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Forums » Character Profiles » Evelyn Archer

Full Name: Evelyn Amanda Archer
Alias(es): Eve, Evie, Amanda
Age: 16 (Illegally changed documents to say 18 so she can join Cadets)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Occupation: Cadet
Affiliation: United Alliance
Current Residence: Hokkaido, Japan

Body Type: Fairly tall and slender. Has decent amount of arm and leg strength, but it doesnt really show.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 142 lbs.
Eyes: Blue gray
Scars: None
Handedness: Right
Complexion: Caucasian (French and Asian heritage)
Description: Triangular face, taut lips, big round eyes, soft jaw, thin eye brows, and a smaller nose tilted up slightly. Blonde hair down to mid back.

Positive Traits: Hardworking, brave, dependable
Neutral Traits: Quiet
Negative Traits: Poor social skills, overly rule following
Hobbies/Talents: Reading, embroidery, circuitry
Likes: Justice, travel, reading books.
Dislikes: Intense exercise, conflict, sports.
Mannerisms: -

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Partner: None
Friends: None
Enemies: None

Family: Elise Archer, Tsubaki Chevalier
Hometown: Duoyishu, China
Backstory: Evelyn grew up in a broken home with just her mother and her sister, Elise. Recently, Elise fell ill with a fatal disease. Evelyn forged documents and papers saying she was eighteen so she could apply for UA Cadet Corp. and help pay for her younger sister's medical bills. Evelyn wants to become a captain of the Star Fleet, as they usually have higher pay. The risk doesn't bother her too much.

Moderators: KingoftheArrows PsychoStorm