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Worlds & Metalore

  • About the Chaotic Trinity

    My universe counts about as many planets as our own, though as of now, there exist three distinct 'headworlds' that most of my stories center around: Therion, Wild Tales and V3N4tor. There is a lot of traffic in-between the worlds that is the most prominent in my special Crossover storyline, but aside from that, most stories can be categorized by genre and the associated headworld. Here's some additional info about each headworld:
  • Therion

    Eyremos is a medium-sized planet within the Kronos system, and the fourth planet from its central star, Kronos Major. Although few know and care about its existence, those that have heard of Eyremos know that its a planet of great diversity. On one side of the planet, the supercontinent of Novaea, controlled by the Novaean People's Republic, is a nation of hard-working but otherwise average humanoids, whereas on the other, Konis and the surrounded uncharted lands are a hive of chaos and violence. Nature is bold and unforgiving on this planet, and the genius of its local humans have more than once caused their downfall. Most notably, Therion were bred on this planet, making Eyremos a planet of mystery and legend as much as a place of savagery.

    In Eyremos' orbit, there hovers a lush but unsuspecting farming moon named Paylon, whose lush soil has been the treasured birthright of a Novaean colony society for hundreds of years. They were forced to share their land with the Kiandros, however, and the recent power vacuum that came with the downfall of these conquesting Sapients has caused its fair share of political tension.

    WORLD ROLE IN RP: To the rest of the universe (your worlds included), Eyremos is mostly a place with a lot of dangerous creatures and large quantities of valuable materials, which is the only reason why Eyremos is even on the galactic map at all, and why the Novaean People's Republic is even able to properly exist and remain in control in the first place.
  • V3N4TOR
  • Wild Tales
  • Misc. Worlds

    Aside from the Big Three and their respective worlds and themes, there is plenty more to discover in my universe.