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Yym0107.png I do'd a little diddle of Indomitable/Augustus versus his Daimoni wereform. :D
That is terrifying. I absolutely love the way you do colors. What's your program of choice? Mine is SAI!
It's definitely not a refined piece, heh, but thank you! I also use SAI for... everything. Sketches, lines, paints, all of it. :D

omgomgomg i think it sidebarred edit: i lied again

Another WIP for a character I made today! She is a wiiiiiiiiitch! And a gote. Her name is Dyanna.

Also Desi his cracked skin still gives me the heebyjeebies. And Pali I still have no clue where you get the 'I can't draw backgrounds' thing ;)


Added lighting to the face and ears, going to do hair and horns next! After that it is onto the final details like the little torches hanging from her horns (causing the light the way it is!)


Lighting on the hair and pulled the horns into another dimension more or less. Still have to add lighting to the horns and then the details!


Still some work left to do but about 90% done here!
She's got so many horns... O___O I like her though!

As for BG's I'm comparing my stuff to like the big artists so...Ya know...My own worst critic. :P
Touche XD Always our own worst critics. I did try something different this time though! I usually draw the lines on paper and then on the comp, this time I started with paper and I am not sort of 'painting' each piece on. Not exactly painting, but not lining everything out either.

But I think you're awesome at backgrounds!

here have some Pali-Anya bwahahahaha


Also as you already know DAT ANA FACE talent for days
Oh I love it!! It's fantastic! AHH!! <3 <3 <3
Bumping this with a near finished producted... criticism welcome! I am trying to improve and I know this still needs some work, but it is 3am and I am done for the night. XD

I love your lighting. I also love the fact that she has little lanterns on her horns. XD

One thing that stands out for me is that her eyes aren't shaded. So it looks like her eyes are glowing. Don't know if that's intentional! ^^
this. is. phenomenal. you guys are amazing. <3

thought's i'd do a quick wip of atuanya. (*inspired*)


beware the smoldering eyes.
Is it weird that I look at Atu and I'm like, MY LITTLE BABY, ALL GROWN UP AND RAWKIN THE HAWK. It is. don't lie.

Idec, I love it. xD


Thranduil anyone? SORRY I'M NOT SORRY.

This is for Turloch, he's basically deer Lee Pace in his sexy elf attire, ok. God I love that man. Also this is a wip for his port.
@ Atuanya pic and Turloch

They turned water into fiioonneeeeeeeeee

ALSO JEN! I love the lighting as welllll!
Oh wow!! Yay! I love it all!!
"Good Morning Songbird." :)

Alliah you should keep drawing! :D I LIKE IT! Dat Atua

And oh man I saw Thradnuil in him immediately! SO GOOD That port is going to look amazing.

Look at that Atheria! Her arms are so shiny and bird-like it is craycray.
Birds, dude, I'm boggled. How do you do it?


holy poop sauce that looks amazing! Is it pixeles or is that just the up size? (It looks pixeled like a oss)
Dat Atheria <3

Moderators: Calliste Ahmose (played by FishyFi) Mikhael Solberg (played by minizeries)