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Have you been doing your best?

Posted by Sanne July 12th 2019, 2:53pm
No matter whether you've succeeded in your recent goals or not, I'm so very proud of you for trying! Doing your best means that you do what is within your means without causing yourself mental or physical harm, even if it means the desired outcome isn't reached or delayed. If you've been doing your best but feel you're getting 'punished' by life anyway, or like it's never good enough, try taking a step back and re-evaluate the situation.

Have you been practicing active self-care techniques, such as taking breaks and petting your pets?
Have you been participating in hobbies that you enjoy?
Have you been eating regularly?
Have you been hydrating?
Have you been showering in the recent couple of days?
Have you been wearing anything that makes you feel really good about yourself?

Try to ensure you do at least one or more of these things so that your best also includes being kind to yourself. :) Remember, "doing your best" does not mean working yourself to the point of a mental (or physical) breakdown!


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