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So we're all (presumably!) real people and what have you behind the pixels. And some of us know next to nothing about most others. So feel free to hijak this thread to share something random about yourself.

As for me? This is just my excuse to get around to sharing this (although some of you already know):

(Pictured at 18 weeks 4 days, I like this one cause you can see facial detail)

(20 weeks 1 day, looking like we're getting a thumbs up)

And also a pre-warning as to why I will likely vanish suddenly during mid-May. But also why I'll be online at weird/later hours (for me, anyway) come April once I go on maternity!

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Ahhh that is awesome! My daughter was born in early May! Congrats Calliste!
Mwaaah. CALLISTE!! That's amazinggg! Congratsss!!!!
Awww, congrats Calliiiiste!!
Also to share things about myself Real Life...

I am a professional Makeup Artist but am also an accomplished Artist as well! <---- that's my makeup Portfolio and yes, the title page is me. ^^

Ahhhm lemme see what else. OH!

I'm Canadian! I'm from a city called Calgary! I did however, live in Japan for 5 years!
Pali are you going to IMATS this year?!?!?!?!
I already entered in IMATS a few years ago and won 2nd place in Vancouver! ^^ I can't afford to go to the LA one... though someday. (determined pose) SOMEDAY.

As for reeeeal life. Well, I can be helpful if you have AT&T as your cell provider!

I also like cats, they're pretty neat.

And movies are totally the best.

Let's see, real life...
I'm an Englishman born near the Robin Hood tales, lived all around England, in Spain, and now in America.

I'm trained as a CPT-MA.

I juggle, Diabolo, Poi etc.

I love big dogs and I've a fondness for cats, but I'm a dog man.

And Jenamore's right: Movies are totally the best.

And I love to cook!
I saw that! I'm so bummed I didn't get to go this year but my friend went and picked me up some of the new sugarpill pigments they released. Small victories!
Bit of a late THANKS GUYS~

Another random fact for me is that I cosplay, so this poor child of mine will most certainly end up as an added extra to suit whatever costume I decide to wear to an event.

Moderators: Calliste Ahmose (played by FishyFi) Mikhael Solberg (played by minizeries)