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Forums » The Bunker Board » Fort Cheyenne's Barrack Postings


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Fort Cheyenne Basics

Claiming Faction: The Neutralists
Location: Central when considering the Hole as the NW and Swan Hallow at the SE, still a few days travel to the Cape heading NE.
Location Advantages:Walled off in three directions, open desert in the fourth; 'landmark' on most traveling sales routes
Location Disadvantages: Relatively secluded and open to surprise attacks from little explored forest and mountain land
Local Protective Unit: Fort Cheyenne Militia
Unit Head:
Leading Resources: Dry goods and hybrid plants, breads and meals
Heaviest Resource Deficits: Clothing/cloth materials, medicines
Faction Markers:
☢ Upcoming Events:

There are currently no events up and coming.

☢ Faction Alerts:

There are currently no known threats or notices.

☢ Faction Bounties:

There are currently no offered bounties.

Moderators: Zemorah (played anonymously) Marrianne (played anonymously) Godaivah (played anonymously) Jebidiah (played anonymously) Letitia (played by Keke) Lennon (played by Keke)