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Forums » Storylines & Plots » RESCHEDULED TBA: Dream Plot Oracle Session

Hello everyone,
AT SOME POINT TO BE DETERMINED we will be getting together with as many people as possible to run a dice session that will decide the future of the dream. These will be BIG PLOT POINTS, such as the rebellion, whether or not power is about to change hands, what will happen to the dream and the inhabitants.

How does oracle work? It's a dice based system that allows us to decide the odds of something occurring. I will explain in more details at the session tonight, but basically here is how it works:

You ask a yes or no question.
Everyone negotiates reasons for yes, reasons for no.
Odds are decided.
Dice are rolled.

This sessions is open to ALL players! Whether you've been here for a month or a day, come and help us decide the future of Greystone! I will be your GM, but most (hopefully all) of the staff will also be present. Apologies for the short notice, and the awkward time, but Alliah our lovely Rah is in a different timezone, and we really want her to be able to make it!

We are accepting YOUR INPUT!

Have questions you want answered? Reply to this topic and we'll fit them in.

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This is a spin of ideas I had. Nothing has to be answered but I wrote out all I could think of that ?might? be important.

Why would the town expand or shrink?

What would make the town interesting if tension dies. (ie. if the rebels win, if major players die such as Rexington) How do we continue to keep interest in the dream?

What are the threats to the town?

What is the towns main commerce?

How will the blockade further effect the town?

With mages now prominent in the town, what affect would it have on the townsfolk? Would they be fearful? Resentful? Happy?

What is the local population? How many? How does this affect the area? How would it affect the plot?

How do we keep those who haven't picked a side, engaged in the events? What would interest them?

If a fight/war were to break out can we keep the tension going for IRL years? What would happen to the town? When it's over again, how do we keep interest?

Just some brain storming. <3
We are rescheduling this to give everyone more notice.


If you want your availability considered, please post here.

Moderators: Calliste Ahmose (played by FishyFi) Mikhael Solberg (played by minizeries)