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Forums » Plotting Campaigns & Off-Topic » Final Fantasy Tactics Pen and Paper

Hello! Thank you so much for making this a group. I am a fan of most Final Fantasy games. A long time ago, I had found a pen and paper game that the writer(s) took that emulated the game perfectly. However, this game included an incredible amount of math and formulas.

I believe, within this group, I will attempt to story write and play within the math. If others are interested in playing a game while writing, you are welcome to join me. However, it isn't necessary in scene writing! I will play regardless if you wish to participate in pen and paper or not. Happy writing, everyone!
I'm going to guess you either mean Final Fantasy D20, or Ivalice Alliance Tabletop.

I would be fine with using either (or another dice systems, as I know a few simplified ones) as an optional thing for the forums.
I am actually referencing the miniatures game here! Though those may be more easily picked up, I am after the challenge. If I can grasp this game, I may be able to take it to the other places I visit and offer it as yet another game to play on forums.
But now that I have examined the pdf closely, I have come to the conclusion that it isn't a finished work. Which may be for the best, as the equations are far too much for new dicerollers. Final Fantasy D20 looks to be very familiar to me and has the starting class that I envision for Olivia. Overall, it looks to be more appetizing.
I believe a character would do well with all stats starting at 10, with 15 points to put into them. As a starting point, level 1 would do. 2 traits is normal. Average gold for the character's class for gear. Maximum of 18 after racial bonuses to stats at character creation.

All of the classes and such can be found here in neat, PDF format.

For more traits, those can be found here: Traits

For reference, a simple character sheet can look like this:

Olivia the Pomp
Dark Knight (Fell Knight)/ Level 1
[Each even number is a +1 bonus]
Strength 16--+3
Dexterity 10--+0
Constitution 14--+2
Intelligence 10--+0
Wisdom 10--+0
Charisma 17--+3 (15+2 from being Hume)

AC: 15 (10 normal +5 armor)
HP: 12, MP: 4 (2 from feat, 1 from bonus, 1 normal).
Saves: +4 Fortitude, +0 Reflex, +2 Will
Resists: Holy Element/1
Feats: Power Attack (-1 to attack, +2 to damage. +3 to damage if two-handing), Extra MP (+2 to MP, +1 MP each level after).

Weapons: Lucern Hammer +4 to hit, (1d12+3) damage. Reach, Brace.
Knight Sword +4 to hit, (1d10+3) damage.
Armor: Scalemail, Heavy Steel Shield (+2 to AC when worn)
Other Gear: Peasant's Outfit, Signal Whistle, Shovel, Bedroll, an empty Sack, 20 gil for food and rent.

Traits: Veteran Chocobo Rider (+2 to Ride chocobos), Gallant Impostor (+1 Knowledge Nobility/Religion and +2 Disguise/Bluff when impersonating a Knight)
Skills: Ride +4 (+1 rank +0 dex + 3 trained), Bluff +7 (+1 rank +3 Charisma + 3 trained), Disguise +7 (+1 rank +3 Charisma + 3 trained)
Specials: Sense Good, Smite Good 1/day, Harm Touch 4/day, Limit Breaks.

The Pathfinder system that this is based over is a system I'm very familiar with. It may not be the same for you, my dear readers, but I am always happy to assist others. I will have a post made come tomorrow, as I must retire tonight.
I may be biased, since I use Pathfinder on the regular, but I seem to like D20 the most so far.

Also it should be mentioned that to anyone who wants to learn the system but can't get or afford the books can use the PFSRD as a free reference. (And also text me or anyone else with access to the books, if there's something the site is lacking).

While I'm not so sure about using dice rolls 100% of the time, since I want this place to be primarily play-by-post... I wouldn't be against doing something like, a dungeon event, or DnD nights (though I've never properly GMed before *sweats*)
I have GM'd before. I do so for my Pokemon adventures. But I believe the dice rolling aspect of the D20 should be an option, rather than mandatory. It would be very easy to make it into a separate section where those that wish to roll dice can do so.

Moderators: Dris (played by LunaVox)