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Forums » Plotting Campaigns & Off-Topic » Ivalice Helpful Links

Feel free to share any helpful links related to the setting of Ivalice, this can include articles, videos, art, whatever you’d like to share with fellow members that could help them get to know the setting and tales of Ivalice.
And for people who would like to play the games themselves, they're all available on digital download for various consoles! (Barring Tactics A2 and Revenant Wings, which are only available on physical DS copies. Both are sequels to Tactics Advanced and FFXII respectively, so they're not very important.)

Playstation 4 Playstation Vita/PSP Wii U
The Final Fantasy XII Bestiary, is a helpful tool for composing battle posts because the monsters are listed with detailed descriptions and general territories of Ivalice. Keep in mind where you’re character is located, or where they’re heading and what monsters they might encounter along the way.

I can’t recommend the Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy XII Original Soundtracks enough. They’re available for purchase on itunes and amazon, and they really help set the mood for any fantasy roleplay but especially in the land of Ivalice.
The soundtrack to the original Final Fantasy Tactics was my first musical cd that I purchased! I still have it and there are some incredible scores within it. The shift in tone is very noticeable in the second CD, which is where the later half of the game's music is. All of the demonic-like boss battles occur here and their themes are quite unnerving.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I just stumbled upon this treasure trove of Final Fantasy XII graphics, gifs etc. Also, I want to encourage everyone to invite any friends they think might be interested to this group. This is going to be an amazing place for RP, thank you everyone for being patient. Lastly I also, updated the Character Creation page with some tips about writing combat scenes.

Moderators: Dris (played by LunaVox)