Name: Elizabeth Ruthford
soul name: Uriel
Nicknames: Beth,
Aliases;Beth miller, Joan.
Age: while appearing herself to be a young adult of 18. She is actually about 600 years old.
Gender: Female
soul type: Angel
state: awakened
Having maintained the appearance she had when awakening at 18. She has slightly sharp yet elegant features and a fair complexion. Along with this, she has wide expressive blue eyes that always seem to carry a sense of curiosity and intrigue.
Her hair is a curios golden blond that has been uncut for some time as it now reaches her lower back and falls gracefully in front of her shoulders stretching down to her waist.
She's not tall by any means standing at 5,8 and often puts little thought into her appearance as a result of her constant traveling and searching for others like her. Though always carrying a hairbrush with her because of her unnaturally long hair.
Usually she can be seen wearing a standard white tank top with various stains on it. Over which she wears a faded green jacket that must be quite a few years old. Along side this she wears loose fitting light wash bell bottom blue jeans with a few rips and tears near the knees. Lastly she can always be seen with the same worn out pair of brown sandals she seems to wear everyday.
Uriel often separates herself from society as she is never in one place for too long. She's not too social but will enjoy a small conversation here and there. She's often quick to trust and always a relatively open book about everything but her age and immortal soul.
She's knowledgeable in the aspect that because of her age she knows quite a bit about history. In some places and times she was even a noted historian. She prefers the lonely life of a traveler over anything and had rarely encountered a being she ever considered a relationship with.
She generally quiet and pleasant to talk to when met with. Sometimes though she'll go off into tangents which will leave the other person in the conversation quite confused.
Soul power
Enflamed passions
Uriel was always a Patron for the arts and finer things in life
This ability allows her to reach within the hearts of others and encourage feelings of aspiration, inspiration, love, and passion. It pushes their mind and heart to work in tandem to achieve a goal or dream (though taking on the action is there choice alone.) . At 5 meters she is able to use this ability on two people (and one person at 10).
However if the person presently has no goals or aspirations, or had already reached those goals. The ability is ineffective as it serves no purpose.
Personal power
Optical projection.
This power is a very passive one in that it's not meant to inflict any harm. This power allows her to project her consciousness and site to any given area across the globe and view the events currently taking place there. However, this power is only accessible provided she has previously seen the area in person herself.
Positively Aspected Aura
Uriel's aura is a brightly coloured golden yellow light taking the form of a roman gladius engulfed in yellow flame. With it being that the gladius is a short blade it can only attack enemies within a 1 meter radius and thus requires Uriel to move quickly and have precise timing as to avoid enemy fire.
The positive aspect of her aura allows her gladius to inflict heavy damage on her immortal opponents however and causes quite a bit of pain if she manages to get a strike in.
Uriel was born in the year 1400 to an aristocratic family in northern Germany under the name Elizabeth Ruthford thanks to her English mother.
At a young age she was shown to have a nearly eidetic memory and thus was one of the few girls of her time period to receive a form of higher education.
Around the time she was thirteen she began to have a deep appreciation for the arts and began to paint mosaics for her local church of God and his angels. She always felt an odd connection to the supposedly divine beings known as angels though she couldn't quite bring herself to hate or fear the demons as others had.
It would later be her who encouraged Martin Luther to nail his complaints about the church to their door after she began to travel. At the age of 17 she began to notice an odd pattern. Wherever she went she would somehow inspire someone to do something or other wether it be work, or imperialistic values.
Soon she began to delve into research on why this phenomenon might occur in her presence. Which for the time was rather progressive as most girls weren't as well read or learned as she. However most of what she learned often had to be translated from Latin into German, also often times from German to English.
After a year of research and translation(as well as a very boring failed arranged marriage) she would finally awaken to her immortal state. Sadly this came with the knowledge that she would never quite belong anywhere. So she took what she could and left only to be assumed dead later.
For many centuries she would remain a shadow, there one moment and gone the next. She never wished to participate in the futility of war or the growth of empires that would only fall a few hundred years later.
Rather, she preoccupied herself with her research and discoveries. Sometimes she'd meet a few others like herself along the way as she traveled, most seemed aware of what they were, others she did her best to assist in figuring out. This often led to mixed results though.
Currently, she is spending time traveling the rather large United States. With its mixture of cultures and odd ways of living that spike her curiosity to a never ending degree.
soul name: Uriel
Nicknames: Beth,
Aliases;Beth miller, Joan.
Age: while appearing herself to be a young adult of 18. She is actually about 600 years old.
Gender: Female
soul type: Angel
state: awakened
Having maintained the appearance she had when awakening at 18. She has slightly sharp yet elegant features and a fair complexion. Along with this, she has wide expressive blue eyes that always seem to carry a sense of curiosity and intrigue.
Her hair is a curios golden blond that has been uncut for some time as it now reaches her lower back and falls gracefully in front of her shoulders stretching down to her waist.
She's not tall by any means standing at 5,8 and often puts little thought into her appearance as a result of her constant traveling and searching for others like her. Though always carrying a hairbrush with her because of her unnaturally long hair.
Usually she can be seen wearing a standard white tank top with various stains on it. Over which she wears a faded green jacket that must be quite a few years old. Along side this she wears loose fitting light wash bell bottom blue jeans with a few rips and tears near the knees. Lastly she can always be seen with the same worn out pair of brown sandals she seems to wear everyday.
Uriel often separates herself from society as she is never in one place for too long. She's not too social but will enjoy a small conversation here and there. She's often quick to trust and always a relatively open book about everything but her age and immortal soul.
She's knowledgeable in the aspect that because of her age she knows quite a bit about history. In some places and times she was even a noted historian. She prefers the lonely life of a traveler over anything and had rarely encountered a being she ever considered a relationship with.
She generally quiet and pleasant to talk to when met with. Sometimes though she'll go off into tangents which will leave the other person in the conversation quite confused.
Soul power
Enflamed passions
Uriel was always a Patron for the arts and finer things in life
This ability allows her to reach within the hearts of others and encourage feelings of aspiration, inspiration, love, and passion. It pushes their mind and heart to work in tandem to achieve a goal or dream (though taking on the action is there choice alone.) . At 5 meters she is able to use this ability on two people (and one person at 10).
However if the person presently has no goals or aspirations, or had already reached those goals. The ability is ineffective as it serves no purpose.
Personal power
Optical projection.
This power is a very passive one in that it's not meant to inflict any harm. This power allows her to project her consciousness and site to any given area across the globe and view the events currently taking place there. However, this power is only accessible provided she has previously seen the area in person herself.
Positively Aspected Aura
Uriel's aura is a brightly coloured golden yellow light taking the form of a roman gladius engulfed in yellow flame. With it being that the gladius is a short blade it can only attack enemies within a 1 meter radius and thus requires Uriel to move quickly and have precise timing as to avoid enemy fire.
The positive aspect of her aura allows her gladius to inflict heavy damage on her immortal opponents however and causes quite a bit of pain if she manages to get a strike in.
Uriel was born in the year 1400 to an aristocratic family in northern Germany under the name Elizabeth Ruthford thanks to her English mother.
At a young age she was shown to have a nearly eidetic memory and thus was one of the few girls of her time period to receive a form of higher education.
Around the time she was thirteen she began to have a deep appreciation for the arts and began to paint mosaics for her local church of God and his angels. She always felt an odd connection to the supposedly divine beings known as angels though she couldn't quite bring herself to hate or fear the demons as others had.
It would later be her who encouraged Martin Luther to nail his complaints about the church to their door after she began to travel. At the age of 17 she began to notice an odd pattern. Wherever she went she would somehow inspire someone to do something or other wether it be work, or imperialistic values.
Soon she began to delve into research on why this phenomenon might occur in her presence. Which for the time was rather progressive as most girls weren't as well read or learned as she. However most of what she learned often had to be translated from Latin into German, also often times from German to English.
After a year of research and translation(as well as a very boring failed arranged marriage) she would finally awaken to her immortal state. Sadly this came with the knowledge that she would never quite belong anywhere. So she took what she could and left only to be assumed dead later.
For many centuries she would remain a shadow, there one moment and gone the next. She never wished to participate in the futility of war or the growth of empires that would only fall a few hundred years later.
Rather, she preoccupied herself with her research and discoveries. Sometimes she'd meet a few others like herself along the way as she traveled, most seemed aware of what they were, others she did her best to assist in figuring out. This often led to mixed results though.
Currently, she is spending time traveling the rather large United States. With its mixture of cultures and odd ways of living that spike her curiosity to a never ending degree.
Looks great! I'm moving this to accepted forms.