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To Our Players,

Thanks to all of your support and dedication, Greystone Tavern is approaching it's 1 year anniversary! We couldn't have made it this far without all of you.

The community in Greystone is outstanding, and as always we appreciate all the input you give us. The last year has been amazing, and we're looking forward to the next!

Because we value our player's thoughts and ideas, we'd like to take a moment to ask what YOU'D like to see in the future of Greystone. We're open to any and all ideas regarding the In Character storyline such as the revolution and other potential major plots that could take place in Greystone, as well as suggestions for small-scale plot ideas.

So let's hear it! What would you like to see happen in Greystone. Who is for a rebellion? Who is against it? What are your reasons? What other ideas do you have for the future? (A plague? A forest fire? The King taxing the nation to the point of no return?) The possibilities are endless, and we want to hear anything you can think of.

Last August we held a community-wide meeting, and below are some of the ideas delivered as well as how we managed them in Greystone.

Ideas for general short-term plots included:
Holidays (Halloween, Christmas, et cetera) -- Put into effect.
Bards, travelling acrobats
Mysteries (criminals) -- Even more to come.
An execution (met with great enthusiasm) -- There have been some almost executions.
Merchant fair/farmer's market
Harvest fest -- Included into Holidays

The idea behind short-term events is to give those who decline to involve their characters substantially in the rebellion plot something engaging to involve themselves in.

General ideas offered:
Non-RPR forum (unfortunately, we have to decline)
"Make the blockade epic" -- Blockade is Finished!
New/custom avatars
Town growth and development, relevant police presence -- Greystone is growing with demand, stick around to see just how far it will go. Police presence has increased.
Rumours thread on forums -- Completed! Rumor thread is available.
NPC healer in the infirmary for when no PCs are available. -- Completed!

Suggestions that have not yet been implemented still have the capability to be woven into future storylines, so anything you come up with is still valued!

Once again, thank you all for helping Greystone thrive and creating such a fantastic sense of community. You inspire us to reach higher for ourselves and our outstanding members.

Greystone Administration
For the past few months I have happily involved myself in this dream. I enjoy all the little secrets that are available to discover and the major plot is easily to simply walk into when you're ready.

I do not see anything to improve to be honest. The staff are friends, open to ideas, talkative. There's little left hanging.

What I love about the dream is how easy it is to create a plot, short or long-term and how supportive the staff is in hashing out the details.

So, for those with ideas ('cause I've exhausted all of mine for now), speak up. It's worth it.
Well you know me well enough to know I love this place. I am able to make my own plot here and not follow some rigid structure with a predeclared ending. Everything is really free form and flowing here and I like it, it works well.

That being said I know some find the Rex Plot that's been created kind of hard to just get into but that's not the only plot here so I'd like to take a moment to welcome anyone who wants to be included in the Rex Rampage to join at will, but to not feel left out of plot 100% because this is just the plot that crops up around my character and not the only happening in the dream. <3

I would like to see even more holidays for sure! We have King's Day coming up of course but I was more thinking the Prime Holidays like Jujinka's Spring Festival thing (passed), Rameen, etc outside of the main stuff like Xmas, Halloween, etc.
I've heard many things suggested for King's Day too, such as a tourney or a play and kiwi/cock fights. Also Holiday decorations in dream!

Maybe even a local constabulary for those that don't want to play a soldier? That would be a neat rivalry.

Maybe weather implemented abit more? As in linking a RL area that would have the same climate as GT and we can check that if we want to know what the weather will be like that day, and then the DSed weather system could follow that? Or just make our own forecast. Mostly things like crazy wing or stupid humidity that can't be DSed easily.

A list of laws and how they are handled class wise for each thing such as theft, arson, murder etc. Most of it is common knowledge stuff for some but not others.
NPCs to sit in chairs and things to make things seems abit more busy in the tavern and not so lonely? Maybe even NPCs that will teach you to do things like fish? This one is alittle more out there XD

If I think of more things I'll add some stuff, just throwin' things out there. :D

Edit: Also Lynn WTF KKK? If that's what everyone and myself think it is I hardly think it is appropriate or very tasteful. XP
Homahgod yes to NPC's standing around, yea to weather, and yay to constabulary!!!
I'm with JENA on the holiday decorations front and would volunteer my artistic abilities to help patch some of them in with enough warning ahead of time!
I am calm, but it is still hardly appropriate. x) A group of extremist would be fun and in a way the Loyalists would fit that bit considering the Herbivore Hate. Much easier to RP that portion of it in a character in a way.

Some context might have helped rather than literally just leaving it at that. :P It's just wise to stick with something inoffensive and tasteful, even if I get where you're coming from others might not! <3

Edit: I thought of something else aswell! An area on the forums for people to post character sheets. That way those of us with alting addictions don't have to use a slot in our RPR if it is just going to be some quick height, weight, etc stuff?
I think the dream's finally getting enough actual herbivores around for an extremist group to actually exist, but it seems like before, it just wouldn't work out, since like, yanno, the dream has largely been dominated by cats.
Cat people are love, cat people are life.
On the matter of local laws, we do have a write-up on that subject that's been languishing on my desktop for a while. We'll finish it up and get it posted soon. Honest.

As for NPCs in the tavern, I've been thinking about proposing something quite similar. It wouldn't be difficult to implement, so we should definitely look into it. :)

As for jokes, the lack of context is an important point. That was extremely inappropriate.
I think we could do a character sheet board. I almost wrote Shiite. GO ME.
You all know what I want. Open rebellion, baby!

But that is currently difficult to achieve :P

Lynn: If people react to one of your jokes in a negative fashion then the appropriate response is to apologize, not to tell people to calm down. I've been on the other side of this argument, that humour is humour and people should grow up, but I now consider that point of view to be wrong. Humour is appropriate when it is appropriate, and that criteria is entirely situational. Sometimes, things are said by accident that are not appropriate for the circumstances. This is one of those times.
First of all, these ideas are the bees knees. I'm so happy we can come together and hash out ideas, and the feedback here is just incredible. Thank you all for your suggestions and keep them coming!

I do want to take a moment and address the fact that the admins and I do not condone the use of inappropriate comments or behavior. With that being said, the issue will be addressed outside of this topic so that we can continue to use this post how it was intended, for brainstorming and ideas.

Once again, thank you all for your participation, I can't express how deeply grateful I am for everyone's input and I hope we can continue to put forth ideas (because the ones so far have been amazing and inspire us greatly) and I am eager to hear what other people have to say regarding the plot and what they'd like to see happening in the dream. Like I had said before, any and all suggestions are appreciated!


EDIT: Apologies for poor choice of wording on my part.
Character Sheet Forum - Completed!
I apologize for my poor joke, I should have put that more eloquently. Given it context and explained it rather than leaving it at that.
SO I removed those posts.

What I was trying to suggest was given the dream has an herbivore population it'd be interesting to see a group of extremists acting out. Especially given the notices that have been drawing attention about staying strong and united.
I know a few establishments are owned by herbivore characters and that leaves them open to vandalism, robbery, etc from the carnivore population that 'cant find work' or feels that that position is above an herbivore.
As well as causing a strain on the Knights for "doing a poor job" at squashing signs of rebellion and feeling they could do a better job.

I don't know if that explanation makes sense, but that is what I was getting it.
It brings dream wide and personal plots for the characters to the table.
I also wanted to suggest upload spots, perhaps? I know with limited space houses would be far too reaching of an idea, but maybe some upload spots and we can just build our own personal houses for whenever we need the use?
Just wanted to give this forum a bump! :D The dream has gotten much bigger and while some people don't have RPRs, most do now. Suggestions are always awesome and I really want to take a moment to thank the staff here for being great enough to ask for it where other dreams were happy just doing things how the admins pleased and nothing more. THANK YOU!

Been trying to brainstorm for the past fews days, might update this post here in the near future with other ideas! :D

I know I mentioned weather before but perhaps turning it into a bigger plot even? A forest fire, flooding, windstorm, etc. Just some background noise for RP pretty much, a backdrop for scenes? Kind of a pain to patch and DS but might be worth it. :D
I'd love to see some weather and natural disasters. Flooding, Flash flooding even would be plausible, forest fire would make Rex happy I'm sure. Linia would cry.

For winter snow storm would be epic.

With the desert so close it may even be possible to have a sand storm no?

Hmm. I still don't have any other ideas. :3

Moderators: Calliste Ahmose (played by FishyFi) Mikhael Solberg (played by minizeries)