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Forums » Character Profiles » Dyas Iudon Zhou

Full Name: Dyas Iudon Zhou
Age: 18
Gender: Nonbinary ("Em"/"Eir")
Race: Human
Occupation: Cadet
Alliance: United Alliance
Residence: Sapporo, Japan (Earth)

Height: 5'11
Weight: 163 lbs.
Handedness: Right
Complexion: Hispanic
Description: Tan, pale brown skin. Budding goattee. Medium-length, dark brown hair tied up in a bun. Hazel eyes. Left arm is cybernetic, made with black steel and is often hidden by uniform. Heavy jaw. Squared face. Ragged features, weary eyes, thin, bony body. Couple of scars on face. Small, flat chest. Almost always wearing United Alliance uniform. When not on duty, wears whatever they find (usually an old robe).

Positive Traits:
  • Loyal - Cares deeply for the well-being of others; wants to protect others
  • Responsible - Takes actions into own hands and doesn't slack
  • Honest - Speaks only the truth and cuts straight to the point
  • Independent - Fiercely independent; if told to do something, will only do so if it makes sense
  • Rational - Thinks deeply about what is rational or logical
  • Adventurous - Likes exploring different situations
  • Spontaneous - Can easily adapt to different situations
Neutral Traits:
  • Perfectionist - Constantly self-evaluates and gets annoyed at the slightest of mistakes
  • Quiet - Doesn't like talking very much
Negative Traits:
  • Overprotective - Cares deeply for the well-being of a certain few and will do much to protect them
  • Pessimistic - Tends to be a bit of downer, a result of past events
  • Stubborn - If things are found to be "stupid" or "unnecessary", will not do them; once mind is set upon something, it is unlikely that mind will be changed
  • Insensitive - Does not like to cater to feelings; tends to hurt other's feelings; terrible at interpreting emotions
  • Too Independent - Does not like to ask for help, for fear of acting helpless
  • Unemotional - Has trouble expressing feelings in words
  • Risk-taker - Takes a lot of unnecessary risks to accomplish things and find excitement
  • Uncommitted - Does not like to stay committed on something
  • Easily bored - Lack of commitment makes day-to-day tasks easily boring

  • Loves flying spaceships
  • Enjoys tinkering with mechanical parts to make different robots and tools
  • An expert at tech stuff
  • Loves to wrestle
  • Proficient in close quarter combat
  • Loves spaceracing (speed races in space)
  • Gambles during spare time
  • Casual fan of video games
  • Good at playing electric strings (some sort of hybrid between electric guitar and electric violin)
Likes: Watching spaceracing, spaceships, exploring new areas, gambling, tinkering with machines and stuff, being alone, poker
Dislikes: Being surrounded by a lot of people
Mannerisms: WIP
Goals: Main goal is to get eir family out of poverty

Sexual Orientation: Polysexual (attracted to non-binary, and more masculine genders)
Relationship Status: Single
Partner: N/A
Friends: WIP
Enemies: WIP
Family: WIP

Family: WIP
Hometown: Nakkai, Moonstone State (Tellurian Lunar)
Backstory: Following the fall of JAXXON Inc. (a company that was taken down because its authorities were found taking bribes), Dyas' parents were forced out of work. They took odd jobs here and there, moving from place to place when the job didn't pay enough. Dyas never stayed in one place too long and thus, didn't make much friends. The only close friend em made was Jayken Gold, who has remained a long-time friend and crush until dying at age 15 because of a hovercar accident. Since then, Dyas has remained reserved, fearing that being too open and affectionate can make Dyas feel hurt. Dyas' childhood was largely uneventful, aside from the death of eir friend and the constant moving of em family. Em has kept contact with eir family members but doesn't really talk to them. Joined the UA Academy Sapporo when em was 18, to help eir family out of poverty.

Moderators: KingoftheArrows PsychoStorm