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Forums » Storylines & Plots » Weather Roulette

Much like the real world Greystone does its best to imitate the hilarity or disaster of natural weather! So, for your rp convenience we your friendly moderators present (tat a tad Ahhh), weather roulette! Please hold your applause folks.

Season by season, all year we will be doing week by week rolls on the forums for the weather.
2D10, is the standard for dice roll.

We will update the dream as needed for the weather!

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1-5: Oh, look at that it is snowing, still. No real changed in the weather today. Enjoy the powder soft snow.

6-9: There is a slight rise in temperature! Enough that it rained before the temperature plummets once again. Oh, things are freezing hard. Or, are frozen. Did you want to build a snowman? Too bad. Snowmen and snowballs are now far too hard to be fun anymore.

10-16: Heavy snow mixed with rain, take shelter where you can and stay warm.

17 & UP: A heavy sheet of snow slides off the large hill adjacent to the northern route, blocking the road.

There is a slight rise in temperature! Enough that it rained before the temperature plummets once again. Oh, things are freezing hard. Or, are frozen. Did you want to build a snowman? Too bad. Snowmen and snowballs are now far too hard to be fun anymore.

rolled 2d10 and got 8
Week one of Rolls

rolled 2d10 and got 6
weather roll

There seems to have been no fresh snowfall, light or heavy, for several days now - though the skies remain a mixture of blue sky on occasion with mostly clouds that threaten to bring bad weather but never seem to deliver it at the moment. Though the snows appear to have stopped for now the cold remains enough to maintain the snow that's already upon the ground and ice upon the river.
The snow has finally melted and given way to a slightly early spring. The days are beginning to warm now with sunshine being more frequent although both day (and especially night) still have a significant chill to them, likely a side effect of the long harsh winter.

Moderators: Calliste Ahmose (played by FishyFi) Mikhael Solberg (played by minizeries)