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The Species

  • H I S T O R Y
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    TLDR general timeline:
    ??? years ago - A meteor falls from the sky. Made of unknown material from an unknown location, it carries in it a huge collection of crystals and magic. Despite its massive size, this meteor does not create an ecological disaster upon its impact. Instead, it falls into a secluded jungle valley, and completely seals the jungle up with towering, unclimbable mountains. Slowly, the magic from the meteor begins to leak into the ground, forcing evolution around it.
    10,000 years ago - The first account of the Eternians as they know themselves today.
    9,600-9,500 years ago - The first generation of Eternians begin to die off, and their children and grandchildren realize the crystal structures of their home "record" their memories, leading to the beginning of worship.
    8,000 years ago - The beginning of "modern" Eternian history. Elemental traits begin to show up among Eternians. The first councils selected. Those who master the elements become teachers, and are seated on the council.
    5,000 years ago - Patterns begin to show up amongst elemental users and magic. Various traits begin to favor various species. This causes a general split in Eternian society, further separating species traits.
    2,000 years ago - The first recorded incident of mutation. A powerful Eternian is born that seems to possess the ability to combine all magical and elemental powers. The reunification of the various prides takes place, and a Second Council is formed.
    500 years ago - The first outsider discovery of the Eternians. The years following would bring many adventurers seeking to discover the Eternians, and a few to even enter Eternian society. They are officially dubbed "Eternians" to outsiders.
    Current age - After years of slow moving discovery of the Eternians, there has been a great craving for their crystals and pelts. Hunted and collected, the remaining Eternians decide they can no longer seclude themselves, and in an attempt to be independent open their borders to the world.

    The Tholian Jungle


    The Tholian Jungle is a relatively unknown portion of land that has been kept secret deep in the heart of Kasuria. Long ago, the Tholian jungle was little more than a vast tropical rainforest, nested within a soft cocoon of mountains. This kept the jungle relatively secretive, making it a prime spot for hunters and prey alike.

    In general, the Tholian Jungle was a tropical rainforest in every sense of the term. It was covered in a dense nests of towering trees of all types and varieties that provided several platforms for both predators and prey. There was a fair amount of water below the nest of flowering canopies, and it experienced daily showers and varying heat temperatures. It was overall a very comfortable place to live that was ultimately ruled by the laws of the jungle; eat or be eaten.

    Despite this, harmony thrived in this small patch of jungle. There was a delicate balance maintained by all living things that resided there, and there was no particular group that seemed to out class any of the others. There was a tentative peace in the Tholian Jungle. One day, a meteor was said to crash into this precariously balanced ecosystem, and sent everything into utter chaos.

    This meteor, called the Iltharian Meteor, became known to those who make their home in the jungle as the Mother. It was a rather appropriate name, for this meteor was filled to the brim with magic, carried from another world. This magic manifested itself in the way of powerful crystals, as as the Mother crashed to the ground, it spread this magic, and these crystals, across the Tholian Jungle. The impact from this powerful meteor did not decimate the area, as it should have. Instead, it lowered the tropical jungle, creating a large crater in the middle of the jungle, and raising the mountains. This practically sealed the Tholian Jungle off, and has kept it that way for thousands of years.

    As the meteor scattered its pieces of crystals and magic across the jungle, they sank into the ground and caused... something else to happen. The best way it has been described is akin to forced evolution. The trees and plants and animals in the area were forced into an accelerated form of time, influenced heavily by the magic and crystals. In time, these began to slowly influence the growth of the fauna and flora, until they too began to show influences of the crystals.

    From the ground began to rise large, towering pillars of these crystals, which the natives of this land began to call Mirrors. These Mirrors were flanked by tiny crystals growing in large clusters, known as Primordial Crystals. The areas surrounding these mirrors were often vastly changed, to the point that sometimes trees grew as pure crystals.

    In general, the land bore the mark of the Mother quite clearly. The flora was distinctly changed, containing a higher percentage of healing properties. Water that touched the Primordial Crystals or Mirrors was purified, and impossible to become tainted. This created a flourishing paradise, that was lost in time.

  • The Eternians

    After the falling of the Mother, and most importantly the forced evolution that it caused, the Eternians as they are known today began to form. Regarded as the apex predator, evolution favored the large cat species that had, for lack of better term, been trapped with the change in the mountain and ecosystem.

    These big cats eventually began to group together and form social groups, and from there the story of evolution is familiar. Hunters became hunter gathers, and societies rose. With every generation, the influence of the Mother became clearly established, until the first recorded event of an Eternian tapping into the Mirror crystals became known.

    It became clear as time passed that those who became the Eternians were living much longer, and those that seemed to possess more of the crystals had extended lives. Eventually, these traits began to pass along genetically, until the point that the Eternians became known by the magical crystals that covered their bodies. Once it seemed that evolution had settled one a form for them, the Mother's power continued to show through various influences that worked their way into the Eternian's way of life. At night, the crystals of the Eternians would glow, spreading to the rest of their body as well as their markings, making them and the land around them bioluminescent. After this bioluminescence formed, the Eternians began to discover that their crystals allowed them to influence and shape the elemental shapes around them with magic.

    This elemental magic continued to spread throughout the Eternians, displaying itself in vastly different ways. Eventually, this magic caused a division amongst the big cats that made up the otherwise peaceful pride. Despite this, the Eternians suffered no war and maintained their carefully crafted peace for thousands of years. Many of them spent their lives mastering their elemental powers, and many more honed their physical prowesses. A Council was selected, primarily made up of those who were most powerful amongst their castes and elements. Overall, this created a balanced representation for all Eternians.

    Until it seemed that these magical abilities and traits favored certain casts of Eternians, which were inherently stronger than their lesser magical brethren. This cause a significant rift in Eternian society, and for thousands of years the various clans separated. Because these traits favored certain big cats over others, the castes that split caused a certain type of "species purity", making the Eternians even different in appearance.

    The clans would remain separated until an Eternian with incredible elemental skill was born. They were able to command all the elements with superior levels of control, and together they drew Eternians back from their solitary clans and prides, bringing them together once more as a collective group. This stated a small golden age in Eternian society, and this golden age rapidly improved the lives of all Eternians. They formed the Second Council, modelled after the first successful one, and most importantly led by the powerful Eternian.

    Eternian life thrived once more in peaceful happiness, forming large tree top villages and cities that sprawled across the Tholian Jungle. The Mother and the Mirrors became focuses of worship for the Eternians, and all seemed good.. until technology finally made it possible for the outside world to find them. Once discovered, and no longer a secret, the Eternians were a hotbed of gossip and research, as there had never been a species like them before.

    Eventually, peaceful endeavors into Eternian society turned into greedy exploits, as Eternians were killed for their crystals and pelts. Soon collectors began to demand them alive, causing the current Council to come to a difficult decision:

    The Eternians could remain hidden no longer. Instead, they would have to rejoin the world.