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Forums » OOC » Introductions

And so Loren did observe upon thy OOC forums, and found theim vacant. And so Loren wrote thusly:

So yeah, folks. A few (read "most") of us already know each other decently well, but let's get the introductions crackin'! (Also for the benefit of future non-RPN members and all that.)

I'm Loren. I like long walks on the beach, reading, writing, and TV Tropes. That's it, basically. Oh, and roleplaying. Shocking, in'nit?

Also, welcome y'all that came from a certain other site.

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Introduce myself?

To you nerds?

lolol good joke
I'm not a nerd
I'm a dork
Or a geek
We nerds don't know the difference.
Hi everyone

My name is Virtu, but some of you know me as Killi.

I'm an alcoholi-a recovering fantasy addict.

Today I learned Patrick Rothfuss' Kingkiller chronicles are going to be adapted into three forms of visual media.

I think the joy will trigger a downward spiral.

Btdubs I like tigers a lot.
Virtu wrote:
Today I learned Patrick Rothfuss' Kingkiller chronicles are going to be adapted into three forms of visual media.


I mean.
That's pretty neat.
The neatest!
I eat food, drink water, procrastinate through dying a lot in dark souls. I also like long beaches on walk, and chew 5gum on a regular basis. I would also throw my klondike bar away to spend a day with my spider waifu.
Dark Souls
Dark Souls is nice.
This is is deader than dead
Deader than deader than dead! :P
So are you from RPN, Jaysu- waaait a minute, I recognise you!
Welcome to RPR.
the grew used dark magic on me
I had no chioiice

Moderators: simj22 Virtu