.
Limits: Must channel the electricity through their hands. Their hands become numb and impaired for a time. Must rest between uses, even if not used at max or they risk permanent damage and loss of the ability. Numbing always requires direct contact.
Scaling: Numb area is the size of the Fulguran’s hand at 1-5 pts, and double that at 6-10 pts. Numbing can last 12 minutes per pt, two hours at max 10 pts. Range for overload is 5ft per pt, 50ft at max 10 pts. Paralyzing lasts 3 seconds per pt, 30 seconds at max. Takes 10 hours to rest at 1 pt, reduces by an hour per point, for 1-hour rest at 10 pts.
Thunderstorm Sense
Description: Being able to sense, harness electricity from, and to an extent create thunderstorms.
Limits: Requires special clothing to keep their skin from burning. Cannot sense, summon, or control rain clouds. They can only sense, summon, and control the lightning and thunder in a thunderstorm. Storm or rain must be present for them to charge and encourage a thunderstorm.
Scaling: Can sense a thunderstorm 1 mile from their location per pt, a max of 10 miles at 10 pts. When rain or storm clouds are nearby the user has a 50/50 chance of successfully charging a rain or storm cloud at 1-5 pts, a 75% chance at 6-8 pts, and a 90% chance at 10 pts. Can harness .3025 gigawatts per pt, max of 3.025 gigawatts at 10 pts, from an active storm.
Electro Weapons
Description: This power gives Fulgurians the ability to summon electricity dense enough to mimic near solid forms. They use this ability to create weapon-like electricity such as throwing spears, arrows, blades, or lightning bolt looking pole-arms.
Limits: They cannot directly hold or touch the electricity. When they hit their target, launched electricity dissipates at lower levels. At higher levels, eclectro weapons can maintain their form, but so require a specialized hilt that can withstand the electrical current.
Scaling: The range the weapon can be propelled is 20 ft per pt, a max of 200ft at 10 pts. They can control .33275 gigawatts per pt, for a max of 3.325 gigawatts {Roughly 3 lightning bolts} at 10 pts. They can control 20 cubic ft per pt for a max of 200 cubic ft at max level. Starting at 6 pts, the creator can choose for the electricity to dissipate on hit or maintain form. The total number of weapons they can control increases by 2 per pt, maxing at 20 weapons at 20 pts. The electrical weapon’s combined wattage cannot exceed the total controllable power.
Electric Shield
Description: Can create an external electric shield that breaks up solid materials or electrocutes anything that comes into contact.
Limits: Must focus on holding up the shield and can do nothing else. The shield can be overloaded by outside sources. Requires outside electric source at lower levels.
Scaling: Can cover a 5 cubic ft area per point, 50 cubic ft at max 10 pts. Requires outside electricity to power at 1-5 pts, electricity can be generated by the user at 6-10 pts. If someone if electrocuted they are paralyzed for 30 seconds per pt, 5 minutes at 10 pts or suffer permanent nerve damage or death. {Gm discretion.} Can hold the shield for up to 3 minutes per pt, max of 30 minutes at 10 pts. Takes 11 hours to rest at 1 pt, reduces by an hour per point, for 2-hour rest at 10 pts.
Tesla’s Pull* A very rare power, must have permission from the GM and Electricity Manipulation & Creation Lvl 10
Description: Can siphon and conduct electricity from any source through their body or any conductive materials. Can use this to charge and overload objects. Could be used to power a home or a city district.
Limits: Is very dangerous at lower pts and always results in requiring long periods of rest. Can only siphon the electricity that is present in whatever they are pulling it from. Once started, outside forces that try to stop it are pulled in whether the user wants them to or not. User and any living targets could die if the user is not careful. Scaling: Can siphon and conduct 1.21 gigawatts per point, a max of 12.1 gigawatts at 10 pts {About 10 lightning bolts}. Can pull from or charge 1 target per 2 pts, 5 targets at max 10 pts. Range: Takes 11 hours to rest at 1 pt, reduces by an hour per point, for 2-hour rest at 10 pts. -
Pyroan Powers
Fire Manipulation + Creation
Description: The ability to manipulate and create flames. They can bend the flames to any form, including shapes, streams, and even decorating displays like animals. This also gives the user the ability to extinguish flames. They can only control red flames without specialized training.
Limits: The flames must be within sight, or have a clear vision within their mind of how they must move and form. They can’t extinguish a fire they don’t know about, nor control it. Fires dissipate if the user goes unconscious. If they lose control over their emotions, they can lose control over the fire and end up burning themselves or those around them.
Scaling: At pts 1-5 can create fire up to 600°C {1112°F}, then from levels 6-10 the maximum temperature increases by 50°C {122°F} per point, maxing at 850°C {1562°F} at 10 pts. They can control 5,000 Cubic ft of fire per point a total of 50,000 Cubic ft at 10 pts; the total number of fires they can control increases by 1 per pt, maxing at 10 fires at 10 pts. The fires’ combined area cannot exceed the total controllable area.
Fire Resistance
Description: Due to a mix of their heritage and training, Pyroans can gain a natural ability to physically resist heat and fire.
Limits: If they are directly exposed heat or flame higher than their limit, they still suffer burns, however their burns are of less degrees than someone without Fire Resistance. Though they are resistant to fire, heat can still cause their blood to boil and kill them.
Scaling: They can resist heat up to 80°C {150°F} degrees at 1 point, and increasing by another 80°C{150°F} per point, to a maximum of 800°C {1,500°F} at 10 points. Their blood can resist boiling, starting at a tolerance of 40°C {75°F} degrees at 1 point and increasing by another 40°C {75°F} degrees per point, to a maximum of 400°C {750°F} at 10 points.
Flame Weapons
Description: This gives Pyroans the ability to summon flames dense enough to mimic near solid forms. They use this ability to create weapon-like flames such as throwing spears, arrows, and blades.
Limits: They cannot directly hold or touch the flame. When they hit their target, launched flames dissipate at lower levels. Flame weapons can maintain their form at higher levels, but do require a specialized hilt that can withstand the flame’s heat.
Scaling: The range the weapon can be propelled is 20 ft per pt, a max of 200 ft at 10 pts. At levels 1-5 can create fire up to 600°C {1112°F}. From levels 6-10 the maximum temperature increases by 50°C {122°F} per point, maxing at 850°C {1562°F} at 10 points. They can control 20 cubic ft per pt for a max of 200 cubic ft at max level. Starting at 6 pts, the flame creator can choose for the fire to dissipate on hit or maintain form—if the user has created a fire ball for a cannon they cannot control it beyond their range, but can maintain the fireball with concentration. The total number of fires they can control increases by 2 per pt, maxing at 20 fires at 10 pts. The fires’ combined area cannot exceed the total controllable area.
Flame Shield
Description: The ability to create dense, hot flames with the intent to burn up anything that crashes into them. They can also keep the inside flame much cooler than the outside flame.
Limits: At lower pts the inner and outer flame’s heat do not vary by much. The wielder must be careful not to be burned by the flames of the shield or to burn their allies. If a shield it too large and not properly separated, it could boil the wielder alive.
Scaling: The range of the shield is 2 ft per pt, maxing at 20 ft with 10 pts. Can create fire as low as 525°C {980°F} on the inside from 1-10 pts and 550°C {1022°F} on the outside at 1-2 pts, rising 50°C {122°F} per pt after, maxing at 950°C {1762°F}. The size of the shield is 18 cubic ft per pt for 180 cubic ft at 10 pts.
Inferno* A very rare power, must have permission from the GM and Fire Manipulation & Creation Lvl 10
Description: The ability to create flames hotter than most Pyroans are able to control and extinguish. They can bend the flames to any form, including shapes, streams, and even decorating displays like animals. They can also decide if the flame produces heat or not. At higher levels, they can also decide what areas of a flame burn someone and what do not.
Limits: The flames must be within sight, or have a clear vision within their mind of how they must move and form. They can’t extinguish a fire they don’t know about, nor control it. Fires dissipate if the user goes unconscious.
Scaling: The range of the user’s control is 30 ft per point, maxing at 300 ft at 10 pts. Can create fires up to 975°C {1787°F} at 1 pt, rising 75°C {167°F} per pt afterwards, maxing at 1650°C {3002°F} with 10 pts. They can control 5,000 Cubic ft of fire per point a total of 50,000 Cubic ft at 10 pts; the total number of fires they can control increases by 2 per pt, maxing at 20 fires at 10 pts. The fires’ combined area cannot exceed the total controllable area. -
Cryoan Powers
Ice Manipulation + creation
Description: The ability to manipulate and create ice. They manifest the ice by lowering the temperature of the area ice is created. They can control the shape the ice manifests in and can alter the shape to an extent.
Limits: The ice created is solid, but will melt if it comes into contact with extreme heat. Will stay formed as long as the Cryoan focuses on it. The ice must be within sight, or have a clear vision within their mind of how they form.
Scaling: They can control 6,000 Cubic ft per point, maxing at 60,000 Cubic ft at 10 points. They can create 10 Cubic ft per pt, maxing at 60 Cubic ft at 10 pts. Their ice can resist melting 700°C {1292°F} at 1-5 pts, then from levels 6-10 the maximum temperature increases by 50°C {122°F} per point, maxing at 950°C {1742°F} at 10 pts.
Heat Deplete
Description: The ability to drain or lower the heat from something or someone. This could be used to lower fevers, prevent their bodies from frying, or to extinguish fire within a certain range.
Limits: If they drain too much heat, they can kill someone or cause something to become brittle and break. Cryoans cannot use this ability on themselves. Once the heat is taken, they cannot put it back. This can be extremely exhausting for weaker users.
Scaling: The can drain 60°C {140°F} per pt, maxing at 600°C {112°F} at 10pts. At 1-5 pts, it takes them a minute per 12°C {53.6°F} to fully drain the heat; at 6-10 levels it a minute per 120°C {248°F}. They may drain 1 target per pt, maxing with 10 targets at 10 pts. They require 4 hours rest in between maximum draining.
Description: Allows the wielder to create hail and snowstorms, slowing others in the area and quickly coating the area in snow. In addition, the wielder can lower the temperature within a range of their immediate area.
Limits: It is limited to their environment and will follow them as they move. If they fall unconscious, the storms will subside. If they lose control of their emotions, they could lose control of the storm & temperature, and endanger themselves as well as others in the storm.
Scaling: The storm extends beyond the Cryoan 10ft per pt in all directions, maxing at 100ft at 10pts. The storm can get as cold as – 13.7°C { -7.34°F} per point, maxing at -137°C {-214°F} at 10 pts. The visibility can become blinding at 6+pts. The effectiveness of this power in different environments is subject to GM discretion.
Snow Cloak
Description: A naturally heightened cold resistance and natural protection for their senses against cold environments. This also allows them to move faster and more stealthily in cold environments than other environments.
Limits: While they can survive in colder temperatures longer than most, they cannot survive indefinitely. Being stealthy still requires some covering.
Scaling: They can move an additional 5mph per pt, maxing at 50mph at 10 pts; {Base running speed assume 28mph, walking 4mph}. They can last 2 hours per point in extended temperatures below 4.4°C {40°F} down to their lowest temperature resistance, maxing at 20 hours at 10pts. They can resist cold as low as – 13.7°C { -7.34°F} per point, maxing at -137°C {-214°F} at 10 pts.
Description: They can safely lower the internal temperature of one or multiple lifeforms and cast an ice like shell around them. This can slow the effects of life threatening things like poison or injuries.
Limits: The size, amount of lifeforms, and how long the lifeforms can be ‘frozen’ varies on how skilled the user is.
Scaling: They can preserve 3 small lifeforms per pt, maxing at 30 small lifeforms. Starting at 3pts they can also preserve 2 medium lifeforms per pt, maxing at 16 medium lifeforms per pt. Starting at 5pts, they can also preserve 1 large lifeform per pt, maxing at 6 lifeforms at 10 pts. The ice like shell can preserve all the lifeforms up to 12 hours per pt, maxing at 120 hours at 10pts, these hours can be used on a single life form or distributed amongst the total lifeforms the user can preserve.
Virulent Ice* A very rare power, must have permission from the GM and Heat Deplete Lvl 10
Description: This ability allows Cryoans to create a unique strain of black ice that clings to anything that touches it, sapping the heat, and then spreading across the surface where the heat was taken. The ice can shatter, but shattering tend to speed its spread. The virulent ice can survive higher temperatures than regular ice.
Limits: The ice does have a melting point and can only spread so far. Over time the ice will fade on its own or when its user goes unconscious. The ice continues to spread until the Cryoan wills it to stop, making it dangerous to allies if the Cryoan loses control.
Scaling: The ice can spread up to 1 mile per pt as long as the Cryoan is conscious, maxing up to 10 miles at 10 pts. The ice last 1 hour per pt, maxing at 10 hours at 10 pts. It takes 10 seconds per 10 ft for the ice to spread, {Taking 9 minutes per mile.}. Their ice can resist melting 1000°C {1832°F} at 1pts, then increases by 75°C {167°F} per point, maxing at 1675°C {3047°F} at 10 pts. -
Obrizusian Powers
Metal Manipulation
Description: The ability to control and manipulate metals. Including moving, shaping, and levitating them. Can create walls or other simple constructs. The more pts, the more refined the construct. Can also pull alloys and ores from the surrounding area.
Limits: Can only levitate metal while focusing or conscious. The type of metal does influence how easy or difficult it is for the Obrizusian to manipulate it.
Scaling: Can control up to 6,500 cubic ft per point, a max of 65,000 cubic ft at 10 pts. Can control 1 construct at once per 2 pts, max 5 constructs at 10 pts {combined size of constructs cannot exceed the maximum cubic feet of power level.} Constructs are crude until 5 pts, nice looking until 9 pts, and masterful at 10 pts. They can pull up to 5 cubic ft per point from their surroundings, a max of 50 cubic ft at max 10 pts.
Metal Creation
Description: The ability to magically create various kinds of metal and choose if they are conductive or non-conductive.
Limits: They must wait in between creating the maximum amount of metal. Takes time to create the metal and they must have room to place it.
Scaling: Can create 7 cubic ft per point, 70 cubic ft at max 10 pts. Takes 11 hours to rest at 1 pt, reduces by an hour per point, for 2-hour rest at 10 pts.
Bionics – Creation
Description: The ability to create, repair, and control bionics, from simple aesthetic bionics to complex or large bionics.
Limits: The user requires the materials to create the bionics and cannot control bionics once attached to another nervous system. Cannot replace brains.
Scaling: Can create or control aesthetic bionics at 1 pt, exterior nonmoving bionics {a bioshield} at 3 pts, exterior moving bionics at 5 pts, interior bionics {replacement organs} at 7 pts. Can repair aesthetic bionics at 3 pt, exterior nonmoving bionics {a bioshield} at 5 pts, exterior moving bionics at 7 pts, interior bionics {replacement organs} at 10 pts. Can only control 1 bionic at a time and must focus on the bionic to make it move. Can only focus on exterior moving bionics & interior bionics {replacement organs} for 1 hour at 1 pt, 2 hours at 3 pts, 3 hours at 5 pts, 4 hours at 7 pts, 5 hours at 9 pts. Must rest for 1 hour after creating or repairing exterior moving bionics, must rest for 2 hours after creating or repairing interior bionics.
Bionics – Human Transmutation
Description: The ability to fuse metal with flesh, nerves, and/or bone. This also covers the ability to manipulate bionics before they are installed for proper testing.
Limits: The size of the bionic installed or amount of metal fused influences how much time it takes to complete the fusion. Larger fusions or installations require time to rest. At higher levels they can also defuse metal and uninstall bionics.
--- Metal: Can only fuse metal to skin at 1 pt; can fuse metal to skin or bone at 4 pts; can fuse metal to skin, bone, and/or nerves at 7 pts. Can defuse metal from skin at 4 pts, can defuse metal from skin or bone at 7 pts, and can defuse metal from skin, bone, or nerves at 10 pts. Can fuse an area equal to a limb {arm, torso, leg, or head} until 3 pts, an area equal to two limbs until 5 pts, 3 limbs until 7 pts, 4 limbs until 9 pts, and can fuse the entire body at 10 pts. Fusing an entire body with metal at once requires 4 hours rest afterwards.
---Bionics: Can only install aesthetic bionics at 3 pts; exterior nonmoving bionics {a bioshield} at 5 pts, and can install exterior moving bionics {replacement or enhanced limbs} at 7; can install interior bionics {replacement organs} at 10 pts. Any installation involving nerves will take 11 hours to rest at 1 point, reduces by an hour per point, for 2-hour rest at 10 pts.
Bionics – Arms of Steel
Description: Bionics installed into the arms to allow the user to harden them into metal while still retaining the flexibility and fine motor controls of normal flesh. This doesn’t increase the strength, but does add weight to their arms and punches.
Limits: At lower levels the added weight slows him. They must rest in between uses if they have it up for the max time. If something penetrates the armor and skin, the Obrizusian bleeds. If they fall unconscious, the metal remains activated until it’s max time.
Scaling: The weight slows them down to half speed until 6 pts. They can hold the metal arms for 15 minutes per point, a max of 150 minutes at 10 pts.
Bionics – Hair
Description: Very thin and fine strings of metal that can be expanded at will to create the illusion of hair in an otherwise bald area. The strings can also be shrunk and hidden, though there is a tinted area beneath the skin where the strings are rooted.
Limits: The length increases and the amount of time it takes to grow it decreases the more masterful they become with the bionic. There is limited amount of time they can keep the hair long and they must rest in between growing it out to the desired length.
Scaling: Can grow up to 6 inches per pt for a max of 5ft at 10 pts. Takes a minute per inch at 1 pt, and decreases by 5 seconds, lowering to 15 seconds per inch at 10 pts. They can maintain the hair for 2 hours per pt, maxing at 20 hours with 10 pts. Must rest 6 hours between use, decreasing 30 minutes per point, lowering to 1 1/2 hours at 10 pts.
Bionics – Altering/Additional Appendages
Description: An advanced bionic that allows to either have an extra limb or limbs {such as a tail or wings}; or to create a limb like casing over existing limbs, such as a case over the legs for a fish or reptilian like tail. Can be prehensile at higher levels.
Limits: A lower levels the limb{s} are purely for show.Potentially, they can only be out for a limited amount of time and may require rest between uses.If they fall unconscious, the limbs automatically disappears/returns to normal.
Scaling:- -- Extendo Tongue: A bionic installed into the tongue that allows the user to form an elongated prehensile metallic tongue.
--- Can elongate the tongue 2 ft per point for a total of 20 ft at max 10 pts. Can taste things as if using a natural tongue beginning at 2 pts. At 4 pts the tongue can stick to things for however long the user chooses, or until pulled off. Starting at 6 pts can lift 2lbs per pt, maxing with the ability to lift 10lbs at 10 pts.
- -- Tail: A tail attached to the base of the spine that acts as a prehensile 5th appendage. Can appear to be any kind of tail, monkey, cat, lizard, reptile, ect.
--- Can move with concentration at 1 pt, will have instinctive control at 4pts and refined control at 8pts. Begins with a max of 3ft long at 1pt, can gain 1ft per point for a max at 12 ft. Starting at 3 pts can lift 10lbs per pt, maxing with the ability to lift 100lbs at 10 pts. Tail can also support it’s owner’s weight in instances such as: Using it as a seat, or wrapping around a pole to keep them up.
- -- Mertail: A metallic covering in the shape of tail fin that encases the lower portion of the body from the hips to feet.
--- Can increase swim speed increases by half a mile per pt, maxing at +5mph at 10 pts. Beginning at 3 pts can support it’s owner out of the water, at 6 pts can waddle to move around on land. Can only form a single fin covering until 6pts, can then choose between a single casing over both legs, or individual casings over each leg.
Metal Sense
Description: Able to sense through metal and see a picture in their mind. At higher pts they can see the weakness and strengths of metal structures and constructs. This ability can be used on structures and objects alike. Allows them to see anyone touching the metal, nooks & crannies in constructs, and check on the functions of working gadgets.
Limits: Can only see the metal and what is touching the metal. The picture’s clarity is dependent on how long they focus. The sensing Obrizusian must have their eyes closed, be focused, spend time sensing.
Scaling: At 2 pt they can examine and read small objects, at 4 pts they can examine simple mechanisms, at 6 pts they can examine complex workings. Until 1 pt the mental picture is ‘fuzzy’ with shadowed shapes. At 4 pts the mental image is more defined, shadowed silhouettes. At max 6 pts the mental image is like a defined sculpture. Concentrating takes a 55 minutes at 1 pt and decreases by 5 minutes per pt, then only 5 minutes at 10 pts for large or complex objects; 11 minutes at 1 pt decreasing by a minute per pt, then only 1 minutes at 10 pts for small or simple objects.
Transmetalation * A very rare power, must have permission from the GM and Metal Creation Lvl 10
Description: An enhanced ability to magically create various kinds of metal and choose whether they are conductive or non-conductive. This ability also allows an Obrizusian to directly transmute portions of their own body into metal.
Limits: They must wait in between creating the maximum amount of metal. Takes time to create the metal and they must have room to place it. They can only transmute parts of their own body and only for a limited amount of time.
Scaling: Can create 14 cubic ft per point, 140 cubic ft at max 10 pts. Takes 10 hours to rest at 1 pt, reduces by an hour per point, for a 1-hour rest at 10 pts. At 1-2 pts, they can transmute a limb {arm, torso, leg, or head} until 3 pts, 2 limbs until 5 pts, 3 limbs until 7 pts, 4 limbs until 9 pts, and the whole body at 10 pts. They can maintain the transmutation for 2 hours per pt, maxing at 20 hours at 10 pts. - -- Extendo Tongue: A bionic installed into the tongue that allows the user to form an elongated prehensile metallic tongue.
Ingenium Powers
Plant Manipulation
Description: The ability to manipulate plants at the user’s whims. Can command plants to move, bend, or straighten. This includes moving a plants root system after enough mastery. The plants only do what the cast wills them to do.
Limits: The Ingenium must be within a certain range and conscious. While this can be used wherever there are plants, the power has no use in places without plants, such as some areas of deserts, mountains, and plateaus.
Scaling: Can control all plants within 5ft range per point, maxing at 50ft at 10pts. Cannot begin moving root systems until 5pts.
Communication with Plants
Description: The ability to mystically listen and speak with plants. A master of the skill can also use plants as a two-way communication device.
Limits: They must be physically touching the plants to communicate with them at lower pts. Plants can be gossips, thus their information is not always truthful or accurate.
Scaling: Can only talk to plants until 5 pts, then they can talk through plants. Can communicate for 2 hours per pt, maxing with 20 hours at 10 pts. They must rest 11 hours at 1 pt, it drops an hour per pt, reducing to 1 hour at 10 pts. The can focus on 1 plant per pt, maxing with 10 plants at 10 pts. The range is limited by the plant’s root system. Must touch plants to communicate until 8 pts, then they are able to communicate with plants within a 10ft range.
Alter Plants Growth
Description: Ingeniums can affect the growth of plants. They can slow them down, reverse their growth, stop their growth entirely, or speed it up. They can affect anything from the smallest flower to the larger trees. They can also alter the natural size of the plants to an extent.
Limits: There is a limit to how many plants the can affect at a time, but the way they affect them is permanent. They must rest after using their power to its full extent.
Scaling: Can alter 5 plants per point, maxing with 50 plants at 10 pts. Can add ½ the plant’s usual size to them at 4 pts, double their size at 6 pts, add double and ½ at 8 pts, then quadruple their size at 10 pts. The size of the plant determines how long it takes to finish altering it. It takes a mastery of 6pt+ to permanently stop a plants growth. They must rest 11 hours at 1 pt, it drops an hour per pt, reducing to 1 hour at 10 pts.
Create Weapons
Description: This ability allows the user to create weapons made from plants. They weapon can be small, large, simple, or complex. With greater skill, they can form more weapons. This also allows them to manipulate already grown plant or parts of them into a weapon.
Limits: The complexity and size determine how long it takes to create the weapon. There is a chance the weapon can grow malformed, once it takes shape that is the shape it remains. They can grow the weapons quickly or in increments. Weapons transmuted can only be turned into weapons of similar size or smaller than the plant they were transmuted from.
Scaling: Small, simple weapons take 100 seconds at 1 pt and decreases 10 seconds per pt, reducing to 10 seconds at 10pts; Large, simple weapons take 110 seconds at 1 pt and decreases 10 seconds per pt, reducing to 20 seconds at 10 pts. Small, complex weapons take 55 minutes at 10 pts and decreases by 5 minutes per pt, reducing to 5 minutes at 1 pt; Large, complex weapons take 110 minutes at 10 pts, and decreases by 10 minutes per pt, reducing to 10 minutes at 1 pt.
They can break down the growth/transmute time into any increment they choose, but the increments cannot be more than 24 hours apart. They can grow/transmute 1 complex or 2 simple weapons for every 2 pts, maxing with 5 complex or 10 simple weapons at 10 pts. The chance the weapon grows/transmute malformed starts at 45% and decreases by 5%, reducing to 0% at 10pts.
Grow Plants Constructs
Description: This allows them to grow tools, furniture, walls, bridges, and other constructs out of plants. Overtime, this could also be used to create buildings within or connected to existing trees and vegetation. The more pts, the more refined the construct. They can work together to create constructs faster.
Limits: At lower pts, all the constructs must be grown from seeds. The larger the construct, the more time it takes. The growth can be done in increments, but cannot be left untouched without risking the plants growing on their own.
Scaling: Can create 1 construct per pt, maxing with 10 constructs at 10 pts. Can create 2 constructs at a time until 5 pts, then 5 at a time. Constructs can be small until 2 pts, can also be medium until 4 pts, can also be large at 6 pts, and can be huge at 8 pts. They can break down the growth time into any increment they choose, but the increments cannot be more than 48 hours apart. After full use of their powers, they must rest 12 hours at 1 pt, decreasing 1 per pt, reducing to 2 hours at 10 pts.
Small constructs take 100 seconds at 1 pt and decreases 10 seconds per pt, reducing to 10 seconds at 10pts; Medium constructs take 150 seconds at 4 pt and decreases 20 seconds per pt, reducing to 30 seconds at 10 pts. Large constructs take 180 seconds at 6 pt and decreases 30 seconds per pt, reducing to 60 seconds at 10 pts. Huge constructs take 170 seconds at 8 pts and decreases 40 seconds per pt, reducing to 90 seconds at 10 pts. With every additional Ingenium, the time to create the construct is halved.
Natural Adaptation
Description: This is a honed adaptation to become more connected to nature. The user can adapt their body to be more plant like or survive in the jungle easier.
Limits: The adaptations that can be taken are: Chloroplast in their skin to harness energy from sunlight {turns skin green}; Eyes that allow them to see in bright or low light; A hardened skin texture similar to bark for a high natural defense; a forgiving and resilient skeletal structure; or the ability to control their scent.
Scaling: They get 1 adaptation at 1 pt, and then starting at 2 pts they can get an adaptation every 2pts maxing with 5 at 10 pts.
One with Nature* A very rare power, must have permission from the GM and Natural Adaptation lvl 10
Description: An enhanced connection to nature and an even stronger honed ability to take on adaptations of plants and their animal brethren.
Limits: The adaptations that can be taken are: Regeneration to regrow lost limbs; Tree Travel to merge with a tree and exit from another; Shifting Camouflage to shift a piece of their body so they can hide/scare/or attract; Natural weapons such as sharpened elongated fangs and razor sharp retractable claws; or Heightened Senses including sight, hearing, smell taste, and touch.
Scaling: They get 1 adaptation at 1 pt, and then starting at 2 pts they can get an adaptation every 2pts maxing with 5 at 10 pts. Limbs take a few weeks to a few months to grow back, a head cannot be regrown. Tree Travel can only be between trees that connections within the same root system. Shifting Camouflage can only shift one part at a time. -
Undan Powers
Water Manipulation
Description: The ability to manipulate and use water at the user’s whims. Can shift currents, raise waves, and move water in general. With enough skill and mastery, one can create whirlpools, and riptides.
Limits: A person can only control so much water at a time and can only use the water they have access to. Undans can be powerful near the ocean or a river, but less so caught out in a desert.
Scaling: Undans can control 55,000 gallons of water per point, 550,000 gallons at max level. Changing the currents last a half hour per point, maxing with 5 hours at 10 points. Can double the strength and height of waves at 2 pts, triple at 4 pts, quadruple at 6 pts, quintuple at 8 pts, and sextuple at 10 pts. Can create a whirlpool at 2pts, a vortex at 5pts, and maelstroms at 8pts.
Water Creation
Description: The ability to magically create water at any temperature so long as it remains in a liquid state.
Limits: They must wait in between creating the maximum amount of water. Takes time to create water and they must have room to place it, and a container to preserve if not controlling it.
Scaling: Can create 50 gallons per pts, 500 gallons at maximum 10pts. Takes 10 hours to rest at 1 pt, reduces by an hour per point, for 1-hour rest at 10 pts.
Description: The ability to magically cleanse water of harmful substances.
Limits: Is dependent on the user’s skill and the water being purified. The more toxins or oil, the longer it takes to purify until the user is more experienced. Can remove any germs, particulates, toxins, or oils.
Scaling: Can purify 15 gallons per pt, maxing with 150 gallons at 10pts. It takes 3 hours per gallon at 1pt, 2 hours per gallon at 4 pts, and 1 hour at 7 pts.
Underwater Adaptation
Description: This is a honed adaptation Undans may develop to survive easier and more effectively within aquatic regions. It takes a while for one to readjust from being submerged for a long-time in the deep ocean to staying on land.
Limits: The adaptations that can be taken are: The ability to survive in water without breathing indefinitely; navigate in pitch darkness; swim better than any human without this power in water; control their buoyancy & breath; adjust to pressure changes quickly. Salt water or fresh matter little. Can go 36,000 ft below sea level. Adjusting to pressure is based on depth. It takes but a moment to adjust to a quick rise from 30,000 ft. For anything greater than that they must slow down or risk decompression sickness known as 'the bends'.
Scaling: They get 1 adaptation at 1 pt, and then starting at 2 pts they can get an adaptation every 2pts maxing with 5 at 10 pts.
Surface Tension
Description: The ability to create tension in the water to keep drifting on top of the surface. Doing so does take concentration and the effectiveness depends on the water’s state.
Limits: The Undan must maintain concentration on the surface. Disturbances in the tension can immediately dissipate it. They can only use this power for so long until the must rest.
Scaling: From 1-5pt, minor disturbances are enough to break the tension; At 9-10pts, only major disturbances can break the tension. Can create 36 sqft of tension per point, maxing at 360 sqft at 10 pts. Can hold up to 200lbs per point, maxing at 2000lbs at 10 pts. Takes 10 hours to rest at 1 pt, reduces by an hour per point, for 1-hour rest at 10 pts.
Aqua Armaments
Description: This ability allows Undans to summon water dense enough to mimic near solid forms. They use this ability to mold water into weapon-like forms such as throwing spears, arrows, and blades.
Limits: At lower levels, when they hit their target, the water dissipates. Aqua weapons can maintain form at higher levels.
Scaling: The range the weapon can be propelled is 25 ft per pt, a max of 250 ft at 10 pts. They can control 220 gallons of water per pt for a max of 2,200 gallons at ma levels. Starting at level 5, the weapon user can choose whether the water maintains it’s form or not upon impact. They cannot control it beyond their range, but can maintain it with concentration. The total number of weapons they can control increases by 3 per pt, maxing at 30 weapons at 10 pts. The weapons combined volume cannot exceed the total controllable volume.
Tsunami* A very rare power, must have permission from the GM and ---- lvl 10
Description: The ability to manipulate water on a much larger scale than average. Including creating tsunamis and parting huge waves for extended amounts of time.
Limits: They can only use the water they have access to. They can pull water back from the shore to increase the size of waves and release it as tsunamis.
Scaling: Undans can control 75,000 gallons of water per point, 750,000 gallons at max level. Changing the currents last an hour per point, maxing with 10 hours at 10 points. Can heptuple the strength and height of waves at 2 pts, octuple at 4 pts, nanotuple at 6 pts, deciuple at 8 pts, and hendetuple at 10 pts.
Hydroarmor* A very rare power, must have permission from the GM and ---- lvl 10
Description: The ability to create a flexible protective layer of strengthened water around themselves or others by increasing the water tension of the hydroarmor. The more practiced they are the more people they can cover.
Limits: The Undan must maintain concentration on all hydroarmors. Disturbances in the tension can disrupt the armor. They can only use this power for so long until they must rest.
Scaling: At 1-5 pts, disturbances that break the tension disrupt the hydroarmor entirely. At 6-10pts, the armor has a chance to restabilize. At 1pt, the hydroarmor can only shield the user, at 2 pts 1 additional person, at 4 pts 2 additional person, at 6 pts 3 additional people, at 8 pts 4 additional people, maxing at 10 pts with 5 additional people. Disturbances than can break the tension are at GM discretion as the strength increases per pt.
Medius Powers
In Order to trust a player with a citizen of Medius, they are required to already have three characters and show a firm understanding of the role play world and a willingness to work with the gm and admins. Thank you for your understanding.
Greater Air Connection
Description: Can take over the connection between a Gaia/group of Gaians and the earth. Prevents them from using powers related to the Air.
Limits: Must maintain focus and can only override the connection for a certain amount of people. There is no distance limit. As long as the Median is aware of the target and may focus, the power will work.
Scaling: Can override the connection of 2 people per point. Lasts as long as focus is maintained.
Greater Earth Connection
Description: Can take over the connection between a Gaia/group of Gaians and the earth. Prevents them from using powers related to the Earth.
Limits: Must maintain focus and can only override the connection for a certain amount of people. There is no distance limit. As long as the Median is aware of the target and may focus, the power will work.
Scaling: Can override the connection of 2 people per point. Lasts as long as focus is maintained.
Greater Electricity Connection
Description: Can take over the connection between a Gaia/group of Gaians and the earth. Prevents them from using powers related to the Electricity.
Limits: Must maintain focus and can only override the connection for a certain amount of people. There is no distance limit. As long as the Median is aware of the target and may focus, the power will work.
Scaling: Can override the connection of 2 people per point. Lasts as long as focus is maintained.
Greater Fire Connection
Description: Can take over the connection between a Gaia/group of Gaians and the earth. Prevents them from using powers related to the Fire.
Limits: Must maintain focus and can only override the connection for a certain amount of people. There is no distance limit. As long as the Median is aware of the target and may focus, the power will work.
Scaling: Can override the connection of 2 people per point. Lasts as long as focus is maintained.
Greater Ice Connection
Description: Can take over the connection between a Gaia/group of Gaians and the earth. Prevents them from using powers related to the Ice.
Limits: Must maintain focus and can only override the connection for a certain amount of people. There is no distance limit. As long as the Median is aware of the target and may focus, the power will work.
Scaling: Can override the connection of 2 people per point. Lasts as long as focus is maintained.
Greater Metal Connection
Description: Can take over the connection between a Gaia/group of Gaians and the earth. Prevents them from using powers related to the Metal.
Limits: Must maintain focus and can only override the connection for a certain amount of people. There is no distance limit. As long as the Median is aware of the target and may focus, the power will work.
Scaling: Can override the connection of 2 people per point. Lasts as long as focus is maintained.
Greater Nature Connection
Description: Can take over the connection between a Gaia/group of Gaians and the earth. Prevents them from using powers related to the Nature.
Limits: Must maintain focus and can only override the connection for a certain amount of people. There is no distance limit. As long as the Median is aware of the target and may focus, the power will work.
Scaling: Can override the connection of 2 people per point. Lasts as long as focus is maintained.
Greater Water Connection
Description: Can take over the connection between a Gaia/group of Gaians and the earth. Prevents them from using powers related to the Water.
Limits: Must maintain focus and can only override the connection for a certain amount of people. There is no distance limit. As long as the Median is aware of the target and may focus, the power will work.
Scaling: Can override the connection of 2 people per point. Lasts as long as focus is maintained.
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Featured Members
- Tadashi Tenou (played by Tabbi) Character Obrizusian
- Jack Freemantle (played by Raemar) Character Cryoan
- Cacilie Brooks (played by Raemar) Character Terran
- Sysanet Overseer of All
- Ninja-Cadillac Aer Overseer
- Blaise Libertas (played by NPCs) Non Player Character - Aeran
- Lucio Sebastian (played by ATrueFinal) Character Undan
- Aurora Sunborn (played by NPCs) Non Player Character - Pyroan
- Illuminara Driscoll (played by Zoshonel) Character Ingenium
- Sakura Oshiro (played by Sysanet) Character Obrizusian
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