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I haven't done anime for a while, I don't know what my style would be classified, but I definitely take schooling from more realistic styles because I like the depth, I guess.

But yeah, over the years I've discovered there's a very limited flat or muzzled fan group. I used to give a crap, genuinely tried to get into the hyper realistic, or even cartoon muzzles, but I just couldn't. My style is by default flat face. I respect those who do muzzles, but it's not really my thing.

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To me, in my mind, the furres in Furcadia look more like humans with animal attributes. Canines would have longer/sharper noses, bulls would have wider noses, but they don't have muzzles. I tend to not find that very aesthetically pleasing (EDIT:when I draw muzzles), but that's just me in my own idea of the fantasy we play in.

(EDIT: MY reasoning is:) Animals evolved into furres much like how some people believe humans evolved from apes. While we may still have some attributes that are common to our (supposed) ancestors, we don't look anything like apes walking on two legs. All art is beautiful though, and each artist has their own style and each player has their own ideas and opinions on how furres look! keep up the beautiful artwork!

Just some sketches I did at work today. ^^


Did a little comic today, thought ya'll might find it humorous! Rex and Eugene in the foreground thar.

farinnostache.png Farin with a beard, soon to be Farin without one! I mostly pupt this here because LOOK I can draw dude faces now!

Unf dat beard.

Also, I don't know if she's done yet: Linia Butt

I love his facial hair Pali xD

And Sam's, too!
XD that is actually a Farin face! Here have some Rex rexington.png
T__T I hope you're talking about the comic. 'cause otherwise I think Linia has more reasons to be self conscious. #heynalifeisthuglife

Lookit that widdle Rexy face. Who's my widdle Rexy face? Yes you are. Yesssssss you are. <3
HAHA YES. I meant how it changed in each panel <3 It was cute.

'Cause I was looking at the Linia picture going y'know...It does look an awful lot like facial hair... >.>

I am so sorry for the spam. Have a Niu
She's exactly how I pictured her!!!
Posting from my phone! If you cant see it Ill repost when I get home! Pen sketch of Sam



Just...Gonna spam here...

Pali from a scenario awhile ago:


Sushi Penance for Katja:


and a speed paint of Auguste

This is totally unrelated to furc art, but I am just so excittteeee.

Working on rough for main characters within my comic, this is number one. Outfits subject to change, particularly the right, haven't quite nailed down the level of Native American/Tribal, to post apocalyptic I want yet.

Also, collapsed because butt? There's a little butt/backscape for illustration of tattoos. Nothing obscene, just naked muscular lady body.

ANYWAYS, this is Shree, Shree is not her real name, but it's the alias she goes by. Shree is the Thunderer of her tribe. She's not very likable as a protagonist in the beginning.

Is that a throat tattoo? That is so cool!!!

I love the way you draw ears!

Posting up a sketch for Lin's new outfit. >.<

Since I've been working like crazy at the haunted house festival in my town (Screamfest in Calgary) I was not online for the fire event! Thusly I composed a little picture of what each of my characters were doin' at the time. <3 Enjoy!

Aww, that's such a good idea to draw your alts during the big event! xD I figured I'd toss a few pictures of one of my alts here :B

Aurore Strange, post-fire! Her tunic's gotten significantly smaller.


Avani has always been a challenge for me! So! I took some time today and yesterday to really get down her look. The 2nd one's uh...long in the neck.. XD


It's not exactly art. Have a watch. <3

Into the Darkness

Moderators: Calliste Ahmose (played by FishyFi) Mikhael Solberg (played by minizeries)